PhD Plant Pathology
MSc Plant Biology
Probst CM, Ridgway HJ, Jaspers MV, Jones EE 2022. Propagule and soil type affects the pathogenicity of Ilyonectria and Dactylonectria spp., the causal agents of black foot disease of grapevines. Vitis 61(1): 11-19. WOS:000761084700002 https://doi.org/10.5073/vitis.2022.61.11-19
Probst C 2021. Tackling Moluccan Albizia for the Pacific. Weed Biocontrol: What's New? Lincoln, NZ, Manaaki Whenua. Pp. 6. https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/publications/weed-biocontrol/weed-biocontrol-articles/tackling-moluccan-albizia-for-the-pacific/
Winkworth RC, Nelson BCW, Bellgard SE, Probst CM, McLenachan PA, Lockhart PJ 2020. A LAMP at the end of the tunnel: A rapid, field deployable assay for the kauri dieback pathogen, Phytophthora agathidicida. Plos One 15(1). WOS:000534599100007 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0224007
Probst CM, Ridgway HJ, Jaspers MV, Jones EE 2019. Pathogenicity of Ilyonectria liriodendri and Dactylonectria macrodidyma propagules in grapevines. European Journal of Plant Pathology 154(2): 405-421. WOS:000470322000019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-018-01664-0