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He Whenua Kanorau, He Whenua Manawaroa: Diverse and resilient landscapes

Exploring the factors that enable and impede the establishment of resilient, diverse approaches to land use on whenua Māori

Te toto o te tangata, he kai; te oranga o te tangata, he whenua

While food provides the blood in our veins; our health is drawn from the land

Extreme weather events are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity across Aotearoa New Zealand, which could lead to major impacts to whenua Māori.

Resilient, diversified land management practices can enhance sociocultural, economic, and ecological resilience to climate change, and respond to intergenerational priorities. Whilst Te Ao Māori values align well with such an approach to land use, there are multiple challenges to enacting this in practice.

He Whenua Kanorau, He Whenua Manawaroa therefore aims to increase our understanding of these challenges, and to provide examples of how they can be navigated successfully. To this end, we are taking a place-based case study approach to exploring some of the variety that exists in individual and collective journeys towards establishing resilient, diverse approaches to land use on whenua Māori. Through examining how individuals and collectives are working to establish such land change at different scales (e.g. individual property, catchment, landscape) we are seeking to better understand the complexities, challenges, aspirations, and expected (or unexpected) benefits of implementing these changes.

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