Amy Whitehead

Research interests
I am a quantitative wildlife ecologist with a keen interest in science-based environmental decision making.Research Interests
- Species distribution modelling
- Spatial conservation planning
- Environmental decision-making
- Quantitative ecology
- Interactive webtool development
Leathwick JR, Whitehead AL, Singers NJD, Daly E 2023. Establishing an evidence-based framework for the systematic conservation of New Zealand's terrestrial ecosystems. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 47(1). WOS:001121912300001
White RSA, Stoffels RJ, Whitehead AL 2023. Assigning trend-based conservation status despite high uncertainty. Conservation Biology. WOS:000994527400001
Kilroy C, Whitehead AL, Wood SA, Vandergoes MJ, Lambert P, Novis PM 2021. Predicting the potential distribution of the invasive freshwater diatom Lindavia intermedia in New Zealand lakes. Aquatic Invasions 16(3): 415-442. WOS:000677572000003
Massaro M, Ainley DG, Santora JA, Quillfeldt P, Lescroel A, Whitehead A, Varsani A, Ballard G, Lyver PO 2020. Diet segregation in Adelie penguins: some individuals attempt to overcome colony-induced and annual foraging challenges. Marine Ecology Progress Series 645: 205-218. WOS:000621208100014
Lescroel A, Lyver PO, Jongsomjit D, Veloz S, Dugger KM, Kappes P, Karl BJ, Whitehead AL, Pech R, Cole TL, Ballard G 2020. Inter-individual differences in the foraging behavior of breeding Adelie penguins are driven by individual quality and sex. Marine Ecology Progress Series 636: 189-205. WOS:000521739200013
Whitehead A, Snelder T, Booker D, Lilburne L, Harris S, Larned S, Semadeni-Davies A 2018. The land use suitability concept: a Southland case study. Proceedings: NZ Freshwater Sciences Society 2018 Conference: Ka mua, Ka muri: Looking back, moving forward, Nelson, New Zealand, 10-14 December 2018.
Lilburne L, Snelder T, Booker D, Whitehead A, Harris S, Larned S, Semadeni-Davies A 2018. The land use suitability concept: a Southland case study. Proceedings: NZ Society of Soil Science Conference: “Diverse Soils – Productive Landscapes”, Napier, New Zealand, 3-6 December 2018.
Larned S, Snelder T, Schallenberg M, McDowell R, Harris S, Rissmann C, Beare M, Tipa G, Crow S, Daughney C, Herzig A, Green M, Sevicke-Jones G, Whitehead A 2017. Shifting from land-use capability to land-use suitability in the Our Land & Water national science challenge. In: Currie LD, Hedley MJ ed. Proceedings: Science and Policy: Nutrient Management Challenges for the Next Generation: 30th Annual FLRC Workshop, Palmerston North, N.Z., 7-9 February 2017.
Wilson DJ, Lyver POB, Greene TC, Whitehead AL, Dugger KM, Karl BJ, Barringer JRF, McGarry R, Pollard AM, Ainley DG 2017. South polar skua breeding populations in the Ross Sea assessed from demonstrated relationship with Adélie Penguin numbers. Polar Biology 40(3): 577–592.
Jones C, Lyver P, Whitehead A, Forrester G, Parkes J, Sheehan M 2015. Grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma gouldi) productivity unaffected by kiore (Pacific rats, Rattus exulans) on a New Zealand offshore island. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 42(3): 131–144.
Wilson D, Lyver P, Greene T, Whitehead A, Dugger K, Karl B, Barringer J, Ainley D 2015. [Abstract] An assessment of south polar skua numbers in the Ross Sea: predictions based on Adélie penguin colony size. Proceedings: New Zealand Ecological Society Conference 2015, Christchurch, N.Z., 16-19 November 2015. Pp. 100.
Whitehead AL, Lyver POB, Ballard G, Barton K, Karl BJ, Dugger KM, Jennings S, Lescroël A, Wilson PR, Ainley DG 2015. Factors driving Adélie penguin chick size, mass and condition at colonies of different sizes in the Southern Ross Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 523: 199–213.
Jones CJ, Lyver POB, Macleod CJ, Whitehead AL, Forrester GJ 2015. Variation in productivity of Grey-faced Petrels (Pterodroma gouldi) with local burrow density and breeding island. Emu 115(1): 20–28.
Whitehead AL, Lyver PO, Jones CJ, Bellingham PJ, MacLeod CJ, Coleman M, Karl BJ, Drew K, Pairman D, Gormley AM, Duncan RP 2014. Establishing accurate baseline estimates of breeding populations of a burrowing seabird, the grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) in New Zealand. Biological Conservation 169: 109–116.
Whitehead AL, Byrom AE, Clayton RI, Pech RP 2014. Removal of livestock alters native plant and invasive mammal communities in a dry grassland–shrubland ecosystem. Biological Invasions 16(5): 1105–1118.
Wilson DJ, Lyver POB, Whitehead AL, Greene TC, Dugger K, Karl BJ, Barringer JRF, McGarry R, Pollard AM, Ainley DG 2014. Adélie penguin colony size predicts south polar skua abundance on Ross Island, Antarctica. CCAMLR Working Paper, WG-EMM-14/55. Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. 27 p.
Whitehead AL, Lyver POB, Ballard G, Barton K, Karl BJ, Ainley DG, Dugger K, Jennings S, Lescroël A, Wilson PR 2013. Competition-mediated prey availability drives Adélie penguin (Pygocelis adeliae) chick size, mass and condition at colonies of differing size in the southern Ross Sea. CCAMLR Working Paper, WG-EMM-13/31. Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. 21 p.
Lyver P, Jones C, Whitehead A 2012. The re-establishement of a customary harvest of kuia (grey-faced petrels) by Ngati Awa, Bay of Plenty. Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research 20: 18-19.
Whitehead A, Byrom A, Pech R, Clayton R 2011. Community responses to livestock removal from drylands. Kararehe kino 18: 9.
Whitehead A, Tompkins D 2011. Predicting the impacts of facial tumour disease on populations of Tasmanian devils. Kararehe kino 17: 12-13.
Lyver POB, Whitehead A, Jones C, MacLeod C, Pairman D, Bellingham P, Coleman M, Karl B, Drew K 2011. Predictive habitat models provide estimates of kuia (grey-faced petrel; Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) breeding population size on Moutohora (Whale Island), Bay of Plenty, NZ. : report to Te Tapatoru a Toi, Whatakane, NZ. Landcare Research. 3 p.
Pech R, Byrom A, Whitehead A, Clayton R, Norbury G, Wilson D 2011. [Abstract] De-stocking seral grassland/shrubland ecosystems leads to biodiversity gains but alters suites of invasive mammals. Proceedings: 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB): "Engaging Society in Conservation", Auckland, 5-9 December 2011. Pp. 109.
Byrom A, Clayton R, Norbury G, Pech R, Whitehead A 2010. [Abstract] Removal of livestock increases native vegetation richness and alters shrub recruitment and invasive mammal dynamics in dry grassland/shrubland ecosystems. Proceedings: Biodiversity : 2010 and beyond : programme and abstracts, University of Otago, Dunedin, 22-15 November 2010. Pp. 16.
Byrom A, Clayton R, Norbury G, Pech R, Whitehead A 2010. [Abstract] Removal of livestock increases native vegetation richness and alters suites of invasive mammal pests in dry grassland/shrubland ecosystems. Proceedings: Australasian Wildlife Management Society 23rd Annual Conference, 1-3 December 2010, Torquay, Vic., 1-3 December, 2010. Pp. 93.
Pech R, Norbury G, Byrom A, Smith J, Whitehead A 2010. [Abstract] Management of invasive house mice (Mus musculus) in regenerating shrublands in New Zealand. Proceedings: 4th International Conference on Rodent Ecology and Management, Bleomfontein, South Africa, 12-16 April, 2010. Pp. 98.
Bataille CY, Luke K, Kruger T, Malinen S, Allen RB, Whitehead AL, Lyver POB 2020. Stakeholder values inform indigenous peoples' governance and management of a former national park in New Zealand. Human Ecology 48(4): 439-453. WOS:000566665700001
Snelder T, Lilburne L, Booker D, Whitehead A, Harris S, Larned S, Semadeni-Davies A, Plew D, McDowell R Land-use Suitability is Not an Intrinsic Property of a Land Parcel. Environmental Management. WOS:000899744400002