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Anatolii Tsyplenkov

Researcher - Geomorphology / Erosion & Sediment Processes
Soils & Landscapes
Anatolii Tsyplenkov
Palmerston North
Contact Anatolii

Research interests

  • Erosion, sediment and water quality
  • Erosion and sediment modelling
  • Sediment source fingerprinting and tracing
  • Landslide and debris flow processes
  • Riverbank erosion
  • Catchment sediment budgets

Professional positions held

MAY 2023–Present Researcher – Erosion and Sediment Processes, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
DEC 2019–MAY 2023 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science
DEC 2022–MAY 2023 Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University
FEB 2016–DEC 2022 Junior Research Fellow, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University
AUG 2015–AUG 2017 Research Engineer, State Institute of Oceanography


  • Continental Erosion Commission of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS‑ICCE), Early Career Committee Representative 2022‑2025
  • Managing Editor, Geomorphica Journal

Publications and reports

  • Tsyplenkov A, Smith HG 2024. Assessing the effectiveness of trees for landslide mitigation in Hawke's Bay. Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research Contract Report LC4479 prepared for Hawke's Bay Regional Council.
  • Phillips, C., Betts, H., Smith, H.G., Tsyplenkov, A. 2024. Exploring the post-harvest ‘window of vulnerability’ to landslides in New Zealand steepland plantation forests. Ecological Engineering 206: 107300. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2024.107300
  • Betts H, Smith HG, Neverman A, Tsyplenkov A 2023. Wairoa shallow landslide and debris deposit mapping following storm events in March 2022. Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research Contract Report LC4331 prepared for Hawke's Bay Regional Council.
  • Kedich, A., Kharchenko, S., Tsyplenkov, A., Golosov, V.. 2023. Lateral Moraine Failure in the Valley of the Djankuat Catchment (Central Caucasus) and Subsequent Morphodynamics. Geomorphology 441: 108896. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108896
  • Kharchenko, S.V., Golosov, V.N., Tsyplenkov, A.S., Fedin, A.V., Uspensky, M.I. 2023. Rates of Modern Denudation of a Small Catchment in the Middle Mountain Belt of the Greater Caucasus (Case Study of the Gitche-Gizhgit Catchment). Lomonosov Geography Journal 78: 38–51. DOI: 10.55959/MSU0579-9414.
  • Belyakova, P., Moreydo, V., Tsyplenkov, A., Amerbaev, A., Grechishnikova, D., Kurochkina, L., Filippov, V., Makeev, M.. 2022. Forecasting Water Levels in Krasnodar Krai Rivers with the Use of Machine Learning. Water Resources 49: 10–22. DOI: 10.1134/S0097807822010043
  • Tsyplenkov, A., Chalov, S., Eder, M., Habersack, H. 2022. Large Rivers Hydrology And Sediment Transport. GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY 15: 145–147. DOI: 10.24057/2071-9388-2022-020
  • Golosov, V. N., Ivanov, M. M., Tsyplenkov, A. S., Ivanov, M. A., Konoplev, A. V., Wakiyama, Yu, Konstantinov, E. A., Ivanova, N. N.. 2021. Erosion as a Factor of Transformation of Soil Radioactive Contamination in the Basin of the Shchekino Reservoir (Tula Region). Eurasian Soil Science 54: 291–303. DOI: 10.1134/S106422932102006X
  • Golosov, V., Tsyplenkov, A. 2021. Factors Controlling Contemporary Suspended Sediment Yield in the Caucasus Region. Water 13: 3173. DOI: 10.3390/w13223173
  • Ivanov, M. M., Konoplev, A. V., Walling, D. E., Konstantinov, E. A., Gurinov, A. L., Ivanova, N. N., Kuzmenkova, N. V., Tsyplenkov, A. S., Ivanov, M. A., Golosov, V. N.. 2021. Using Reservoir Sediment Deposits to Determine the Longer-Term Fate of Chernobyl-Derived 137Cs Fallout in the Fluvial System. Environmental Pollution 274: 116588. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116588
  • Tsyplenkov, A., Vanmaercke, M., Collins, A. L., Kharchenko, S., Golosov, V. 2021. Elucidating Suspended Sediment Dynamics in a Glacierized Catchment after an Exceptional Erosion Event: The Djankuat Catchment, Caucasus Mountains, Russia. CATENA 203: 105285. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2021.105285
  • Tsyplenkov, A. S., Golosov, V. N., Belyakova, P. A.. 2021. How Did the Suspended Sediment Load Change in the North Caucasus during the Anthropocene? Hydrological Processes 35: 1–20. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14403
  • Tsyplenkov, A. S., Ivanova, N. N., Botavin, D. V., Kuznetsova, Y. S., Golosov, V. N. 2021. Hydro-Meteorological Preconditions and Geomorphological Consequences of Extreme Flood in the Small River Basin in the Wet Subtropical Zone (the Tsanyk River Case Study, Sochi Region). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences 66. DOI: 10.21638/spbu07.2021.109
  • Tsyplenkov, A., Vanmaercke, M., Golosov, V., Chalov, S. 2020. Suspended Sediment Budget and Intra-Event Sediment Dynamics of a Small Glaciated Mountainous Catchment in the Northern Caucasus. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20: 3266–3281. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-020-02633-z
  • Kuznetsova, Y., Golosov, V., Tsyplenkov, A., Ivanova, N. 2019. Quantifying Channel Bank Erosion of a Small Mountain River in Russian Wet Subtropics Using Erosion Pins. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 381: 79–86. DOI: 10.5194/piahs-381-79-2019
  • Tsyplenkov, A., Vanmaercke, M., Golosov, V.. 2019. Contemporary Suspended Sediment Yield of Caucasus Mountains. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 381: 87–93. DOI: 10.5194/piahs-381-87-2019
  • Chalov, S. R., Tsyplenkov, A. S., Pietron, J., Chalova, A. S., Shkolnyi, D. I., Jarsjo, J., Maerker, M. 2017. Sediment Transport in Headwaters of a Volcanic Catchment-Kamchatka Peninsula Case Study. Frontiers of Earth Science 11: 565–578. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-016-0632-x


Lomonosov Moscow State University
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Geographic Sciences

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Specialist in Hydrology