New Zealand Colony Loss Survey
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research conducts the New Zealand Colony Loss Survey on behalf of the beekeeping industry and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).
The survey aims to:
Provide feedback so that New Zealand beekeepers can compare their own experiences with national and international information
- Provide feedback so that New Zealand beekeepers can compare their own experiences with national and international information
- Explore new insights about potential causes of losses and ways to prevent them
- Provide an evidence base with accurate facts and data to inform industry and government
- Form a framework for building a long term picture of annual or seasonal trends in colony losses
Scientific papers
- Project Varroa: Better understanding beekeeper and industry-wide challenges in managing varroa (2024) Link
- Perspectives on Wellbeing Among Commercial Beekeepers in New Zealand (2024) Link
- Are increasing honey bee colony losses attributed to Varroa destructor in New Zealand driven by miticide resistance? (2024) Link
- Valuing over-winter colony losses for New Zealand’s commercial beekeepers (2022) Link
- Honey bee colony loss rates in 37 countries using the COLOSS survey for winter 2019–2020: the combined effects of operation size, migration and queen replacement (2022) Link
- Varroa Appears to Drive Persistent Increases in New Zealand Colony Losses (2022) Link
- Winter 2016 honey bee colony losses in New Zealand (2018) Link