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Arnaud Cartier

Senior Technician - Entomology / Inverterbrate Containment Facility Manager
Biocontrol & Molecular Ecology
Arnaud Cartier
Contact Arnaud

Research interests

Role at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research

Entomology technician, Invertebrate and Plant Containment Facility (PC2) Manager.

Research interests   

I have expertise in host testing and development of insect rearing techniques, while also fulfilling the role of Containment Facility Manager. I have successfully reared biocontrol agents to control weeds such as Japanese honeysuckle, old man’s beard, tradescantia, field horsetail, tutsan, Darwin’s barberry, moth plant, horehound and alligator weed. I am currently working on new projects to control Sydney golden wattle, banana passionfruit, Chilean flame creeper, oxygen weed, yellow flag iris, wild and yellow ginger. I am intimately involved in the wasp biological control project led by Bob Brown who is currently working on the introduction of several biological agents. 


François Rabelais University of Tours, France
MSc (Dist) Behavioural Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity