Research interests
Research interests
- Flora writing (Liverwort flora, Cotoneaster)
- Interactive key writing (Coprosma, flowering plant genera, liverwort genera)
- Revision of native and adventive flowering plant genera
Current projects
- A liverwort and hornwort flora of New Zealand, coauthored with John Engel of Field Museum, Chicago.
- Eflora treatment and interactive key to Cotoneaster species present in New Zealand.
- List of threatened and rare bryophytes in New Zealand
- Editing Flora of the Cook Islands, written by Bill Sykes, research associate
Recent publications
Engel, J. J., Glenny, D. 2007. Austral Hepaticae 43. Castanoclobos, a new genus of Trichocoleaceae from . Novon 17: 424–428.
Meagher, D., Glenny, D. 2007 A new species of Bazzania (Lepidoziaceae) from . Journal of Bryology 29: 60–63.
Glenny, D., Jarman, J. 2008 Three species regarded as endemics, now recorded from . Australasian Bryological Newsletter 55: 10–12.
Engel, J. J., Glenny, D. 2007 Austral Hepaticae 43. Castanoclobos, a new genus of Trichocoleaceae from . Novon 17: 424–428.
Glenny, D. 2007 Dragons in the mist. Science Teacher 115: 12–17.
Glenny, D. 2007 A challenge to traditional taxonomy. Science Teacher 115: 18.
Glenny, D., Wagstaff, S., M., 2008 DNA sequencing and analysis: how its done. Journal 11: 8–9.
Glenny, D., , M. 2008 The second Linnaean revolution: DNA sequencing and its impact on traditional taxonomy. Journal 11: 10–12.
Engel, J. J. and Glenny, D. 2008 Studies on Lophocoleaceae XVI. Chiloscyphus anisolobus Engel & Glenny, an interesting new species of Hepaticae from . Bryologist 111: 118–123.Glenny, D., , R. 2008 A new Bazzania species (Lepidoziaceae) from Stockton Plateau, Nelson, . Fieldiana (Botany) 47: 175–180.
Engel, J. J., Glenny, D. 2008 A Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of , Monographs in Systematic Botany 110, Press. viii + 898 pp., 172 black-and-white illustrations, 101 colour photos.
Glenny, D., Engel, J. J., He-Nygren, X. 2009 The systematic identity of Chiloscyphus trichocoleoides, a new liverwort species from , uncovered by morphological and molecular evidence. Journal of Bryology 31: 93–105.
Glenny, D., de Lange, P., Lewington, R. J. 2009 Four new Australian species records from . Australasian bryological newsletter 56: 4–5.
Engel, J. J., Glenny, D. 2009 Austral Hepaticae 44. A revision of Marsupidium Mitt. for . Nova Hedwigia 87: 277–313.
Renner, M., Glenny, D. 2009 Cololejeunea floccosa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Steph. new to New Zealand. Australasian Bryological Newsletter 57: 17.
Ford, K, Glenny, D. and James, T. 2009 NZgrass Key – Key to grasses of New Zealand. Published online in July 2009. Available at http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/research/biosystematics/plants/grasskey/.
Glenny, D., Cruickshank, J. and Rolfe, J. 2010 Key to Coprosma species of New Zealand. Published online in July 2010. Available at http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/research/biosystematics/plants/coprosmakey/.
Beveridge, P., Glenny D. 2010 Chiloscyphus gippslandicus J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust. new to New Zealand. Australasian Bryological Newsletter 58: 9–10.
He, X.L., Glenny, D. 2010 Perssoniella and the genera of Schistochilaceae: a new classification based on molecular phylogenies. Australian Systematic Botany 23, 229–238.
Engel, J.J., He, X.L., Glenny, D. 2010 Studies on Lophocoleaceae XXII. The systematic position of Amphilophocolea R.M.Schust. together with comments on the status of Tetracymbaliella Grolle and Lamellocolea R.M.Schust. Phytotaxa 9: 41–52.
Fife, A.J., Glenny, D., Brownsey, P.J., Renner, M.A.M., Braggins, J.E., Beever, J.E., Hitchmough, R. 2010 New Zealand’s threatened bryophytes: conservation efforts. Phytotaxa 9: 275–278.
Glenny, D., Fife, A.J., Brownsey, P.J., Renner, M.A.M., Braggins, J.E., Beever, J.E., Hitchmough, R. 2011 Threatened and uncommon bryophytes of New Zealand (2010 revision). New Zealand Journal of Botany 49: 305–327.
Glenny D, Cruickshank J 2011. Taxonomic notes on the New Zealand flora: Coprosma dumosa and C. tayloriae, are there two species? New Zealand Journal of Botany 49(4): 481–488.
Glenny, D., Fife. A.J. 2012. “Phylum Bryophyta”. In: Gordon, D. P. (ed.) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume 3: Kingdoms Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi. Canterbury University Press.
Glenny D, James T, Cruickshank J, Dawson M, Ford K, Breitwieser I, 2012. Key to flowering plant genera of New Zealand. Published online in November 2012. Available at http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/resources/identification/plants/flowering-plants-key.
Engel, J. J., Glenny, D. 2012 Austral Hepaticae 48. Goebelobryum Grolle (Acrobolbaceae). Nova Hedwigia 95: 319–336.
Glenny D., Engel J.J. 2013 A new species of Clasmatocolea (Marchantiophyta: Lophocoleaceae), and a new record of a Tasmanian species, both from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 51: 22–30.
Sun Y, He X, Glenny D 2014. Transantarctic disjunctions in Schistochilaceae (Marchantiophyta) explained by early extinction events, post-Gondwanan radiations and palaeoclimatic changes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 76: 189–201. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2014.03.018
Glenny D 2013. Checklist of liverworts and hornworts of Banks Peninsula. Journal / Canterbury Botanical Society 44: 4–33.
Glenny D 2013. [Book review] Above the treeline: a nature guide to alpine New Zealand. Newsletter (New Zealand Botanical Society) 112: 21–23.
Glenny D, Bulman S, Tremblay S 2015. Reassessment of Treubia species in New Zealand. Nova Hedwigia 100:355–372.
Glenny D, Cruikshank J, Morse C, Rolfe J 2014 NZ Coprosma key. Android app using LucidMobile available at Google Play, 24 Dec 2014.
PhD Philosophy
BSc Botany
BA Philosophy
Sun Y, He X, Glenny D 2014. Transantarctic disjunctions in Schistochilaceae (Marchantiophyta) explained by early extinction events, post-Gondwanan radiations and palaeoclimatic changes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 76: 189–201. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2014.03.018
Glenny D 2013. Checklist of liverworts and hornworts of Banks Peninsula. Journal / Canterbury Botanical Society 44: 4–33.
Glenny D 2013. [Book review] Above the treeline: a nature guide to alpine New Zealand. Newsletter / New Zealand Botanical Society 112: 21-23.
Glenny D, Engel JJ 2013. A new species of Clasmatocolea (Marchantiophyta: Lophocoleaceae), and a new record of a Tasmanian species, both from New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 51(1): 22-30. https://doi.org/10.1080/0028825x.2012.736390
Engel JJ, Glenny D 2012. Austral Hepaticae 48. Goebelobryum Grolle (Acrobolbaceae). Nova Hedwigia 95(3-4): 319-336.
Glenny D, Fife AJ 2012. Phylum Bryophyta: hornworts, liverworts, mosses. 24 24 In: Gordon DP ed. New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Volume 3: Kingdoms Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi. Christchurch, NZ, Canterbury University Press. Pp. 382-410
Glenny D, Fife AJ, Brownsey PJ, Renner MA, Braggins JE, Beever JE, Hitchmough R 2011. Threatened and uncommon bryophytes of New Zealand (2010 revision). New Zealand journal of botany 49(2): 305-327. https://doi.org/10.1080/0028825x.2011.561864
Glenny D, Cruickshank J 2011. Taxonomic notes on the New Zealand flora: Coprosma dumosa and C. tayloriae, are there two species? New Zealand journal of botany 49(4): 481-488. WOS:000300170300004 https://doi.org/10.1080/0028825x.2011.607832
Glenny D, Cruickshank J, Rolfe J 2010. Key to Coprosma species of New Zealand. http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/resources/identification/plants/coprosma-key
Glenny D, Brownsey P 2010. [Abstract] New Zealand ferns and liverworts : do they share a common biogeographic history? Proceedings: 2010 Australian Systematic Botany Society Conference : Systematic botany across the ditch : links between Australia and New Zealand, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand, 29 November - 3 December 2010. Pp. 36.
He XL, Glenny D 2010. Perssoniella and the genera of Schistochilaceae: a new classification based on molecular phylogenies. Australian systematic botany 23(4): 229-238. CCC:000281413000002
Glenny D 2009. A revision of the genus Forstera (Stylidiaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 47(3): 285-315. CCC:000271885300005
Glenny D, Engel JJ, He-Nygren X 2009. The systematic identity of Chiloscyphus trichocoleoides, a new liverwort species from New Zealand, uncovered by morphological and molecular evidence. Journal of bryology 31: 93-105. ISI:000267588500005 https://doi.org/10.1179/174328209x427524
Engel JJ, Glenny D 2008. Studies on Lophocoleaceae XVI. Chiloscyphus anisolobus, an interesting new species from New Zealand. Bryologist 111(1): 118-123.
Engel JJ, Glenny D 2008. A flora of the liverworts and hornworts of New Zealand. Monographs in systematic botany. 110. St Louis, Missouri, Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 898 p
Engel JJ, Glenny D 2008. Austral Hepaticae 44. A revision of Marsupidium Mitt. for New Zealand. Nova Hedwigia 87(3-4): 277-313. WOS:000261822900001 https://doi.org/10.1127/0029-5035/2008/0087-0277
Feldberg K, Hentschel J, Wilson R, Rycroft DS, Glenny D, Heinrichs J 2007. Phylogenetic biogeography of the leafy liverwort Herbertus (Jungermanniales, Herbertaceae) based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data: correlation between genetic variation and geographical distribution. Journal of biogeography 34(4): 688-698.
Meagher D, Glenny D 2007. A new species of Bazzania (Lepidoziaceae) from New Zealand. Journal of bryology 29: 60-63.
He N, Juslén A, Ahonen I, Glenny D, Piippo S 2006. Illuminating the evolutionary history of liverworts (Marchantiophyta) - towards a natural classification. Cladistics 22(1): 1-31.
Renner MAM, Brown EA, Glenny DS 2006. Two new Zoopsis species and their relationships to other zoopsids (Jungermanniopsida : Lepidoziaceae). Journal of bryology 28(4): 331-344.
Glenny D, Malcolm B 2005. Key to Australasian liverwort and hornwort genera. Canberra; St.Lucia, Australian Biological Resources Study; Centre for Biological Information Technology. [unpaged]- p
Winkworth RC, Wagstaff SJ, Glenny D, Lockhart PJ 2005. Evolution of the New Zealand mountain flora: origins, diversification and dispersal. Organisms diversity and evolution 5(3): 237-247.
Glenny D 2004. A revision of the genus Gentianella in New Zealand. New Zealand journal of botany 42(3): 361-530.
He-Nygrén X, Ahonen I, Juslén A, Glenny D, Piippo S 2004. Phylogeny of liverworts - beyond a leaf and a thallus. In: Goffinet B, Hollowell V, Magill R ed. Molecular systematics of bryophytes. 98 ed. Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden. St. Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden Press. Pp. 87-118
Winkworth RC, Wagstaff SJ, Glenny D, Lockhart PJ 2002/11. Plant dispersal N.E.W.S from New Zealand. Trends in ecology and evolution 17(11): 514-520.
Lockhart PJ, McLenachan PA, Harell D, Glenny D, Huson D, Jensen U 2001. Phylogeny, radiation, and transoceanic dispersal of New Zealand alpine buttercups: Molecular evidence under split decomposition. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 88(3): 458-477.
Breitwieser I, Glenny DS, Thorne A, Wagstaff SJ 1999/9. Phylogenetic relationships in Australasian Gnaphalieae (Compositae) inferred from ITS sequences. New Zealand journal of botany 37(3): 399-412.
Glenny D 1997/12. A revision of the genus Anaphalioides (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae). New Zealand journal of botany 35(4): 451-477.
Glenny D, Wagstaff S 1997/12. Evolution and biogeography of New Zealand Anaphalis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) inferred from rDNA sequences. New Zealand journal of botany 35(4): 441-449.
Glenny D 1996. Nephelolejeunea papillosa, a new liverwort species from New Zealand, with notes on the distribution of Kymatolejeunea bartlettii Grolle. New Zealand journal of botany 34(2): 195-198.