An integrated framework for soil health
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Soils form an integral part of our social and cultural fabric and are fundamentally important to human and societal well-being. A well-being approach can provide a systematic way of navigating diverse societal values by framing these in terms of the well-being benefits people derive from soil ecosystems. This type of approach could provide a more diverse and inclusive knowledge base and perspective to better inform the development of integrative policy.
As part of the project Soil health and Resilience: oneone ora, tangata ora, we are developing a soil health framework that can be used by a wide range of end-users, from primary industry, landowners, iwi/hapū, to central, regional and local government. The framework aims to integrate soil health science with Māori knowledge and perspectives and be designed to work alongside existing soil monitoring programmes. Findings from our stakeholder engagement to date will inform the development of the integrated soil health framework.