Research interests
I began my research career in 1981 as a scientist with the Animal Ecology Section of the New Zealand Forest Service's Christchurch-based Forest Research Institute (FRI). My research at that time focussed on management of introduced ungulates and later on the ecology and control of brushtail possums and other wildlife vectors of bovine tuberculosis.- behavioural ecology of wild mammals
- control technologies for invasive vertebrate species
- wildlife reservoirs of bovine tuberculosis
- eco-epidemiology of tick-borne disease
The University of Western Ontario
PhD (Zoology)
The University of Western Ontario
PhD Zoology
Hickling GJ, Day TD 2024. Brushtail possums (<i>Trichosurus vulpecula</i>) dominate dama wallabies (<i>Notamacropus eugenii</i>) and Bennett's wallabies (<i>Notamacropus rufogriseus</i>) at bait feeders: implications for invasive species management. Wildlife Research 51(8): 10. WOS:001286751600001 https://doi.org/10.1071/wr24016
Johnstone KC, Garvey P, Hickling GJ 2023. Invasive mammal control selects for trap-recalcitrant behaviour and personality. Biological Invasions. WOS:001101698800002 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-023-03191-4
Godfrey EJ, Cameron EZ, Hickling GJ 2023. Social learning in a nocturnal marsupial: is it a possum-ability? Biology Letters 19(1). WOS:000914769400003 https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0460
Wehi PM, Barrell GK, Hickling GJ 2006. Hormonal correlates of social rank in an asocial species, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Ethology 112(7): 639-648.
Coleman J, Hickling G, Caley P 2004. Patchiness of bovine Tb in possum populations. Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research 3: 10-12.
Nugent G, Griffin F, Hickling GJ 2003. [Abstract] Bovine tuberculosis : host status of wild and farmed deer. 3rd International Wildlife Management Conference, incorporating the 16th Annual Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, 1-5 December 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand : programme and abstracts. Christchurch, [The Conference]. Pp. 151-
Reddiex B, Frampton CM, Hickling GJ, Norbury GL, Parkes JP 2003. [Abstract] Effect of rabbit haemorrhagic disease on rabbit population demography in three climatically diverse regions of New Zealand. 3rd International Wildlife Management Conference, incorporating the 16th Annual Australasian Wildlife Management Society Conference, 1-5 December 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand : programme and abstracts. Christchurch, [The Conference]. Pp. 324-
Reddiex B, Hickling GJ, Norbury GL, Frampton CM 2002. Effects of predation and rabbit haemorrhagic disease on population dynamics of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in North Canterbury, New Zealand. Wildlife research 29(6): 627-633.
Caley P, Coleman JD, Hickling GJ 2001/6. Habitat-related prevalence of macroscopic Mycobacterium bovis infection in brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), Hohonu Range, Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand veterinary journal 49(3): 82-87.
Brown S, O'Connor C, Domigan I, Hickling G 2001. [Poster abstract] Optimising the design of a stoat control tunnel. 12th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 21-25 May 2001 : proceedings. East Melbourne, Department of Natural Resources and Environment Victoria. Pp. -
Reddiex B, Hickling G, Norbury G, Frampton C 2001. [Abstract] Interactive effects of predation and rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) on the dynamics of wild rabbit populations in New Zealand. Australasian Wildlife Management Society 14th Scientific Meeting and AGM, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia, 3rd-5th December 2001 : conference program and abstracts. [Dubbo], [The Conference]. Pp. 75-
Morgan DR, Hickling GH 2000. Possum poisoning. In: Montague T ed. Possums in New Zealand : the biology, impact and management of an introduced marsupial. Lincoln, N.Z., Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 143-153
Brown S, O'Connor C, Domigan I, Hickling G 2000. [Abstract] Optimising the design of a stoat-control tunnel. Australasian Wildlife Management Society 13th Annual Conference and AGM, 28 November - 1 December 2000, Queenstown, New Zealand : programme and abstracts. [Lincoln], Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. Pp. 78-
Forsyth DM, Parkes JP, Hickling GJ 2000. A case for multi-species management of sympatric herbivore pest impacts in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 24(1): 97-103.
Morgan D, Hickling G 2000. Techniques used for poisoning possums. In: Montague TL ed. The brushtail possum : biology, impact and management of an introduced marsupial. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 143-153
Ross JG, Hickling GJ, Morgan DR, Eason CT 2000. The role of non-toxic prefeed and postfeed in the development and maintenance of 1080 bait shyness in captive brushtail possums. Wildlife research 27(1): 69-74.
Yockney IJ, Hickling GJ 2000. Distribution and diet of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in Westland forests, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 24(1): 31-38.
Henderson RJ, Frampton CM, Morgan DR, Hickling GJ 1999/10. The efficacy of baits containing 1080 for control of brushtail possums. Journal of wildlife management 63(4): 1138-1151.
Caley P, Hickling G 1999. Effective possum control reduces bovine Tb infection in cattle and possums. He korero paihama : Possum research news 11: 5-6.
Caley P, Hickling GJ, Cowan PE, Pfeiffer DU 1999. Effects of sustained control of brushtail possums on levels of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle and brushtail possum populations from Hohotaka, New Zealand. New Zealand veterinary journal 47: 133-147.
Hickling GJ, Henderson RJ, Thomas MCC 1999. Poisoning mammalian pests can have unintended consequences for future control : two case studies. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 23(2): 267-273.
Hickling GJ, Efford MG 1998. Assessing the risk of bovine tuberculosis infection for New Zealand cattle herds in Tb vector risk areas (VRAs). In: Fletcher DJ, Kavalieris L, Manly BFJ ed. Statistics in ecology and environmental monitoring. 2. Decision making and risk assessment in biology : proceedings of the conference, University of Otago, 24-28 June 1996. 6 ed. Otago conference series. Dunedin, University of Otago Press. Pp. 79-90
Chilvers BL, Ryan CJ, Hickling GJ 1997/3. Factors affecting pilot-reported bird-strike rates at Christchurch International airport, New Zealand. New Zealand journal of zoology 24(1): 1-7.
Ross JG, Hickling GJ, Morgan DR 1997. Use of subacute and chronic toxicants to control sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) bait shy possums. Proceedings of the New Zealand Plant Protection Conference 50: 397-400.
Morgan DR, Morriss G, Hickling GJ 1996/2. Induced 1080 bait-shyness in captive brushtail possums and implications for management. Wildlife research 23(2): 207-211.
Hickling GJ, Morgan DR, Henderson RJ 1996. Management of 1080 bait aversion in repeatedly poisoned possum populations. Improving conventional control of possums : proceedings of a workshop organised by the Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National Science Strategy Committee, 25-26 October 1995, Wellington. 35 ed. Miscellaneous series / Royal Society of New Zealand. Wellington, Royal Society of New Zealand. Pp. 54-56
Thomas MD, Henderson RJ, Hickling GJ 1996. Optimising the use of bait stations for possum control. Improving conventional control of possums : proceedings of a workshop organised by the Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National Science Strategy Committee, 25-26 October 1995, Wellington. 35 ed. Miscellaneous series / Royal Society of New Zealand. Wellington, Royal Society of New Zealand. Pp. 65-69
Chilvers BL, Wilson K-J, Hickling GJ 1995/9. Suckling behaviours and growth rates of New zealand fur seals, Arctocephalus forsteri, at Cape Foulwind, New Zealand. New Zealand journal of zoology 22(3): 263-270.
Caley P, Hickling GJ, Cowan PE 1995. Sustained control of possums to reduce bovine tuberculosis in cattle and possum populations in New Zealand. Proceedings : 10th Australian Vertebrate Pest Control Conference, Hobart, Tasmania 29th May-2nd June 1995. Hobart, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries. Pp. 276-281
Morgan DR, Meikle L, Hickling GJ 1995. Induction, persistence and management of 1080 bait "shyness" in captive brushtail possums. Proceedings : 10th Australian Vertebrate Pest Control Conference, Hobart, Tasmania 29th May-2nd June 1995. Hobart, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries. Pp. 328-332
Thomas M, Henderson R, Hickling G 1995. [Abstract] Optimising possum control using bait stations. Australasian Wildlife Management Society 8th Annual Conference, 4-7 December 1995, University of Canterbury, Christchurch : conference programme and abstracts. [Christchurch], [The Conference]. Pp. 48-
Thomas MD, Hickling GJ 1995. An evaluation of bait stations containing sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) for sustained control of possums on farmland. Proceedings : 10th Australian Vertebrate Pest Control Conference, Hobart, Tasmania 29th May-2nd June 1995. Hobart, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries. Pp. 48-52
Fraser W, Kelly D, Hickling G 1994. Introduced plant and animal management : where to from here? Ecological Society newsletter 75: 5-7.
Thomas MD, Hickling GJ, Coleman JD, Pracy LT 1993. Long-term trends in possum numbers at Pararaki: evidence of an irruptive fluctuation. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 17(1): 29-34.
Eason CT, Hickling GJ 1992. Evaluation of a bio-dynamic technique for possum pest control. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 16(2): 141-144.