Frank Molinia

Research interests
Research interests
Development of reproductive technologies for conservation of threatened species and control of overabundant populations in Australasia.
Selected recent publications (since 2009)
Linhoff LJ, Germano JM and Molinia FC (2022). Methods of identifying sex of amphibians and of conditioning captive brood stock for assisted reproduction. In: AJ Silla, AJ Kouba and H Heatwole (Eds.) Reproductive Technologies and Biobanking for the Conservation of Amphibians. (248 pages). CSIRO Publishing, Australia. Chapter 3, pp 23-38.
Germano JM, Cree A, Molinia F, Arregui L and Bishop PJ (2021). Hormone treatment does not reliably induce spermiation or mating in Hamilton's frog from the archaic leiopelmatid lineage. Reproduction Fertility Development. 34(5), 447-452.
Kouba AJ, Lloyd RE, Houck ML, Silla AJ, Calatayud N, Trudeau VL, Clulow J, Molinia F, Langhorne C, Vance C, Arregui L, Germano J, Lermen D and Della Togna G (2013). Emerging trends for biobanking amphibian genetic resources: The hope, reality and challenges for the next decade. Biological Conservation. 164, 10-21.
Germano JM, Molinia FC, Bishop PJ, Bell BD and Cree A (2012). Urinary hormone metabolites identify sex and imply unexpected winter breeding in an endangered, subterranean-nesting frog. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 175, 464-472.
Narayan EJ, Molinia FC, Cockrem JF and Hero J-M (2012). Individual variation and repeatability in urinary corticosterone metabolite responses to capture in the cane toad (Rhinella marina). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 175, 284-289.
Narayan EJ, Molinia FC, Cockrem JF and Hero J-M (2011). Changes in urinary testosterone and corticosterone metabolites during short-term confinement with repeated handling in wild male cane toads (Rhinella marina). Australian Journal of Zoology. 59, 264-269.
Narayan E, Molinia F and Hero J-M (2011). Absence of invasive chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in native Fijian ground frog (Platymantis vitiana) populations on Viwa-Tailevu, Fiji Islands. Acta Herpetologica. 6(2), 261-266.
Narayan E, Molinia FC, Kindermann C, Cockrem JF and Hero J-M (2011). Urinary corticosterone reponses to capture and toe-clipping in the cane toad (Rhinella marina) indicate that toe-clipping is a stressor for amphibians. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 174, 238-245.
Narayan E, Molinia F, Christi K, Morley C and Cockrem J (2010). Urinary corticosterone metabolite responses to capture, and annual patterns of urinary corticosterone in wild and captive endangered Fijian ground frogs (Platymantis vitiana). Australian Journal of Zoology. 58, 189-197.
Molinia FC, Bell T, Norbury G, Cree A and Gleeson DM (2010). Assisted breeding of skinks or how to teach a lizard old tricks! Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 5(2), 311-319.
Cui X, Duckworth JA, Lubitz P, Molinia FC, Haller C, Lubitz W and Cowan PE (2010). Humoral immune responses in brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) induced by bacterial ghosts expressing possum zona pellucida 3 protein. Vaccine. 28, 4268-4274.
Cui X, Duckworth JA, Molinia FC and Cowan PE (2010). Identification and evaluation of an infertility-associated ZP3 epitope from the marsupial brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Vaccine. 28, 1499-1505.
Narayan EJ, Molinia FC, Christi KS, Morley CG and Cockrem JF (2010). Annual cycles of urinary reproductive steroid concentrations in wild and captive endangered Fijian ground frogs (Platymantis vitianus). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 166, 172-179.
Germano JM, Molinia FC, Bishop PJ and Cree A (2009). Urinary hormone analysis assists reproductive monitoring and sex identification of bell frogs (Litoria raniformis). Theriogenology. 72, 663-671.
Rodger JC, Paris DBBP, Czarny NA, Harris MS, Molinia FC, Taggart DA, Allen CA and Johnston SD (2009). Artificial insemination of marsupials. Theriogenology. 71, 176-189.
PhD Animal Science
BSc (Hons) Histology & Embryol
Narayan EJ, Molinia FC, Cockrem JF, Hero J-M 2012. Individual variation and repeatability in urinary corticosterone metabolite responses to capture in the cane toad (Rhinella marina). General and comparative endocrinology 175(2): 284-289.
Molinia F, Narayan E, Germano J, Bishop P 2012. Non-invasive hormone analysis for gender identification and monitoring reproductive function of anurans. Proceedings: 7th World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 13-25 July 2012.
Narayan E, Molinia F, Cockrem J, J.-M. H 2012. Amphibian corticosterone stress responses: applications for understanding global amphibian declines. Proceedings: 7th World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 13-25 July 2012.
Narayan EJ, Molinia FC, Cockrem JF, Hero J-M 2012. Changes in urinary testosterone and corticosterone metabolites during short-term confinement with repeated handling in wild male cane toads (Rhinella marina). Australian journal of zoology 59(4): 264-269.
Germano JM, Molinia FC, Bishop PJ, Bell BD, Cree A 2012. Urinary hormone metabolites identify sex and imply unexpected winter breeding in an endangered, subterranean-nesting frog. General and comparative endocrinology 175(3): 464-472.
Narayan E, Molinia F, Hero J-M 2011. Absence of invasive Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in native Fijian ground frog ( Platymantis vitiana ) populations on Viwa-Tailevu, Fiji Islands. Acta herpetologica 6(2): pp. 261-266.
Gleeson D, Molinia F 2011. Regional Focus: Maritime Southeast Asia and Oceania; Regional Update - Landcare Research (Auckland). FrogLog 99: p. 35.
Narayan E, Molinia F, Cockrem J, Hero J-M 2011. [Abstract] Non-invasive amphibian endocrinology: a new tool for fundamental biology and ecological research. Proceedings: 28th Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, 9-11 December 2011. Pp. 49.
Molinia F, Gleeson D, Narayan E, Germano JM, Cree A, Bishop P, Jakob-Hoff R, Cockrem J, Gemmell N 2011. Reproductive technologies to help recovery of threatened New Zealand vertebrates for ecological restoration. Proceedings: 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB): "Engaging Society in Conservation", Auckland, 5-9 December 2011.