Research interests
Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kuri, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Moroki, Ngāti Rāhiri, Ngaati Tiipa, Ngaati Waero
In 2023 Manaaki Whenua welcomed Hōne Kapa into the recently-established position of Kaitūhonohono.
This position is aimed at strengthening and creating new relationships between Manaaki Whenua and whānau, hapū and iwi, and Māori organisations, specifically in relation to their taonga held in the collections and databases cared for by Manaaki Whenua.
Hone has wide-ranging experience, having been involved in the education space for the Ministry of Education as a Senior Advisor, outdoor education, engagement with rangatahi, hapū and iwi; and within the sciences, including the Crown Research Institute (CRI) sector with NIWA’s specialist dive team, and with Cawthron Institute.