Andrew Gormley

Research interests
- Mark-recapture and occupancy modelling
- Bayesian methods of inference
- Population viability analysis
- Biocultural monitoring
(for all publications click through to Google Scholar Citations)
PhD Zoology
Herse MR, Lyver PO, Gormley AM, Scott NJ, McIntosh AR, Fletcher D, Tylianakis J 2022. A demographic model to support customary management of a culturally important waterfowl species. Ecology and Society 27(3). WOS:000879545700006
Fletcher D, Newman J, McKechnie S, Bragg C, Dillingham P, Clucas R, Scott D, Uhlmann S, Lyver POB, Gormley AM, Bull S, Davis K, Davis R, Davis R, Davis T, Edwards L, Kitson J, Nixon T, Skerrett M, Moller H 2021. Projected impacts of climate change, bycatch, harvesting, and predation on the Aotearoa New Zealand titi Ardenna grisea population. Marine Ecology Progress Series 670: 223-238. WOS:000691317800015
Gormley AM, Warburton B 2020. Refining kill-trap networks for the control of small mammalian predators in invaded ecosystems. PLOS One 15(9). WOS:000570962500011
Lyver PO, Ruru J, Scott N, Tylianakis JM, Arnold J, Malinen SK, Bataille CY, Herse MR, Jones CJ, Gormley AM, Peltzer DA, Taura Y, Timoti P, Stone C, Wilcox M, Moller H 2019. Building biocultural approaches into Aotearoa - New Zealand's conservation future. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 49(3): 394-411. WOS:000487530400008
Glen AS, Perry M, Yockney I, Cave S, Gormley AM, Leckie C, Dickson R, Rakete-Stones W, Rakete-Stones P, Norbury GL, Ruscoe WA 2019. Predator control on farmland for biodiversity conservation: a case study from Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43(1). WOS:000460310400008
Gormley AM, Anderson DP, Nugent G 2018. Cost-based optimization of the stopping threshold for local disease surveillance during progressive eradication of tuberculosis from New Zealand wildlife. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65(1): 186–196.
Lyver POB, Timoti P, Gormley AM, Jones CJ, Richardson SJ, Tahi BL, Greenhalgh S 2017. Key Māori values strengthen the mapping of forest ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 27(Part A): 92–102.
Anderson DP, Gormley AM, Ramsey DSL, Nugent G, Martin PAJ, Bosson M, Livingstone P, Byrom AE 2017. Bio-economic optimisation of surveillance to confirm broadscale eradications of invasive pests and diseases. Biological Invasions 19(10): 2869–2884.
Holland EP, Gormley AM, Pech RP 2016. Species- and site-specific impacts of an invasive herbivore on tree survival in mixed forests. Ecology and Evolution 6(7): 1954–1966.
Warburton B, Gormley AM 2015. Optimising the application of multiple-capture traps for invasive species management using spatial simulation. PLOS One 10(3): e0120373.
Gormley AM, Forsyth DM, Griffioen P, Lindeman M, Ramsey DSL, Scroggie MP, Woodford L 2011. Using presence-only and presence–absence data to estimate the current and potential distributions of established invasive species. Journal of applied ecology 48(1): 25-34.