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Pūtaiao - Manaaki Whenua science summary

Tēnā koe and welcome to Issue 18 of Pūtaiao (‘science’ in te reo Māori), our quarterly publication showcasing the work of Manaaki Whenua.
Cover: Pūtaiao 18. Bait surrender: Science to solve NZ’s wallaby problem. Plus: Biocontrol agents make a meal of exotic weeds

Cover image: A brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is caught on camera claiming first dibs on the non-toxic cereal bait meant for the dama wallabies (Notamacropus eugenii) during a monitoring project at Titoki in the Rotorua district.

Pūtaiao Issue 18. Bait surrender: Science to solve NZ’s wallaby problem.
Plus – Biocontrol agents make a meal of exotic weeds

Each issue of Pūtaiao shares the benefits and outcomes of our science in helping to ensure a sustainable, productive future for Aotearoa New Zealand (AoNZ). In this issue many of the stories focus on science to enhance our biosecurity and biodiversity – two of our areas of research impact at Manaaki Whenua.

AoNZ’s indigenous biodiversity evolved in isolation and much is globally unique. We curate national and Pacific collections of biodiversity on land (plants, invertebrates, fungi, and microorganisms), and our research helps users understand and value its richness, observe changes and risks from exotic species, and find new uses for biological materials

In this issue we share research that provides understanding of how ecosystems function, the threats they face, and how they can be restored. We contribute to national biosecurity through providing capability and confidence in assessing biological threats, and in using control tools – especially at landscape scales – for weeds, pests, predators, and diseases.

To find out more about any of the stories, contact Manaaki Whenua’s Senior Communications Advisor
Kim Triegaardt:

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