Humeri (hind corners of pronotum) broadly triangular or rounded, not extended laterally into a sharp spine. Connexivum (side of abdomen) with hind corner of segments square or rounded, not extended into a spine. Underside of thorax between mid and hind legs with ear-shaped scent gland opening. Venter (underside of abdomen) with weak spine, extended in front only as far as base of hind legs.
Brown soldier bug - Cermatulus nasalis. Native to New Zealand
Humeri (hind corners of pronotum) pointed, extended laterally into a sharp spine. Connexivum (side of abdomen) with hind corner of segments pointed, extended into a black-tipped spine. Underside of thorax between mid and hind legs without ear-shaped scent gland opening. Venter (underside of abdomen) with strong spine, extended in front as far as base of mid legs.
Schellenberg’s soldier bug - Oechalia schellenbergii. Native to New Zealand