Aphenochiton pronus}. Adult females (greenish-yellow) and an empty male test (cover), on [Hebe pauciramosa leaves. Aphenochiton inconspicuus - two adult females on a stem of a Coprosma sp. at Birdlings Flat, near Christchurch.Aphenochiton kamahi - adult female. The yellow part in the middle is her unborn crawlers, the small orange-brown spot her anal plates (where she gets rid of honeydew); the outer part is nearly transparent.Aphenochiton pubens - adult female.Aphenochiton subtilis. Adult female. The rows of waxy plates covering the insect body show up particularly well because this photo was taken with cross-lighting. Ceroplastes destructor - adult females. The one on the left is undamaged and shows the stripes of harder wax on its side. The female on the right's soft wax has been slightly squished.Ceroplastes sinensis L: immatures: 2nd-instars (white) and 3rd-instars (pink). R: adult females; they have "buttons" and stripes of a different kind of wax that is left over from the immature stages.Coccus hesperidum. L: immature and young adult females. R: two adult females and immature females. Coccus longulus - young adult female, on stem of citrus. She is facing head to the right and her two eye spots are small black dots, one on either side.Crystallotesta leptospermi. L: young adult female, her colour pattern mimics the leaf bud scales of the host plant kanuka. R: old female, her body has shrunk to a small dark lump at the head head facing down the twig after producing her young.Ctenochiton chelyon. Two adult females together and several of their crawlers (young scales) walking around them.Ctenochiton paraviridis. L: a young adult female. R: a mature female with several new crawlers nearby on the leaf. Ctenochiton toru. A mature female. She has caused the leaf to curl on its edge. Ctenochiton viridis. A mature female with a new crawler walking away on the leaf. Lecanochiton actites. Young adult female. Kalasiris perforata. L: young adult female. R: adult female secreting new wax on the pattern lines of her test.Kalasiris depressa. L: young adult female. R: mature adult female. Her body (greenish colour) has shrunk into the front half of her waxy test.Inglisia patella. Young adult female. Epelidochiton piperis. L: Four young adult females (various yellow - green - greyish-brown colours). R: a mature female (dark greyand the smaller white scale is an empty male test (cover) the adult male has already emerged.Lecanochiton metrosideri - young adult female. Lecanochiton scutellaris - adult female (dark brown) and a new born crawler (yellow).. Parasaissetia nigra. Two adult females and some settled crawlers (pale yellow-green).Parthenolecanium corni. Adult females on a small branch of cherry. Plumichiton diadema. L: a young adult female; R: an empty male test. The wax coverings are thick, as these scales need extra protection for winter, when they can be covered in snow at times.Poropeza dacrydii. L: 3rd-instar female (yellow) and young adult female (reddish colour), on the underside of bark taken from a totara tree. R: mature female with a crawler (orangey colour) walking over her. Plumichiton pollicinus. L: young adult female, the upper middle part is of curled white wax layers, the flatter sides show her body colour through transparent wax plates. R: mature female. Females always have their head-ends facing down the twig.Plumichiton nikau. An adult female. She is convex with a thick glassy wax test. Plumichiton flavus. Adult female. Plumichiton elaeocarpi. L: young adult female. R: mature adult female. She has a hardened black skin and only the remains of a wax test: a little on the top and a worn down marginal fringe.Pounamococcus cuneatus. L: young adult female. R: mature adult female. Pulvinaria hydrangeae. Adult female, with her long white eggsac and the young crawlers hatching out of it.Pulvinaria mesembryanthemiPulvinaria vitis. L: young adult female. R: mature female with eggsac (white and fluffy). As the eggs are laid into the soft wax, the female's body is lifted up until it is about at right angles to the branch.Saissetia coffeae. L: immature and young adult females. R: mature female.Saissetia oleae. L: immature female. R: mature female. Umbonichiton adelus. Young adult female. Umbonichiton bullatus. Young adult female. Umbonichiton hymenantherae. Young adult female. Umbonichiton pellaspis. Young adult female.