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Frustulia cassieae Lange-Bertalot & T.Beier
In this section
- Achnanthes crosbyana
- Actinella aotearoaia
- Caloneis clevei var. carteriana
- Cavernosa kapitiana
- Dimerogramma maculatum fo. mercuryensis
- Entomoneis wilkinsonia
- Eolimna krummensis
- Eunophora berggrenii
- Eunotia sudetica var. hamuranaensis
- Fallacia vittata var. rotoehuensis
- Fragilariforma cassieae
- Fragilariforma rakiuriensis
- Frankophila biggsii
- Frustulia aotearoa
- Frustulia cassieae
- Frustulia gondwana
- Frustulia maoriana
- Gyrosigma foxtonia
- Gyrosigma sterrenburgii
- Hamatusia reediana
- Navicula barberiana
- Navicula cassieana
- Navicula tairuaensis
- Pinnularia barberiana
- Pinnularia barberiana var. opouraensis
- Pinnularia chapmaniana
- Pinnularia opouraensis
- Pinnularia segariana
- Pinnularia woodiana
- Planothidium victori
- Pleurosigma amarum
- Sellaphora styxii
- Surirella rattrayi f. acuminata
- Tabularia variostriata
- Thalassiosira hasleae
Known distribution
New Zealand
According to the original authors, the species is restricted to slightly acidic, minerotrophic swamps on the south-western coast of the South Island of New Zealand, under conditions of low to medium nutrients and low productivity.
Referring to the New Zealand ecologist Vivienne Cassie.
Pending online publication of all the publisher's material, by request of the publisher.
Images published online with kind permission of Herbarium Senckenbergianum Frankfurt.
Funding from TFBIS (Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System), administered by the New Zealand Department of Conservation, is gratefully acknowledged.
Beier T, Lange-Bertalot H 2007. A synopsis of cosmopolitan, rare and new Frustulia species (Bacillariophyceae) from ombrotrophic peat bogs and minerotrophic swamps in New Zealand. Nova Hedwigia 85: 73-91.