Andrew Neverman

B.Sc (Hons) Geography
BA Geography and Music
Neverman A 2023
Earthflow monitoring reveals movement drivers and sediment loss. Pūtaiao - Manaaki Whenua science summary. Lincoln, NZ, Manaaki Whenua landcare Research NZ. Pp. 20-21.
Smith HG, Neverman AJ, Betts H, Spiekermann R 2023. The influence of spatial patterns in rainfall on shallow landslides. Geomorphology 437. WOS:001035208600001
Neverman AJ, Donovan M, Smith HG, Ausseil AG, Zammit C 2023. Climate change impacts on erosion and suspended sediment loads in New Zealand. Geomorphology 427. WOS:000948658600001
Fuller IC, Death RG, Garcia JH, Trenc N, Pratt R, Pitiot C, Matos B, Ollero A, Neverman A, Death A 2021. An index to assess the extent and success of river and floodplain restoration: Recognising dynamic response trajectories and applying a process-based approach to managing river recovery. River Research and Applications 37(2): 163-175. WOS:000550704600001
Williams F, McColl S, Fuller I, Massey C, Smith H, Neverman A 2021. Intersection of fluvial incision and weak geologic structures cause divergence from a universal threshold slope model of landslide occurrence. Geomorphology 389. WOS:000685523100005
Marley HG, Dirks KN, Neverman AJ, McKendry I, Salmond JA 2021. The relationship between Brown haze, atmospheric boundary layer structure, and air pollution in an urban area of complex coastal terrain. Atmospheric Pollution Research 12(5). WOS:000663149200002
Smith HG, Spiekermann R, Betts H, Neverman AJ 2021. Comparing methods of landslide data acquisition and susceptibility modelling: Examples from New Zealand. Geomorphology 381: 107660. WOS:000634863200001
Neverman A, Vale S, Smith H, Betts H 2020. Real-time monitoring to detect erosion sources affecting sediment-related water quality. Soil Horizons.
Neverman AJ 2019. 3D landscape models in VR for research and engagement. Proceedings: Horizons GIS forum, Palmerston North, 4 October 2019.
Neverman AJ, Basher L, Spiekermann R, Dymond JR, Fragaszy S 2019. [Poster] A catchment-scale modelling framework to test the feasibilty of land management scenarios for achieving proposed sediment attribute bottom lines. Proceedings: NZ Hydrological Society Annual Conference 2019, Rotorua, New Zealand, 3-6 December 2019.
Neverman AJ, Fuller IC, Procter JN, Death RG 2019. Terrestrial laser scanning and structure-from-motion photogrammetry concordance analysis for describing the surface layer of gravel beds. Progress in Physical Geography-Earth and Environment 43(2): 260-281. WOS:000465353700006
Neverman AJ, Death RG, Fuller IC, Singh R, Procter JN 2018. Towards Mechanistic Hydrological Limits: A Literature Synthesis to Improve the Study of Direct Linkages between Sediment Transport and Periphyton Accrual in Gravel-Bed Rivers. Environmental Management 62(4): 740-755. WOS:000445422100009