In this section
- Beyond Myrtle Rust
McCarthy J, Richardson S, Jo I, Wiser S, Easdale T, Shepherd J & Bellingham P (2024) A functional assessment of community vulnerability to the loss of Myrtaceae from myrtle rust. Diversity and Distributions, 30: e13928.
Nguyen H, Bellingham PJ, Fergus AJ, McCarthy JK, Padamsee M, Schwendenmann L (2024) Comparing forest carbon fluxes at locations with different land-use histories and restoration strategies. Plant and Soil.
Frampton RA, Shuey LS, David CC, Pringle GM, Kalamorz F, Pegg GS, Chagné D & Smith GR (2024) Analysis of plant and fungal transcripts from resistant and susceptible phenotypes of Leptospermum scoparium challenged by Austropuccinia psidii. Phytopathology.
Watt MS, Estarija HJC, Bartlett M, Main R, Pasquini D, Yorston W, McLay E, Zhulanov M, Dobbie K, Wardhaugh K, et al. [2024]. Early detection of myrtle rust on pōhutukawa using indices derived from hyperspectral and thermal imagery. Remote Sensing, 16(6):1050.
Kholostiakov V, Burns B, Ridgway H & Padamsee M (2024). Variation in seed-borne microbial communities of Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. with consequences for germination success. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1–24.
Jerram S, Diprose G, Waipara N, Harvey M, Mullen M, Craig-Smith A & McBride C (2023). Disease Narratives and Artistic Alternatives. Knowledge Cultures, 11(1), 135–153.
Ford M, Padamsee M, Schwendenmann L, Dopheide A & de Lange PJ [2023]. The mycorrhizal communities of Lophomyrtus bullata Burret (Myrtaceae) within three natural forest associations of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology.
Watt, MS, Bartlett M, Soewarto J, de Silva D, Estarija HJC, Massam P, Cajes D, Yorston W, Graevskaya E, Dobbie K, Fraser S, Dungey HS & Buddenbaum H (2023). Pre-visual and early detection of myrtle rust on rose apple using indices derived from thermal imagery and visible-to-short-infrared spectroscopy. Phytopathology, 113(8), 1405–1416.
Prasad M, Schmid LMH, Marshall AJ, Blanchon DJ, Renner MAM, Baba Y, Padamsee M & de Lange PJ (2022). Ecological communities of Aotearoa / New Zealand species threatened by myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii (G. Winter) Beenken): The flora and mycobiota of the endemic genus Lophomyrtus Burret. Perspectives in Biosecurity. 7, 34–70.
Jo I, Bellingham PJ, McCarthy JK, Easdale TA, Padamsee M, Wiser SK, & Richardson SJ (2022). Ecological importance of the Myrtaceae in New Zealand’s natural forests. Journal of Vegetation Science, 33(1), e13106. Available here.
Degnan RM, McTaggart AR, Shuey LS, Pame LJ, Smith GR, Gardiner DM, Nock V, Soffe R, Sale S, Garrill A, Carroll BJ, Mitter N & Sawyer A [2022]. Exogenous RNAi inhibits infection physiology of rust fungi to reduce symptoms in planta. Molecular Plant Pathology, 24 (3), 191– 207. 10.1111/mpp.13286 Featured on Journal Cover.
Diprose G, Kannemeyer R, Edwards P & Greenaway A (2022). Participatory biosecurity practices: Myrtle rust an unwanted pathogen in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Geographer, 78( 3), 175– 185.
Burdon RD & Bartlett MJ [2022]. Putative biotic drivers of plant phenology: With special reference to pathogens and deciduousness. Ecology and Evolution, 12(6): e8932.
Ferrarezi JA, McTaggart AR, Tobias PA, Hayashibara CAA, Degnan RM, Shuey LS, Franceschini LM, Lopes MS & Quecine MC [2022]. Austropuccinia psidii uses tetrapolar mating and produces meiotic spores in older infections on Eucalyptus grandis. Fungal Genetics and Biology 160: 103692.
Kuru R, Marsh A & Ganley B (2021). Elevating and recognising knowledge of Indigenous peoples to improve forest biosecurity. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 4:719106. 10.3389/ffgc.2021.719106
Beresford R, Campbell R (2021). Myrtle rust weather-risk update and commentary to 30 April 2021. Report available here.
Blanchon DJ, Ranatunga D, Marshall AJ & de Lange PJ (2021). Ecological communities of tree species threatened by myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii (G. Winter) Beenken): The lichenised mycobiota of pōhutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa Sol. Ex Gaertn., Myrtaceae). Perspectives in Biosecurity, vol. 5. Available here.
Schmid LMH, Large MF, Galbraith M & de Lange, PJ (2021). Observation of western honeybee (Apis melifera) foraging urediniospores from myrtle-rust infected maire tawake (Syzygium maire), Ōwairaka/Mt Albert, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, New Zealand. Perspectives in Biosecurity, vol. 6. Available here.
Soewarto J, Somchit C, Du Plessis E, Barnes I, Granados GM, Wingfield MJ, Shuey L, Bartlett M, Fraser S, Scott P & Miller E (2021). Susceptibility of native New Zealand Myrtaceae to the South African strain of Austropuccinia psidii: A biosecurity threat. Plant Pathology, 70(3): 667-675. Available here.
Beresford RM, Shuey LS, Pegg GS (2020). Symptom development and latent period of Austropuccinia psidii (myrtle rust) in relation to host species, temperature and ontogenic resistance. Plant Pathology 69: 484–494. Available here.
Beresford RM, Sutherland R (2020). Weather associated with myrtle rust on the North Island east coast. Report available here.
McCarthy, JK et al (2020). Using spatial models to identify refugia and guide restoration in response to an invasive pathogen. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58:1: 192-201. Available here.
McTaggart AR, du Plessis E, Roux J et al., (2020). Sexual reproduction in populations of Austropuccinia psidii. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156: 537–54. Available here.