Chris Jones

Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Science Portfolio Leader: Wildlife Management and Conservation Ecology
Research interests
Predator-prey interactions and the ecology of invasive species and their prey.
Seabird population dynamics and the ecological and social impacts of predation and harvest.
Vertebrate population ecology
Design and performance measurement of complex natural management programmes
Evidence-driven policy development in collaboration with national and regional wildlife management agencies
Recent publications
Jones, C., Borkin, K. and Smith, D., 2019. Roads and wildlife: the need for evidence-based decisions; New Zealand bats as a case study. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43: 3376.
Lyver, P.O’B., Ruru, J., Scott, N., Tylianakis, J.M., Arnold, J., Malinen, S.K., Bataille, C.Y., Herse, M.R., Jones, C.J., Gormley, A.M., Peltzer, D.A., Taura, Y.,Timoti, P., Stone, C., Wilcox, M. and Moller, H.M. 2019. Building biocultural approaches into Aotearoa - New Zealand’s conservation future. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 49:394-411.
Lyver, P., Richardson, S., Gormley, A., Timoti, P., Jones, C. and Tahi, B. 2018. Complementarity of indigenous and western scientific approaches for monitoring forest state. Ecological Applications 28: 1909-1923.
Jones, C. and Kirk, N. 2018. Shared visions: can community conservation projects’ outcomes inform on their likely contributions to national biodiversity goals? New Zealand Journal of Ecology 42: 116-124
Timoti, P., Lyver, P., Matamua, R., Jones, C. and Tahi, B., 2017. A representation of a Tuawhenua worldview guides environmental conservation. Ecology and Society 22(4).
Lyver, P.O.B., Timoti, P., Jones, C.J., Richardson, S.J., Tahi, B.L. and Greenhalgh, S., 2017. An indigenous community-based monitoring system for assessing forest health in New Zealand. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 3183-3212.
Lyver, P.O.B., Timoti, P., Gormley, A.M., Jones, C.J., Richardson, S.J., Tahi, B.L. and Greenhalgh, S., 2017. Key Māori values strengthen the mapping of forest ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services: 92-102.
Aldridge, S.P., Gormley, A.M., Gaw, S., Webb, S., Buxton, R.T. and Jones, C.J., 2017. Elevated mercury concentrations in the feathers of grey-faced petrels (Pterodroma gouldi) in New Zealand. Marine Pollution Bulletin 119: 195-203.
McNamara, L. and Jones, C. 2016. Improving investment decision making in community based conservation. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 32: 356-369
Buxton RT, Jones CJ, Lyver POB, Towns DR, Borrelle SB. 2016. Deciding when to lend a helping hand: a decision making framework for seabird island restoration. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 467–484.
Buxton, R.T., Gormley, A., Jones, C.J., P. O'B. Lyver. 2016. Monitoring burrowing petrel populations: a sampling scheme for the management of an island keystone species. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 149-161.
Orwin, K., Wardle, D., Towns, D., St. John, M., Bellingham, P., Jones, C., Fitzgerald, B., Parish, R. and Lyver, P. 2016. Burrowing seabird effects on invertebrate communities in soil and litter are dominated by ecosystem engineering rather than nutrient addition. Oecologia.180: 217-230.
Buxton, R., Taylor, G., Jones, C., Lyver, P., Moller, H., Cree, A. and Towns, D. 2016. Spatio-temporal changes in density and distribution of burrow-nesting seabird colonies after rat eradication. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40: 88-99.
Lyver, P., Wilmshurst, J., Wood, J., Jones, C., Fromont, M., Bellingham, P., Towns, D., Stone, C., Sheehan, M. and Moller, H. 2015. Looking back for the future: local knowledge and paleoecology inform biocultural restoration of New Zealand coastal ecosystems. Human Ecology 43:681-695.
Jones, C., Lyver, P., Whitehead, A., Forrester, G., Parkes, J. and Sheehan, M. 2015. Grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma gouldi) productivity unaffected by kiore (Pacific rats, Rattus exulans) on a New Zealand offshore island. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 42: 131-144.
Lyver, P.O’B., Jones, C.J., Belshaw, N., Anderson, A., Thompson, R. and Davis, J. 2015. Insights to the functional relationships of Māori harvest practices: customary use of a burrowing seabird. Journal of Wildlife Management 79: 969-977.
Lyver POB, Wilmshurst JM, Wood JR, Jones CJ, Fromont M, Bellingham PJ, Stone C, Sheehan M, Moller H 2015. Looking back for the future: local knowledge and palaeoecology inform biocultural restoration of coastal ecosystems in New Zealand. Human Ecology 43(5): 681–695.
Lyver POB, Jones CJ, Belshaw N, Anderson A, Thompson R, Davis J 2015. Insights to the functional relationships of Māori harvest practices: customary use of a burrowing seabird. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(6): 969–977.
Jones C, Warburton B, Carver J, Carver D 2015. Potential applications of wireless sensor networks for wildlife trapping and monitoring programs. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(2): 341–348.
Norbury G, Jones C 2015. Pests controlling pests: does predator control lead to greater European rabbit abundance in Australasia? Mammal Review 45(2): 79–87.
Buxton RT, Jones CJ, Moller H, Lyver POB 2015. One method does not suit all: variable settlement responses of three procellariid species to vocalisation playbacks. Emu 115(2): 126–136.
Jones CJ, Lyver POB, Macleod CJ, Whitehead AL, Forrester GJ 2015. Variation in productivity of Grey-faced Petrels (Pterodroma gouldi) with local burrow density and breeding island. Emu 115(1): 20–28.
Buxton RT, Anderson D, Moller H, Jones CJ, Lyver POB 2015. Release of constraints on nest-site selection in burrow-nesting petrels following invasive rat eradication. Biological Invasions 17(5): 1453–1470.
Jones CJ, Lyver POB, Davis J, Hughes B, Anderson A, Hohapata-Oke J 2015. Reinstatement of customary seabird harvests after a 50-year moratorium. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(1): 31–38.
Jones C, McNamara L 2014. Usefulness of two bioeconomic frameworks for evaluation of community-initiated species conservation projects. Wildlife Research 41(2): 106–116. ISI:000341503600002
Whitehead AL, Lyver PO, Jones CJ, Bellingham PJ, MacLeod CJ, Coleman M, Karl BJ, Drew K, Pairman D, Gormley AM, Duncan RP 2014. Establishing accurate baseline estimates of breeding populations of a burrowing seabird, the grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) in New Zealand. Biological Conservation 169: 109–116.
Buxton RT, Jones C, Moller H, Towns DR 2014. Drivers of seabird population recovery on New Zealand islands after predator eradication. Conservation Biology 28(2): 333–344.
Buxton RT, Currey CA, Lyver POB, Jones CJ 2013. Incidence of plastic fragments among burrow-nesting seabird colonies on offshore islands in northern New Zealand. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74(1): 420–424.
Jones C, Norbury G, Bell T 2013. Impacts of introduced European hedgehogs on endemic skinks and weta in tussock grassland. Wildlife research 40(1): 36-44.
Jones C, Lyver P, Coleman M, Barron M, Nugent G, Warburton B 2012. Can possum trapping provide a living and also protect the Ngahere? Te Kaahu o Tuawhenua 7: 7.
Jones C, Barron M, Warburton B, Coleman M, Lyver POB, Nugent G 2012. Serving two masters: reconciling economic and biodiversity outcomes of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) fur harvest in an indigenous New Zealand forest. Biological conservation 153: 143-152.
Jones C, Norbury G 2011. Feeding selectivity of introduced hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus in a dryland habitat, South Island, New Zealand. Acta theriologica 56(1): 45-51.
Jones C, Pech R, Forrester G, King CM, Murphy EC 2011. Functional responses of an invasive top predator Mustela erminea to invasive meso-predators Rattus rattus and Mus musculus, in New Zealand forests. Wildlife research 38(2): 131-140. WOS:000289732900005
Jones CJ, Clifford H, Fletcher D, Cuming P, Lyver POB 2011. Survival and age-at-first-return estimates for grey-faced petrels (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) breeding on Mauao and Motuotau Island in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Notornis 58: 71-80.
Jones C, Bell T 2010. Relative effects of toe-clipping and pen-marking on short-term recapture probability of McCann's skinks (Oligosoma maccanni). The Herpetological journal 20(4): 237-241.
Lyver PO, Jones CJ, Doherty J 2009. Flavor or Forethought: Tuhoe Traditional Management Strategies for the Conservation of Kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae) in New Zealand. Ecology and Society 14(1). WOS:000267846300029
Lyver POB, Jones C, Moller H 2009. Looking past the wallpaper : considerate evaluation of traditional environmental knowledge by science. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 39(4): 219-223.
Jones C, Jackson D 2009. A first record of latrine use by European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus (Linnaeus, 1758). Mammalia 73(2): 145-147. ISI:000267573300010
Jones C 2007. Short communiction: Rhodamine-B-marked eggs identify individual predators of artificial nests. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 31(1): 98-103.
Jones C, Norbury G 2006. Habitat use as a predictor of nest raiding by individual hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus in New Zealand. Pacific conservation biology 12(3): 180-188.
Jones C, Toft R 2006. Impacts of mice and hedgehogs on native forest invertebrates. DOC Research and Development Series. 245. Wellington, Department of Conservation. - p
Jones C, Moss K, Sanders M 2005. Diet of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in the upper Waitaki Basin, New Zealand: implications for conservation. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 29(1): 29-35.
Jones C, Sanders MD 2005. European hedgehog. In: King CM ed. The handbook of New Zealand mammals. Melbourne, Vic., Oxford University Press. Pp. 81-
Jones C, Moller H, Hamilton W 2004. A review of potential techniques for identifying individual stoats (Mustela erminea) visiting control or monitoring stations. New Zealand journal of zoology 31(3): 193-203.
Jones C 2003/7. Safety in numbers for secondary prey populations: an experimental test using egg predation by small mammals in New Zealand. Oikos 102(1): 57-66.
Jones C, Bettany S, Moller H, Fletcher D, Lyver P, de Cruz J 2003. Burrow occupancy and productivity at coastal sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) breeding colonies, South Island, New Zealand: can mark-recapture be used to estimate burrowscope accuracy? Wildlife research 30(4): 377-388.
Jones C 2002/11. A model for the conservation management of a 'secondary' prey: sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) colonies on mainland New Zealand as a case study. Biological conservation 108(1): 1-12.
- Landcare Research representative, Board of Isaac Centre for Nature Conservation
- Working Group member: National Plan of Action for Pest Management - Measurement and Review, MAF BIOSECURITY