Heteropolar filaments, with basal heterocytes, tapering to colourless hair-like cells, each in its own mucilage sheath (may be united at ...
Filaments heteropolar, with false branching at basal heterocytes (if present); no double false branching; filaments do not taper.
Heteropolar filaments, with basal heterocytes, tapering to colourless hair-like cells, false branching common, mucilage sheath always pre...
Filaments heteropolar, may be united at their bases, with basal heterocytes and akinetes.
Filaments heteropolar, united at bases, with basal heterocytes; no intercalary heterocytes except during new filament development; akinet...
Filaments isopolar, double false branching common, heterocytes intercalary (occurring throughout filament).
Filaments heteropolar, false branching with basal heterocytes, heterocytes both basal and intercalary; filaments taper towards the tips.