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Primary industries

New Zealand’s land-based primary industries – agriculture, horticulture and forestry, play a key role in New Zealand’s economy and lifestyle. Increasingly, these industries look to science to help them make decisions about environmental sustainability and to support innovation which adds value to the food and fibre we produce.

Working together with primary industries

Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research works at national, regional, catchment and farm scale to build a better understanding of our landscape and ecosystems. Many research programmes are deeply connected with primary sector through sector organisations, agricultural businesses and groups of landowners and farmers. We work closely with other CRIs to integrate specialist sector knowledge and expertise in pastoral agriculture, horticulture and forestry to better understand how a catchment functions and how it responds to changes in land use or land management.   

Our work supports industry and land managers to improve the alignment between land use and key environmental, economic, social and cultural goals. This encompasses and often integrates multiple challenges such as biosecurity, biodiversity, climate change adaptation, freshwater management and land use change.

We work with the primary industries to: 

  • Partner for development of services  
  • Access the innovation system
  • Collaborate with industry, government and other researchers  
  • Deliver tools, data and services for landowners