Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Senior scientist, Wildlife Ecology and Management Team, Alexandra.
Research interests
- Ecology, impacts and management strategies for vertebrate pests
- Predator-prey interactions
- Dryland ecosystem function and modelling
- Native lizard conservation
- Community involvement in conservation
Professional affiliations / recognition.
2018 Queen's Service Medal for services to conservation
2014 Best science paper on New Zealand ecology for 2014. Awarded by NZ Ecological Society.
2010–2016 Associate Editor, New Zealand Journal of Zoology
2005–present Chair, Central Otago Ecological Trust
2011–present Appointed member of DOC Takahe Recovery Group
2004–2013 Appointed member of Department of Conservation (DOC) Grand and Otago Skink Recovery Group
2001 NZ–Hawai’i Conservation Exchange Programme
1999 Landcare Research Manaaki Tangata Fellowship for overseas study
1993 Wet Tropics Management Authority Research Fellowship
1992 Prize for best spoken poster, 7th Biennial Conference of Australian Rangeland Society
1983–1986 Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award, University of Melb.
1974 Junior Government Scholarship, Parade College, Melbourne
Member: Australasian Wildlife Management Society
NZ Ecological Society
Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in NZ
Recent publications
Price C, McArthur C, Norbury G, Banks P (in press). Olfactory misinformation: creating ‘fake news’ to reduce problem foraging by wildlife. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Norbury, G.L., Price, C.J., Latham, M.C., Brown, S.J., Latham, A.D.M, Brownstein, G.E., Ricardo, H.C., McArthur, N.J, Banks, P.B. (2021). Misinformation tactics protects rare birds from problem predators. Science Advances 7, eabe4164.
Garcia-Diaz, P., Lambin, X. Norbury, G. et al. 2020. Crafting fit-for-purpose long-term management policies and strategies for invasive species. Bioscience
P.M., Banks, P.B., Suraci, J.P., Bodey, T.W., Glen, A.S., Jones, C.J, McArthur,
C., Norbury, G.L., Price, C.J., Russell, J.C., Sih, A. (2020). "Leveraging
Motivations, Personality, and Sensory Cues for Vertebrate Pest
Management." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35(11):
Price, C.; Banks, P.; Brown, S.; Latham, C.M.; Latham, A.D.M.; Pech, R.;
Norbury, G. 2020. Invasive mammalian predators habituate to and generalise
avian prey cues – a mechanism for conserving native prey. Ecological
Applications. e02200.
Cliff, H.B.; Jones, M.E.; Johnson, C.N.; Pech, R.P.; Heyward, R.P.; Norbury,
G.L. 2020. Short-term pain before long-term gain? Suppression of invasive
primary prey temporarily increases predation on native lizards. Biological
Invasions 22: 2063-2078.
Latham, A.D.M., Latham, M. C., Norbury, G.L., Forsyth, D.M., Warburton, B.
(2020) A review of the damage caused by invasive wild mammalian herbivores to
primary production in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 47 (1),
Norbury, G., and W. van Overmeire. (2019). Low structural complexity of nonnative grassland habitat exposes prey to higher predation. Ecological Applications 29:e01830
Latham, M. C., D. P. Anderson, G. Norbury, C. J. Price, P. B. Banks, and A. D. M. Latham. 2019. Modeling habituation of introduced predators to unrewarding bird odors for conservation of ground-nesting shorebirds. Ecological Applications 29:e01814.
Norbury G. (2017). The case for ‘bottom-up’ pest management. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 41, 271-277.
King, C. M., Norbury, G., and Veale, A. J. (2017) Small mustelids in New Zealand: invasion ecology down-under. In: Biology and Conservation of Musteloids. Edited by David W. Macdonald, Christopher Newman, and Lauren A. Harrington: Oxford University Press.
Niemiec, R.M., Pech, R.P., Norbury, G.L., Byrom, A.E. (2017). Landowners' perspectives on coordinated, landscape-level invasive species control: the role of social and ecological context. Environmental Management 59, 477-489.
Rouco C, Norbury G L, Anderson D P. (2016). Movements and habitat preferences of pests help to improve population control: the case of common brushtail possums in a New Zealand dryland ecosystem. Pest Management Science 73, 287-294.
Norbury, G.L., Pech, R.P., Byrom, A.E., Innes, J. (2015). Density-impact functions for terrestrial vertebrate pests and indigenous biota: Guidelines for conservation managers. Biological Conservation 191, 409-420.
Norbury G, Jones C (2015). Pests controlling pests: does predator control lead to greater European rabbit abundance in Australasia? Mammal Review 45, 79-87.
Rouco, C., Norbury, G. (2015). Short-term influence of snow cover on movements and habitat use by brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39, 303-308.
Kemp L., Norbury G, Groenewegen R, Comer S (2015). The roles of trials and experiments in fauna reintroduction programs. In: Doug P. Armstrong & Matthew W. Hayward. eds Advances in Reintroduction Biology of Australian and New Zealand Fauna. CSIRO Publishing.
Rouco C, Norbury G, Ramsay D. (2014). Kill rates by rabbit hunters before and 16 years after introduction of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in the southern South Island, New Zealand. Wildlife Research 41, 136-140.
Norbury G, Hutcheon A, Reardon J, Daigneault A (2014). Pest fencing or pest trapping: a bio-economic analysis of cost-effectiveness. Austral Ecology 39, 795-807.
Norbury G, van den Munckhof M, Neitzel S, Hutcheon A, Reardon J, Ludwig K. (2014). Impacts of invasive house mice on post-release survival of translocated lizards. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 322-327.
Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Walker S, Overton J Mc (2014). How does woody succession affect population densities of passerine birds in New Zealand drylands? New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 257-267.
Walker S, Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Monks A, Tanentzap AJ. (2014). Complementarity of indigenous flora in shrublands and grasslands in a New Zealand dryland landscape. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 230-241.
Walker S, Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Monks A, Tanentzap AJ. (2014). Effects of secondary shrublands on bird, lizard and invertebrate faunas in a dryland landscape. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 242-256.
Norbury G, Byrom A, Pech R, Smith J, Clarke D, Anderson D, Forrester G (2013). Invasive mammals and habitat modification interact to generate unforeseen outcomes for indigenous fauna. Ecological Applications 23, 1707-1721.
C M King, G Norbury, A Veale (in press). Small mustelids in New Zealand: invasion ecology down-under. Book chapter. Biology and Conservation of Wild Mustelids 18th – 21st March 2013
Jones C, Norbury G, Bell T (2013). Impacts of introduced European hedgehogs on endemic skinks and weta in tussock grassland. Wildlife Research 40, 36-44.
Rouco C, Norbury G (2013). An introduced species helping another: dispersal of a rose seed infesting wasp by a marsupial in New Zealand. Biological Invasions 15, 1649-1652.
Hare KM, Norbury G, Judd LM, Whitmore N, Cree A. (2012). Survival of captive-bred skinks following reintroduction to the wild is not explained by variation in speed or body condition. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 39, 319-328.
M.P. Scroggie, J.P. Parkes, B. Reddiex, G. Norbury and R. Heyward (2012). Effect of rabbits and sheep on vegetation growth in dry and mesic grasslands of Otago, New Zealand. Wildlife Research 39, 721-730.
Reardon JT, Whitmore N, Holmes KM, Judd LM, Hutcheon AD, Norbury G, Mackenzie DI (2012). Predator control allows critically endangered lizards to recover on mainland New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36(2), 141-150.
Rouco C, Norbury G, Smith J, Byrom A, Pech R. (2012). Population density estimates of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) on open dry grassland in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37, 12-17.
BSc (Hons)
Norbury GL, Pech RP, Byrom AE, Innes J 2015. Density-impact functions for terrestrial vertebrate pests and indigenous biota: guidelines for conservation managers. Biological Conservation 191: 409–420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2015.07.031
Kemp L, Norbury G, Groenewegen R, Comer S 2015. The roles of trials and experiments in fauna reintroduction programs. In: Armstrong DP, Hayward MW, Moro D, Seddon PJ ed. Advances in reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna. Clayton South, Australia, CSIRO Publishing. Pp. 73–89
Rouco C, Norbury G 2015. Short-term influence of snow cover on movements and habitat use by brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(2): 303–308.
Norbury G, Jones C 2015. Pests controlling pests: does predator control lead to greater European rabbit abundance in Australasia? Mammal Review 45(2): 79–87. https://doi.org/10.1111/mam.12034
Rouco C, Norbury G, Ramsay D 2014. Kill rates by rabbit hunters before and 16 years after introduction of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in the southern South Island, New Zealand. Wildlife Research 41(2): 136–140. https://doi.org/10.1071/WR13223
Norbury G, Hutcheon A, Reardon J, Daigneault A 2014. Pest fencing or pest trapping: a bio-economic analysis of cost-effectiveness. Austral Ecology 39(7): 795–807. https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.12147
Norbury G, van den Munckhof M, Neitzel S, Hutcheon A, Reardon J, Ludwig K 2014. Impacts of invasive house mice on post-release survival of translocated lizards. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38(2): 322–327.
Walker S, Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Monks A, Tanentzap AJ 2014. Complementarity of indigenous flora in shrublands and grasslands in a New Zealand dryland landscape. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38(2): 230–241.
Walker S, Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Monks A, Tanentzap AJ 2014. Effects of secondary shrublands on bird, lizard and invertebrate faunas in a dryland landscape. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38(2): 242–256.
Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Walker S 2014. How does woody succession affect population densities of passerine birds in New Zealand drylands? New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38(2): 257–267.
Norbury G, Byrom AE, Pech R, Smith J, Clarke D, Anderson DP, Forrester G 2013. Invasive mammals and habitat modification interact to generate unforeseen outcomes for indigenous fauna. Ecological Applications 23(7): 1707–1721. https://doi.org/10.1890/12-1958.1
Rouco C, Norbury G 2013. An introduced species helping another: dispersal of a rose seed infesting wasp by a marsupial in New Zealand. Biological invasions 15(8): 1649-1652. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-013-0415-1
Jones C, Norbury G, Bell T 2013. Impacts of introduced European hedgehogs on endemic skinks and weta in tussock grassland. Wildlife research 40(1): 36-44. https://doi.org/10.1071/wr12164
Rouco C, Norbury GL, Smith J, Byrom AE, Pech RP 2013. Population density estimates of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in dry grassland in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37(1): 12-17.
Reardon JT, Whitmore N, Holmes KM, Judd LM, Hutcheon AD, Norbury G, MacKenzie DI 2012. Predator control allows critically endangered lizards to recover on mainland New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36(2): 141-150.
Scroggie MP, Parkes JP, Norbury G, Reddiex B, Heyward R 2012. Lagomorph and sheep effects on vegetation growth in dry and mesic grasslands in Otago, New Zealand. Wildlife research 39(8): 721-730. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR11209
Jones C, Norbury G 2011. Feeding selectivity of introduced hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus in a dryland habitat, South Island, New Zealand. Acta theriologica 56(1): 45-51. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13364-010-0009-6
Molinia FC, Bell T, Norbury G, Cree A, Gleeson DM 2010. Assisted breeding of skinks or how to teach a lizard old tricks! Herpetological conservation and biology 5(2): 311-319.
Lettink M, Norbury G, Cree A, Seddon PJ, Duncan RP, Schwarz CJ 2010. Removal of introduced predators, but not artificial refuge supplementation, increases skink survival in coastal duneland. Biological conservation 143(1): 72-77.
Norbury G, Heyward R, Parkes J 2009. Skink and invertebrate abundance in relation to vegetation, rabbits and predators in a New Zealand dryland ecosystem. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 33(1): 24-31. CABI:20093153433
Ramsey DSL, Norbury GL 2009. Predicting the unexpected: Using a qualitative model of a New Zealand dryland ecosystem to anticipate pest management outcomes. Austral ecology 34(4): 409-421.
Norbury G, Heyward R 2008. Predictors of clutch predation of a globally significant avifauna in New Zealand's braided river ecosystems. Animal conservation 11(1): 17-25.
Jones C, Norbury G 2006. Habitat use as a predictor of nest raiding by individual hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus in New Zealand. Pacific conservation biology 12(3): 180-188.
Ruscoe WA, Norbury G, Choquenot D 2006. Trophic interactions among native and introduced animal species. 16 16 In: Allen RB, Lee WG ed. Biological invasions in New Zealand. Ecological Studies. 186. Berlin, Springer. Pp. 247-263https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-30023-6_16
Norbury G, Flux JEC 2005. Brown hare. In: King CM ed. The handbook of New Zealand mammals. Melbourne, Vic., Oxford University Press. Pp. 151-
Norbury G, O'Connor C, Byrom A 2005. Conditioned food aversion to eggs in captive-reared ferrets, Mustela furo: a test of seven potential compounds. Applied animal behaviour science 93(1-2): 111-121.
Norbury G, Reddiex B 2005. European rabbit. In: King CM ed. The handbook of New Zealand mammals. Melbourne, Vic., Oxford University Press. Pp. 131-
Reardon JT, Norbury G 2004. Ectoparasite and hemoparasite infection in a diverse temperate lizard assemblage at Macraes Flat, South Island, New Zealand. Journal of parasitology 90(6): 1274-1278.
Parkes JP, Norbury GL, Heyward RP, Sullivan G 2002. Epidemiology of rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) in the South Island, New Zealand, 1997-2001. Wildlife research 29(6): 543-555.
Reddiex B, Hickling GJ, Norbury GL, Frampton CM 2002. Effects of predation and rabbit haemorrhagic disease on population dynamics of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in North Canterbury, New Zealand. Wildlife research 29(6): 627-633.
Norbury G 2001/12. Conserving dryland lizards by reducing predator-mediated apparent competition and direct competition with introduced rabbits. Journal of applied ecology 38(6): 1350-1361.
Barlow ND, Norbury GL 2001. A simple model for ferret population dynamics and control in semi-arid New Zealand habitats. Wildlife research 28(1): 87-94.
Norbury G 2001. Advances in New Zealand mammalogy 1990-2000: Lagomorphs. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 31: 83-97.
Norbury G 2000/9. The potential for biological control of stoats (Mustela erminea). New Zealand journal of zoology 27(3): 145-163.
Heyward RP, Norbury GL 1999. Secondary poisoning of ferrets and cats after 1080 rabbit poisoning. Wildlife research 26(1): 75-80.
Norbury GL, Norbury DC, Heyward RP 1998/1. Behavioral responses of two predator species to sudden declines in primary prey. Journal of wildlife management 62(1): 45-58.
Norbury GL, Norbury DC, Heyward RP 1998. Space use and denning behaviour of wild ferrets (Mustela furo) and cats (Felis catus). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 22(2): 149-159.
King DR, Norbury GL, Eliot GJ 1997. The efficacy of Finlayson troughs as a means of repelling kangaroos from water and altering grazing pressure in pastoral areas. Rangeland journal 19: 57-69.
Norbury DC, Norbury GL 1996/2. Short-term effects of rabbit grazing on a degraded short-tussock grassland in Central Otago. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 20(2): 285-288.
Norbury G, McGlinchy A 1996/2. The impact of rabbit control on predator sightings in the semi-arid high country of the South Island, New Zealand. Wildlife research 23(1): 93-97.
- Member Takahe Recovery Group, Takahe Recovery Group
- Founder and Chair - Central Otago Ecological Trust, Central Otago Ecological Trust
- Associate Editor NZJ Zool, NZ J Zool
- Project Management Team of the Te Matau a Maui project in Hawke's Bay, Hawkes Bay Regional Council. DOC. Cape Sanctuary