Webinar series
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Our monthly myrtle rust webinar series seeks to bring you the latest in myrtle rust research. You can register for upcoming myrtle rust webinars below. You can view past webinars here and on the Beyond Myrtle Rust YouTube playlist. Access even more myrtle rust information and research updates by following us on social media.
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Upcoming webinars
Alternatives to synthetic fungicides for myrtle rust control
Presenter: Rob Beresford, Plant & Food Research
Date and time: 11am, Wednesday 19 March 2025
Conventional synthetic fungicides give effective control of myrtle rust but there is concern about potential negative impacts from their use. Alternative products exist but their efficacy is untested, so the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) funded work to examine disease control and plant damage (phytotoxicity) for 16 alternative products and to compare these with synthetic fungicides. In this webinar, Rob Beresford presents the results from five field trials at Plant & Food Research, Pukekohe, on susceptible Lophomyrtus sp. The tested products were categorised as: A) High efficacy and low phytotoxicity, including six synthetic fungicides, three copper fungicides and sulphur, all registered agricultural chemicals; B) Moderate efficacy that may suppress myrtle rust under low risk conditions, including non-registered chitosan (derived from crustacean exoskeletons), rosemary oil and aniseed oil, and registered products, lime sulphur and Bacillus subtilis based biologicals (Bacstar® and Serenade® Optimum); C) Low efficacy and risk of phytotoxicity, depending on application rate, including sodium and potassium bicarbonates; D) Negligible activity and phytotoxicity risk at rates where there may be some activity, including potassium soap and potassium silicate (registered) and common salt (non-registered). Registered products may be applied under ‘off-label use’ conditions but use of non-registered would currently breach government regulations.
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3105344539119423575
- pdf Myrtle Rust Refugia - James McCarthy October 2020 pdf File, 6.3 MB
- pdf Predicting Refuges from Myrtle Rust Q&A pdf File, 196 KB