Toitū Envirocare
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Toitū is to care for the life of this place, people and future. It is a name and a commitment. To sustain holistically. To sustain continually.
Toitū Envirocare leads businesses with a system of carbon and environmental programmes. They provide the science-based tools, actions and evidence required to make real progress. Toitū is an invitation to share the momentum of collective change.
Toitū together: businesses working together to sustain the future of the environment and economy.
Carbon management, certification and reporting
Toitū offers carbon management and carbon neutral services. The Toitū carbonreduce and Toitū carbonzero programmes include all the tools needed to measure, report, reduce and offset greenhouse gas emissions for organisations, goods and services, and building operations - Learn more.
The Toitū Farm Certification Programme is the perfect way to showcase your environmental leadership. Developed in partnership with Overseer Limited and AsureQuality, the programme is New Zealand’s first carbon certification for farmers - Learn more.
Environmental management, certification and reporting
Toitū offers a three-tiered environmental management system. The Toitū enviromark programme helps members to develop, review and improve a custom system to manage environmental aspects and impacts, including legislative, and health and safety requirements - Learn more.
Toitū has a wide range of technical tools and services available for businesses to begin or further develop their sustainability journey. These range from expertise on Science-Based Targets, Sustainable Development Goals, and farm carbon inventories to software solutions, emissions factors and guidance resources.
About Toitū Envirocare
Toitū Envirocare is delighted to be a Certified B Corporation®, balancing purpose and profit to act as a power for good. Toitū also measures and independently verifies its carbon footprint annually, has reduction targets approved by Science Based Targets, and offsets 120% of its annual footprint.
The Toitū carbonreduce and Toitū carbonzero programmes are accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) and were the world’s first to be accredited under ISO 14065. The Toitū carbonreduce programme is accredited by CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) as a suitable standard for verification of greenhouse gas information. Toitū is accredited as a CDP Silver Climate Change Verification Partner.