The most common ceratopogonid larvae occurring in fresh waters are probably often overlooked because they are small and needle-like, with...
The Forcipomyiinae is a subfamily of the Ceratopogonidae, with larvae that look very different to other freshwater ceratopogonids. Forcip...
[Chiromonus] is one of our best known midges, with larvae commonly referred to as “blood worms” due to their vivid red colour (when live)...
[Corynoneura] is a small, easily overlooked midge, belonging to the orthoclad subfamily of the Chironomidae. Like other chironomids the g...
[Eukiefferiella] is a genus within the orthoclad subfamily of the Chironomidae. Like other chironomids the general body form is worm-like...
[Harrisius] is one of the Chironomini subfamily of the Chironomidae. Like other chironomids the general body form is worm-like, but with ...
[Lobodiamesa] is a member of the Diamesinae, a subfamily of the Chironomidae. Like other chironomids the general body form is worm-like, ...
[Maoridiamesa] is the most common member of the Diamesinae, a subfamily of the Chironomidae. Like other chironomids the general body form...
The Orthocladiinae is a large subfamily of the Chironomid midges. Like other chironomids the general body form is worm-like, but with a d...
[Paucispinigera] is one of our lesser known members of the Chironomini subfamily of chironomid midges. Like other chironomids the general...
The Podonominae is a subfamily of chironomid midges. Like other chironomids the general body form is worm-like, but with a distinct head,...
[Polypedilum] is a commonly occurring member of the Chironomini subfamily of chironomid midges. Like other chironomids the general body f...
[Stictocladius] is one of the Orthocladiinae subfamily of the Chironomid midges. Like other chironomids the general body form is worm-lik...
The Tanypodinae is a subfamily of chironomid midges. Like other chironomids the general body form is worm-like, but with a distinct head,...
The Tanytarsini is a tribe of midges within the Chironomini subfamily of chironomid midges. Like other chironomids the general body form ...
[Nothodixa] is a member of the dixid midge family. The dixids have small, worm-like larvae that are often bent into a U-shape when live. ...
[Paradixa] is a member of the dixid midge family. The dixids have small, worm-like larvae that are often bent into a U-shape when live. T...
The Blephariceridae (or “net wing midges”) have larvae that are unlikely to be confused with any other aquatic insects. They have an almo...
The Thaumaleidae is a little known family of true flies with freshwater larvae. They resemble chironomid midges, but the prolegs at each ...