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The NENS programme aims to lower the impact of widespread invasive species by reducing their vigour through the use of natural enemies to lower the harmful impacts of widespread invasive plants by reducing their vigour through the introduction of natural enemies from their country of origin. The main focus of the NENS programme is to provide a safe, cost-effective and sustainable way of dealing with invasive weeds that have become widespread and beyond the scope of conventional control. 

Introducing the Natural Enemies - Natural Solutions (NENS) programme

Find out more about NENS

The PRISMSS Services in the Pacific

The Pacific regional invasive species management support service (PRISMSS) is a coalition of organisations working together to tackle the issue of Invasive species in the Pacific, providing Pacific Island countries with access to best practice and expertise in managing invasive species.

Five programmes of PRISMSS involve Protect Our Islands, Predator Free Pacific, War On Weeds, Natural Enemies Natural Solutions, and Resilient Ecosystems Resilient Communities which address all thematic areas of invasive species management.

PRISMSS is a collaboration of leading organisations supporting invasive species management for biodiversity protection in the Pacific.

Find out more about PRISMSS