Te pūngāwerewere peke upoko pango
Black-headed jumping spider
Trite planiceps
- Pūtoi
- Order
- Araneae
- Whānau
- Family
- Salticidae
Te Rahi
- He pūngāwerewere iti, 10 mm pea te roa o te tinana.
Size range
- Small spiders, body length about 10 mm
Te Tītaringa
- Koia tēnei ko tētahi o ngā momo māori maha.
- One of several native species
Te Huringa Ora
- He pūngāwerewere whaiwhai kai, he kanohi hōmiromiro, ka peke ki runga i ana kai ahakoa ko ētahi henimita te tawhiti atu.
- Ko tana miro hei ahokukume i a ia e kimi kai ana māna.
- Kāore ōna hua kino ki te tangata.
Life history
- Active hunting spiders with good eyesight, they pounce on prey from a few centimetres away
- Uses silk as a dragline when hunting
- Harmless to humans