In this section
Manaaki Whenua commits to upholding the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi as defined by the courts and the Waitangi Tribunal,
and reaffirmed by Te Arawhiti (The Office for Crown Māori Relations) and Cabinet Office guidelines of October 2019.
These can be fairly summarised as the Treaty principles of: (1) partnership, (2) participation and (3) active protection when working
with iwi and Māori interests. Manaaki Whenua will incorporate these principles into our aspirations, strategy and our working practices
to inform and guide us in the delivery of our ambition.
E ngākau titikaha ana a Manaaki Whenua kia whakamarangahia ngā mātāpono o te Tiriti o Waitangi. Kua tautuhia ēnei mātāpono e ngā kōti me te Rōpū Whakamana i te Tiriti, ā, kua whakatūturungia e Te Arawhiti me ngā aratohu nā Te Tari o te Rūnanga o te Kāwanatanga i whakaputa i te marama o Whiringa ā Nuku 2019.
Hei whakarāpopoto, ko ēnei ngā mātāpono e whai ake nei: (1) ko te rangapūtanga, (2) ko te whai wāhitanga, (3) ko te āta manaaki inā e mahi tahi nei tātou ki ngā whaipānga a te iwi, a te Māori anō hoki. E mea ana a Manaaki Whenua kia whai wāhi mai ēnei mātāpono ki ō tātou wawata, rautaki, tukanga mahi hoki hei whakamārama, hei ārahi hoki i a tātou i te wā e whakarato nei tātou i tō tātou whāinga roa.
Establish a partnership group for the Biological Collections held by us. This will recognise the shared Crown/iwi-Māori interest in the Collections’ material and associated data. The terms of reference for this partnership group will set down how decisions about the Collections will be made jointly.
Te rangapūtanga
Ka whakatūngia he rōpū rangapūtanga mō ngā Kohinga Koiora e purihia nei e tātou. E aronui ana tēnei ki te whaipānga ngātahi a te Karauna me ngā iwi hoki ki ngā kohinga me ngā rawa o roto, tae noa ki ngā raraunga e hāngai ana ki aua rawa tonu. Ko ngā ture whakahaere mō tēnei rōpū rangapūtanga ka whakamārama me pēhea te rōpū e whiriwhiri ngātahi i ngā whakatau e pā ana ki ngā kohinga nei.
Build pathways into Manaaki Whenua for kairangahau Māori. This will address the unmet demand for kairangahau to participate
in research projects that address the aspirations of Māori. By supporting initiatives such as summer internships, scholarships and
postgraduate schools, Manaaki Whenua will help to increase the numbers of kairangahau who see research as a desirable career path.
Build pathways for kairangahau within Manaaki Whenua. This will recognise the specialised skills needed for participation of Māori in
Manaaki Whenua’s research and ensure the roles of kairangahau are rewarding and can lead to positions of senior leadership.
Enhance the understanding of Te Tiriti and Māori culture across Manaaki Whenua staff.
Te whai wāhitanga
Me para te huarahi kia hou mai ngā kairangahau Māori ki roto ki Manaaki Whenua. Arā kē noa atu te hiahia a Manaaki Whenua kia hou mai ngā kairangahau Māori ki ngā hinonga rangahau hei whakatutuki i ngā wawata Māori. Ka tautokona ngā kaupapa karahipi, tauira raumati me ngā kura mō ngā tauira kua whai pōtae. Mā konei, ko te manako ia ka tokomaha haere ngā kairangahau Māori e kite ana i te huarahi rangahau hei umanga mahi e ngākaunuitia ana e rātou, e tika ana mō rātou.
Me para hoki te huarahi mō ngā kairangahau Māori e mahi kē ana i roto i Manaaki Whenua.
E aronui ana tēnei ki ngā pūkenga motuhake e hiahiatia ana kia uru mai ai te Māori ki ngā rangahau a Manaaki Whenua. Mā kōnei ka mātua whakaritea hoki kia whaihua ngā tūranga mahi a ngā kairangahau Māori, ā, kia para hoki te huarahi mō rātou ki ngā tūranga matua me ngā tūranga kaiwhakahaere anō hoki.
Kia whakahōhonutia tō tātou māramatanga ki Te Tiriti me te ahurea Māori huri noa i Manaaki Whenua me āna kaimahi.
Active protection
Establish a partnership group, initially for one of our research areas (biodiversity, biosecurity, land or climate action). This will ensure that iwi/Māori perspectives are fully engaged during the planning of Manaaki Whenua’s research, and that the research addresses the active protection of Māori interests in that area.
Increase the proportion of SSIF-funded research projects that are co-designed with Māori and under the leadership of kairangahau Māori from within the Manaaki Taiao team. This proportion increase will be set as a KPI, and the exact level determined after a review of our SSIF projects.
Te āta manaaki
Whakatūngia he rōpū rangapūtanga, i te tuatahi, mō tētahi o ō tātou wāhanga rangahau (te rerenga rauropi, haumaru koiora, whenua, mahi huringa āhuarangi rānei). Mā konei ka mātua whakarite kia āta uru mai ko te tirohanga ā iwi, ā Māori hoki, i te wā tonu e whakamaherengia ana te rangahau a Manaaki Whenua. Mā konei ka āta manaakitia hoki ngā whaipānga Māori ki roto anō hoki i taua wāhanga tonu.
Whakanuitia te ōrau o ngā hinonga rangahau SSIF e hoahoatia ngātahitia ana e te Māori, ā, e hautūngia ana hoki e ngā kairangahau Māori nō roto i te rōpū Manaaki Taiao. Ka whakatakotohia tēnei pikinga ōrau hei KPI, ā, ko te taumata tautuhinga tonu
- pdf Our Statement of Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi pdf File, 108 KB