Macmillan B 2004. Native invasion : among the mosses of Christchurch. Journal / Canterbury Botanical Society 38: 25-32.
Lee WG, Macmillan BH, Partridge TR, Lister R, Lloyd KM 2001. Fruit features in relation to the ecology and distribution of Acaena (Rosaceae) species in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 25(1): 17-27.
Macmillan B 1998. My early years at Botany Division, DSIR. Ecosystems, entomology and plants : proceedings of a symposium held at Lincoln University to mark the retirement of Bryony Macmillan, John Dugdale, Peter Wardle, 1 September 1995. 48 ed. Miscellaneous series / Royal Society of New Zealand. Wellington, Royal Society of New Zealand. Pp. 3-8
Macmillan B 1998. Mosses and liverworts in the E.F.L.Raoul collections from New Zealand. In: Burrows CJ ed. Etienne Raoul and Canterbury botany 1840-1996. 6. Christchurch, Canterbury Botanical Society ; Manuka Press. Pp. 65-72
Parsons MJ, Douglass P, Macmillan BH 1998. Current names list for wild gymnosperms, dicotyledons and monocotyledons (except grasses) in New Zealand as used in Herbarium CHR : Version 1 to 31 December 1995. Cover title : Current names for wild plants in New Zealand [errata page available at]. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. -206 p
Macmillan BH 1996. Checklist of the mosses of Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Landcare Research science series. 17. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. -80 p
Macmillan BH 1995. Mosses and liverworts. In: Molloy B ed. Riccarton Bush : Putaringamotu : natural history and management. Christchurch, Riccarton Bush Trust. Pp. 194-203
Macmillan BH 1995. Nertera villosa B.H.Macmill. et R.Mason (Rubiaceae), a new species from New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 33(4): 435-438.
Meurk CD, Bellingham P, Macmillan B 1995. The last kanuka landscape on the Canterbury Plains? Journal / Canterbury Botanical Society 29: 11-24.
Macmillan BH 1994. Hylocomium aff. splendens on Ohutu ridge, N.W.Ruahines. Bulletin / Wellington Botanical Society 46: 61-62.