PhD Biological Sciences
PGDSc Environmental Science
MSc Biological Sciences
BSc Biological Sciences
Dopheide A, Davis C, Nunez J, Rogers G, Whitehead D, Grelet GA 2021. Depth-structuring of multi-kingdom soil communities in agricultural pastures. Fems Microbiology Ecology 97(12). WOS:000743733500008 https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiab156
Dopheide A, Makiola A, Orwin KH, Holdaway RJ, Wood JR, Dickie IA 2020. Rarity is a more reliable indicator of land-use impacts on soil invertebrate communities than other diversity metrics. Elife 9. WOS:000535313500001 https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.52787
Dopheide A, Tooman LK, Grosser S, Agabiti B, Rhode B, Xie D, Stevens MI, Nelson N, Buckley TR, Drummond AJ, Newcomb RD 2019. Estimating the biodiversity of terrestrial invertebrates on a forested island using DNA barcodes and metabarcoding data. Ecological Applications 29(4). WOS:000474122100010 https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.1877
Dopheide A, Tooman LK, Grosser S, Agabiti B, Rhode B, Xie D, Stevens MI, Nelson N, Buckley TR, Drummond AJ, Newcomb RD 2019. Estimating the biodiversity of terrestrial invertebrates on a forested island using DNA barcodes and metabarcoding data. Ecological Applications 29(4). WOS:000474122100010 https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.1877
Watts C, Dopheide A, Holdaway R, Davis C, Wood J, Thornburrow D, Dickie IA 2019. DNA metabarcoding as a tool for invertebrate community monitoring: a case study comparison with conventional techniques. Austral Entomology 58(3): 675-686. WOS:000483807600023 https://doi.org/10.1111/aen.12384
Dopheide A, Xie D, Buckley TR, Drummond AJ, Newcomb RD 2019. Impacts of DNA extraction and PCR on DNA metabarcoding estimates of soil biodiversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(1): 120-133. WOS:000457750600013 https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210x.13086
Lear G, Dickie I, Banks J, Boyer S, Buckley HL, Buckley TR, Cruickshank R, Dopheide A, Handley KM, Hermans S, Kamke J, Lee CK, MacDiarmid R, Morales SL, Orlovich DA, Smissen R, Wood J, Holdaway R 2018. Methods for the extraction, storage, amplification and sequencing of DNA from environmental samples. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 42(1): 10. https://doi.org/10.20417/nzjecol.42.9
Drummond AJ, Newcomb RD, Buckley TR, Xie D, Dopheide A, Potter BCM, Heled J, Ross HA, Tooman L, Grosser S, Park D, Demetras NJ, Stevens MI, Russell JC, Anderson SH, Carter A, Nelson N 2015. Evaluating a multigene environmental DNA approach for biodiversity assessment. GigaScience 4: 46. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13742-015-0086-1