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Aaron Wilton

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Aaron Wilton
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PhD Botany

BSc (Hons)


Beever JE 2014. Fissidentaceae. Heenan PB, Breitwieser I, Wilton AD ed. Flora of New Zealand. Mosses ; fascicle 8. Lincoln, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua Press. 91 p

Heenan PB 2014. Hypericaceae. Breitwieser I, Brownsey PJ, Heenan PB, Wilton AD ed. Flora of New Zealand. Seed plants ; fascicle 1. Lincoln, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua Press. 53 p

Breitwieser I, Heenan P, Wilton A 2013. The next generation of New Zealand floras. Landcare Research Link.

Breitwieser I, Brownsey PJ, Garnock-Jones PJ, Perrie LR, Wilton AD 2012. Phylum Tracheophyta: vascular plants. 25 25 In: Gordon DP ed. New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: Volume 3: Kingdoms Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi. Pp. 411-459

Breitwieser I, Wilton A, Heenan PD 2012. [Abstract] Flora of New Zealand: development of a dynamic resource. Proceedings: Australasian Systematic Botany Society Conference 2012, Perth, W.A., 23-28 September, 2012. Pp. 20.

Wilton A, Breitwieser I 2011. [Abstract] Is there a dynamic future ahead for Floras? Proceedings: IBC 2011: XVIII International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 23-30 July 2011.

Cooper J, Wilton A 2009. The New Zealand Organisms Register (NZOR). New Zealand garden journal 12(2): 12-14.

Wilton A 2009. New Zealand virtual herbarium.

Wilson-Davey J, Wilton A, Newstrom-Lloyd L 2008. [Abstract] Improving accessibility to data on native pollinating insects. Proceedings: Entomological Society of New Zealand 57th Annual Conference : Insects and Global Change, University of Canterbury, 13-16th April 2008, [Christchurch]. Pp. 31-.

Armstrong T, FitzJohn R, Wilton A, Newstrom L 2006. [Abstract] Hybridisation between crops and wild relatives for GM risk assessment and crop breeding in New Zealand: a bioinformatics approach. 13th Australasian plant breeding Conference, Christchurch New Zealand, 18-21 April 2006 [CD-ROM]. Christchurch, [The conference]. Pp. [Unpaged]-

Breitwieser I, Cooper J, Wilton A 2006. Global working checklist of Compositae. International Compositae Alliance, Barcelona, 3-10 July 2006. Pp. -

Wilton AD, Breitwieser I 2000/12. Composition of the New Zealand seed plant flora. New Zealand journal of botany 38(4): 537-549.

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