Alexander Herzig

Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Senior Researcher - Geospatial Modeller
Research Priority Area Leader - Climate-Smart Landscapes
Capability Leader - Ecosystems
Research interests
- Landscape systems modelling: development and application of models for analysing and assessing landscape ecological spatial processes;
- Land-use modelling: Multi-objective optimisation of land-use pattern; land-use/land-cover change modelling.
Geoinformation processing: GIS and model integration; GIS programming; spatial data infrastructures; development of the Land-Use Management Support System (LUMASS)
Professional affiliations
- International Environmental Modelling & Software Society
- Association of Geographers at German Universities (Verband der Geographen and Deutschen Hochschulen, VGDH)
Recent publications
Spiekermann R, Jolly B, Herzig A, Burleigh T, Medyckyj-Scott D 2019. Implementations of fine-grained automated data provenance to support transparent environmental modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software.
Herzig A, Nguyen TT, Ausseil A-GE, Maharjan GR, Dymond JR, Arnhold S, Koellner T, Rutledge D, Tenhunen J 2018. Assessing Resource-Use Efficiency of Land Use. Environmental Modelling and Software 107:34-49.
Betts H, Basher L, Dymond J, Herzig A, Marden M, Phillips C 2017. Development of a landslide component for a sediment budget model. Environmental Modelling & Software 92: 28-39.
Herzig A, Dymond J, Ausseil A-G 2016. Exploring limits and trade-offs of irrigation and agricultural intensification in the Ruamahanga catchment, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research,
Dymond JR, Herzig A, Basher L, Betts HD, Marden M, Phillips CJ, Ausseil A-GE, Palmer DJ, Clark M, Roygard J 2016. Development of a New Zealand SedNet model for assessment of catchment-wide soil-conservation works. Geomorphology 257: 85-93.
Dymond JR, Ausseil A-GE, Peltzer DA, Herzig A 2015. Conditions and Trends of Ecosystem Services in New Zealand - a Synopsis. Solutions 6: 38-45.
Elliott A, Turek G, Snow V, Rutledge D, Ritchie A, Herzig A 2014. Testing Tales: Selection and Evaluation of a Framework for Interoperable Freshwater Modelling. In: Ames DP, Quinn NWT, Rizzoli AE (eds) Proceedings: iEMSSs Seventh Biennial meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2014), San Diegeo, Carifornia, June 15-19 2014.
Marden M, Herzig A, Basher L 2014. Erosion process contribution to sediment yield before and after the establishment of exotic forest: Waipaoa catchment, New Zealand. Geomorphology 226, pp. 162-174.
Weeks ES, Mason N, Ausseil A-GE, Herzig A 2014. Prioritising Land Use Decisions for the optimal Delivery of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Protection in Productive landscapes. Biodiversity - The Dynamic Balance of the Planet, Grillo O (ed), InTech,
Herzig A, Ausseil A-GE, Dymond JR 2013. Sensitivity of land-use pattern optimisation to variation in input data and constraints. In Piantadosi J, Anderssen RS, Boland J (eds.) MODSIM2013, 20th
International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and
Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2013, pp. 1840-1846.
Herzig A, Ausseil A-GE, Dymond JR 2013. Spatial optimisation of ecosystem services. In Dymond JR (ed.) Ecosystem services in New Zealand - conditions and trends, pp. 511-523, Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, New Zealand.
Carswell FE, Easdale TA, Overton J McC, Ausseil A-GE, Greenway AJ, Dymond JR, Mason NWH, Arnst EA, Burrows LE, Herzig A, Holdaway RJ, Pletzer DA 2013. St James conservation area: a purchase for ecosystem serivces. In Dymond JR (ed) Ecosystem services in New Zealand - conditions and trends, pp. 524-537, Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, New Zealand.
Dymond JR, Ausseil A-GE, Parfitt RL, Herzig A, McDowell RW 2013. Nitrate and phosphorous leaching in New Zealand: a national perspective. New Zealand journal of agricultural research 56(1), pp. 49-59.
Cert Computer Sciences
PhD Geography
MSc Geography
Herzig A, Nguyen TT, Ausseil AGE, Maharjan GR, Dymond JR, Arnhold S, Koellner T, Rutledge D, Tenhunen J 2018. Assessing resource-use efficiency of land use. Environmental Modelling & Software 107: 34-49. WOS:000439567900004
Spiekermann R, Herzig A, Dymond J, Basher L, Betts H, Jolly B, Medyckyi-Scott D, Ausseil AG, Phillips C 2018. SedNetNZ and the challenges of science-driven erosion control in policy and practice. Proceedings: American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 10-14 April 2018.
Larned S, Snelder T, Schallenberg M, McDowell R, Harris S, Rissmann C, Beare M, Tipa G, Crow S, Daughney C, Herzig A, Green M, Sevicke-Jones G, Whitehead A 2017. Shifting from land-use capability to land-use suitability in the Our Land & Water national science challenge. In: Currie LD, Hedley MJ ed. Proceedings: Science and Policy: Nutrient Management Challenges for the Next Generation: 30th Annual FLRC Workshop, Palmerston North, N.Z., 7-9 February 2017.
Betts H, Basher L, Dymond J, Herzig A, Marden M, Phillips C 2017. Development of a landslide component for a sediment budget model. Environmental Modelling & Software 92: 28–39.
Herzig A, Dymond J, Ausseil A-G 2016. Exploring limits and trade-offs of irrigation and agricultural intensification in the Ruamahanga catchment, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 59(3): 216–234.
Dymond JR, Herzig A, Basher L, Betts HD, Marden M, Phillips CJ, Ausseil A-GE, Palmer DJ, Clark M, Roygard J 2016. Development of a New Zealand SedNet model for assessment of catchment-wide soil-conservation works. Geomorphology 257: 85–93.
Herzig A, Dymond J, Ausseil A-G 2015. Irrigation - intensification - illumination: exploring limits and trade-offs in agricultural intensification. Landcare Research Link.
Dymond J, Ausseil A-GE, Peltzer DA, Herzig A 2015. Conditions and trends of ecosystem services in New Zealand - a synopsis. Solutions 6(5): 38–45.
Dymond J, Ausseil A-GE, Herzig A, Serezat D, Santin C 2014. [Abstract] Downscaling national models of ecosystem services to the Ruamahanga catchment, New Zealand. Proceedings: 7th Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership, San José, Costa Rica, 8-12 September 2014.
Herzig A, Ausseil A-G, Dymond J 2014. [Abstract] Irrigation = degradation? Exploring limits and trade-offs in catchment-scale soil water management. Proceedings: New Zealand Society of Soil Science 2014 Conference "Soil Science for Future Generations", Hamilton, New Zealand, 1-4 December 2014. Pp. 47.
Rutledge D, Price R, Herzig A 2014. Trends in landscape dynamics. Landcare Research Link.
Dymond J, Ausseil A-G, Herzig A 2014. Downscaling ecosystem services to catchment scale – a case study in the Ruamahanga catchment. Soil Horizons 23: 10–11.
Marden M, Herzig A, Basher L 2014. Erosion process contribution to sediment yield before and after the establishment of exotic forest: Waipaoa catchment, New Zealand. Geomorphology 226: 162–174.
Elliott A, Turek G, Snow V, Rutledge D, Ritchie A, Herzig A 2014. Testing tales: selection and evaluation of a framework for interoperable freshwater modelling. In: Ames DP, Quinn NWT, Rizzoli AE ed. Proceedings: 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, San Diego, California, USA, 15-19 June 2014.
Ausseil A-G, Dymond J, Herzig A 2014. [Abstract] Mapping benefits from nature (ecosystem services) in New Zealand. Proceedings: Association for Women in the Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand, 9-11 July 2014.
Dymond J, Basher L, Phillips C, Marden M, Betts H, Herzig A 2014. [Abstract] Developments in erosion and sediment modelling in New Zealand. In: Currie LD, Christensen CL ed. Proceedings: Nutrient management for the farm, catchment and community, Palmerston North, N.Z., 18-20 February 2014.
Weeks ES, Mason N, Ausseil A-GE, Herzig A 2014. Prioritising land-use decisions for the optimal delivery of ecosystem services and biodiversity protection in productive landscapes. In: Grillo O ed. Biodiversity: the dynamic balance of the planet. Rijeka, Croatia, InTech. Pp. 1–31
Elliott S, Turek G, Rutledge D, Ritchie A, Herzig A, Snow V 2014. Framework for interoperable freshwater models: testing and recommendations. NIWA Client Report. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. 59 p.
Dymond JR, Ausseil AGE, Parfitt RL, Herzig A, McDowell RW 2013. Nitrate and phosphorus leaching in New Zealand: a national perspective. New Zealand journal of agricultural research 56(1): 49-59.
Herzig A, Rutledge D 2013. Integrated land systems modelling and optimisation. In: Piantadosi J, Anderssen RS, Boland J ed. Proceedings: MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia, 1–6 December 2013. Pp. 880–886.
Herzig A, Ausseil A-GE, Dymond JR 2013. Sensitivity of land-use pattern optimisation to variation in input data and constraints. In: Piantadosi J, Anderssen RS, Boland J ed. Proceedings: MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia, 1–6 December 2013. Pp. 1840–1846.
Herzig A, Ausseil A-GE, Dymond JR 2013. Spatial optimisation of ecosystem services. In: Dymond JR ed. Ecosystem services in New Zealand: conditions and trends. Lincoln, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 511–523
Carswell FE, Easdale TA, Overton JM, Ausseil A-GE, Greenaway AJ, Dymond JR, Mason NWH, Arnst EA, Burrows LE, Herzig A, Holdaway RJ, Peltzer DA 2013. St James Conservation Area: a purchase for ecosystem services. In: Dymond JR ed. Ecosystem services in New Zealand: conditions and trends. Lincoln, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 524–537
Herzig A, Rutledge D 2012. LUMASS – The Land-Use Management Support System. Proceedings: FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-23 May 2012.
Dymond J, Ausseil A-G, Herzig A 2012. Ecosystem services conditions and trends. Landcare Research Link.
Dymond J, Ausseil A-G, Herzig A 2012. Conditions and trends of ecosystem services – an update. Soil horizons 21: 8.
Ausseil A-GE, Herzig A, Dymond JR 2012. Optimising land use for multiple ecosystem service objectives: A case study in the Waitaki catchment, New Zealand. Proceedings: 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2012), Leipzig, Germany, 1-5 July 2012. Pp. 2211-2218.
Rutledge DT, Price R, Herzig A 2012. Land systems modelling: an atomistic approach to improve handling of complexity in land-use and land-cover change modelling. Proceedings: 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2012), , Leipzig, Germany, 1-5 July 2012.
Herzig A, Ausseil A-G, Dymond J 2012. How to put the right land use in the right place. Proceedings: Innovation for Sustainable Production 2012, Bruges, Belgium, 6-9 May 2012.
Herzig A, Dymond JR, Marden M 2011. A gully-complex model for assessing gully stabilisation strategies. Geomorphology 133(2): 23-33.
Herzig A, Rutledge D, Dymond J, Ausseil A-G 2011. Maximizing land use and ecosystem services performance. Proceedings: US-IALE 26th Annual Symposium: Sustainability and Dynamic Landscapes, Portland, Oregon, 3-7 April 2011.
Marden M, Herzig A, Arnold G 2011. Gully degradation, stabilisation and effectiveness of reforestation in reducing gully-derived sediment, East Coast region, North Island, New Zealand. Journal of hydrology, New Zealand 50(1): 19-36. CABI:20113289100
Rutledge DT, Dymond J, Greenhalgh S, Sinclair RJ, Ausseil AG, Herzig A 2011. Ecosystem services for multiple results. Journal of primary industry management 15(1): 23-26.
Duttmann R, Bach M, Herzig A 2011. Schutz vor Wassererosion. In: Blume HP, Horn R, Thiele-Bruhn S ed. Handbuch des Bodenschutzes: Bodenökologie und -belastung; vorbeugende und abwehrende Schutzmaßnahmen. 4th ed. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH. Pp. 575-578
Duttmann R, Bach M, Herzig A 2011. Bodenerosion durch Wasser. In: Blume HP, Horn R, Thiele-Bruhn S ed. Handbuch des Bodenschutzes: Bodenökologie und -belastung; vorbeugende und abwehrende Schutzmaßnahmen. 4th ed. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH. Pp. 199-212
Rutledge D, Dymond J, Greenhalgh S, Ausseil A, Sinclair R, Herzig A, Morgan F, Andrew R, Collins A 2010. Mapping, modelling, and managing ecosystem services in New Zealand. In: Swayne DA, Yang W, Voinov AA, Rizzoli A, Flatova T ed. Proceedings: iEMSs Fifth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2010), Ottawa, July 5-8 2010.,%20Modelling%20and%20Managing%20Ecosystems%20Services%20in%20New%20Zealand%20-%20DANIEL%20RUTLEDGE.pdf