Amphipods generally appear compressed from the sides, but [Corophium] species appear more flattened (as if compressed from the top) than ...
[Melita awa] is an amphipod commonly found in coastal streams with some sea water intrusion. This species is strongly laterally compresse...
[Paracalliope] is probably our most widespread and common freshwater amphipod genus. These small amphipods are typically grey-green when ...
In the corophiid amphipods the 2nd (lower) antenna is notably more stout than the first (upper) antenna but this is not as noticeable in ...
[Paracrangonyx] is one of our lesser known amphipods because they are among an unknown number of amphipod species that normally live in g...
[Paraleptamphopus] is one of our most widespread and common freshwater amphipod genera. They are generally larger than [Paracalliope], an...
[Phreatogammarus] is one of several amphipod genera with species usually found in or near stream and river estuaries. The species picture...
The Talitridae is a family that includes some relatively large terrestrial and freshwater amphipod species. When live they are typically ...