![Ian Lynn](/assets/Staff/profile-943-v3__ScaleMaxWidthWzgwMF0.jpg)
Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Research and consultancy on;
- soil resource mapping and evaluation
- erosion assessment
- landscape characterization
- floodplain hazard assessment
Research interests
- Soil resource mapping and evaluation
- Erosion assessment
- Landscape characterization
- Floodplain hazard assessment
- Land use impacts on landscapes
- Aerial photographic Interpretation
Professional affiliations
- New Zealand Society of Soil Science
- New Zealand Geological Society
- New Zealand Association of Resource Management
- New Zealand Hydrological Society
Recent publications
Hewitt A, Forrester G, Fraser S, Hedley C, Lynn I, Payton I. 2012 Afforestation effects on soil carbon stocks of low productivity grassland in New Zealand. Soil Use and Management 28, 508-516.
Lynn I, Carrick C, Houlbrooke D, Webb T. 2012. Pocket guide to determine soil risk for farm dairy effluent application ‑ planning the right system for your farm. DairyNZ, Landcare Research, and AgResearch. 30 pp. http://www.dairynz.co.nz/page/pageid/2145872446?resourceId=727
Hedley CB, Payton IJ, Lynn IH, Carrick, ST, Webb TH. 2012 Random sampling of stony and non-stony soils for testing a national soil carbon monitoring System. Soil Research 50, 18-29.
Hicks DM, Shankar U, McKerchar AI, Basher L, Jessen M, Lynn I, Page M 2011. Suspended sediment yields from New Zealand rivers. Journal of Hydrology (NZ) 50 (1) pp. 81-142.
Hewitt A, Barringer J, Forrester G, Lynn I, Mayr T, McNeil S,Webb T. 2010. Aligning the New Zealand digital soil mapping strategy with the global soil mapping project. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World 1-6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia. CDROM
Basher LR, Barringer J, Lynn I, Page M 2010. Accounting for the effects of mass-movement erosion on soil carbon stocks: defining and mapping mass movement erosion prone land. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0910/086, for MfE.
Lynn IH, Manderson AK, Page MJ, Harmsworth GR, Eyles GO, Douglas GB, Mackay AD, Newsome PJF 2009. Land Use Capability Survey Handbook − a New Zealand handbook for the classification of land 3rd Ed. Hamilton, AgResearch; Lincoln, Landcare Research; Lower Hutt, GNS Science. 163 p.
Barringer JRF, Hewitt AE, Lynn IH and Schmidt J 2008. National Mapping of Landform Elements in Support of S-Map, A New Zealand Soils Database. In Zhou, Q., Lees, B. and Tang, G. (Eds.), Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis, Springer, 2008, pp 443–458.
Basher LR, Botha N, Dodd MB, Douglas GB, Lynn IH, Marden M, McIvor IR, Smith W 2008: Hill country erosion: a review of knowledge on erosion processes, mitigation options, social learning and long-term effectiveness in the management of hill country erosion. Landcare Research Contract Report, LC 0708/081.
Lynn IH, Hewitt AE. 2006. A review of Land Use Capability assessment and the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory in the 21 Century. New Zealand Association of Resource Management, Broadsheet, December 2006 p23–29.
Hewitt AE, Lilburne L, Lynn IH, Webb TH 2006. Capturing heritage soil survey data for pedometric analysis and modelling: the S-map approach. Proceedings of the World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, July 2006.
Schmidt J, Almond PC, Carrick ST, Hewitt AE, Lynn IH, Webb TH 2005. Modelling spatial loess occurrence for the South Island (New Zealand) based on experiences. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 48:117-133.
McRae SM, Lucas, DJ, Courtney SP, Baxter AS, Barrier RF, Lynn IH 2004. A natural character framework for the Marlborough Sounds, Department of Conservation, Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy, Occasional Publication No. 62. 70p.
Lynn IH, Carrick ST 2003. Soils of the Strath Taieri Basin and their Attributes. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/10. 65 p and 4 maps.
Carrick ST, Lynn IH 2003. Soils of the lower Taieri Plains and their attributes. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0304/045. 108 p and 2 maps.
Carrick ST, Lynn IH 2003: Information sheets for 50 soil series in the Dunedin City Council area. Funded and published by Dunedin Rural Development Incorporated. Available online: www.dunedin.govt.nz/council-online/webmaps/growrural/
Carrick ST, Lynn IH, Hewitt AE, Webb TH 2003: Correlation legend and New Zealand Soil Classification for lowland soil series of the Otago region. Landcare Research unpublished database.
Lynn IH, Lilburne LR. McIntosh PD 2002. Testing a soil–landscape model for dry greywacke steeplands on three mountain ranges in the South Island, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40, 243-255.
McIntosh PD, Lynn IH, Johnstone PD 2000. Creating and testing a geometric soil-landscape model in dry steeplands using a very low sampling density. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38, 101-12.
Page MJ, Reid L, Lynn IH 1999. Sediment production from Cyclone Bola landslides, Waipaoa catchment. Journal of Hydrology (NZ) 38:289-308.
Lilburne LR, Hewitt AE, Lynn IH, Benwell GL 1999. Some scale issues in spatial modelling of soil properties. In: I.O.A. Odeh (ed), Third Conference of the Working Group on Pedometrics of the International Union of Soil Science, Sydney, pp. 53‑55.
Rose AB, Basher LR, Wiser SK, Platt KH, Lynn IH 1998. Factors predisposing short-tussock grassland to Hieracium invasion in Marlborough, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 22: 121-140.
Lynn IH, Basher LR, Connell JJ 1998. Flood hazard mapping: a combination of geomorphic interpretation and computer modelling. Pp 51-55. In Johnston, D.M., Kingsbury, P.A. (comps) 1998. Proceedings of the Natural Hazards Management Workshop. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Information series 45. 120p. Lower Hutt, New Zealand: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited and Canterbury Regional Council.
Basher LR, Lynn IH 1996. Soil changes associated with cessation of sheep grazing at two sites in the Canterbury high country. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 20: 179-189.
Lynn IH 1996. Land use capability extended legend for the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory, Marlborough Region. Landcare Research Science Series No. 12. p 222.
Basher LR, Lynn IH, Whitehouse IE 1995. Geomorphology of the Wairau floodplain and implications for floodplain management planning. Landcare Research Science Series No. 11. p 42.
Lynn IH, Basher LR 1994. Principles underlying land systems in resource assessment of hill and mountain lands in New Zealand. In Webb, T. H. Ed. Soil‑landscape modelling in New Zealand, Landcare Research Science Series No. 5. pp 38‑51.
Lynn IH, Basher LR 1994. A soil landscape model for the Muller land system. In Webb, T. H. Ed. Soil‑landscape modelling in New Zealand, Landcare Research Science Series No. 5. pp 87‑98.
Lynn IH, Crippen TF 1991. Rock type classification for the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory. DSIR Land Resources Scientific Report No. 10.
Hunter GG, Lynn IH 1990. Rill erosion records from the South Canterbury ‑ North Otago Downlands. DSIR Land Resources Technical Record 22. 7 pp.
Hunter GG, Lynn IH 1988. Wind erosion of a soil in north Canterbury. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 16: 173‑177.
Lynn IH, Eyles GO 1984. Distribution and severity of tunnel gully erosion in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science, 27:175‑186.
MAppSc (Hons) Soil Science
College of Education CHCH
BSc (Hons) Geology
Lilburne L, Guo J, Barringer J, Lynn I, Hainsworth S, Teixeira E, Tait A 2020. Comparison of using s-map soil information with the older fundamental soil layers. Proceedings: 33rd Annual Farmed Landscape Research Centre (FLRC) Workshop, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 11-13 February 2020. http://flrc.massey.ac.nz/workshops/20/Programme_Final.pdf
Lucas D, Lynn I 2019. Land typing: utility and accessibility. Proceedings: New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, 1-5 December 2019. https://az659834.vo.msecnd.net/eventsairseasiaprod/production-confer-public/01d967eddc034eceb3b7f439541c90a3
Lynn IH 2018. Comments on 'Linking Land Use Capability classes and APSIM to estimate pasture growth for regional planning' in Soil Research 54, 94-110 (2016). Soil Research 56(2): 215-215. WOS:000425505000011 https://doi.org/10.1071/sr17166
Basher L, Betts H, Lynn I, Marden M, McNeill S, Page M, Rosser B 2018. A preliminary assessment of the impact of landslide, earthflow, and gully erosion on soil carbon stocks in New Zealand. Geomorphology 307: 93–106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.10.006
Hewitt A, Carrick S, Lynn I 2016. [Abstract] The seven soil wonders of the Central Otago basins. Proceedings: Joint Conference of the New Zealand Society of Soil Science and Soil Science Australia: Soil, a Balancing Act Downunder, Queenstown, New Zealand, 12-16 December 2016. http://www.nzsssconference.co.nz/images/Allan_Hewitt.pdf
Basher L, Barringer J, Lynn I 2016. Update of the Erosion Susceptibility Classification (ESC) for the proposed NES for Plantation Forestry – subdividing the high and very high ESC classes: final report. MPI Technical Paper No: 2016/12. Ministry for Primary Industries. 33 p. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/document-vault/11740
Lilburne LR, Lynn IH, Webb TH 2016. Issues in using Land Use Capability class to set nitrogen leaching limits in moisture-deficient areas—a South Island case study. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 59(1): 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2015.1092996
Basher LR, Lynn IH, Page M 2015. Update of the Erosion Susceptibility Classification (ESC) for the proposed NES for Plantation Forestry – revision of the ESC. MPI Technical Paper No: 2015/13. Ministry for Primary Industries. 151 p. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/document-vault/8001
Lynn I 2012. She may be a little tired and worse for wear but she’s not dead yet - a report on the one-day 'Roadmap for the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory / Land Use Capability' Workshop, 9 October 2012. NZARM Broadsheet 19: 1, 4–6.
Hewitt A, Forrester G, Fraser S, Hedley C, Lynn I, Payton I 2012. Afforestation effects on soil carbon stocks of low productivity grassland in New Zealand. Soil use and management 28(4): 508-516. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-2743.2012.00439.x
Lynn I, Carrick C, Houlbrooke D, Webb T 2012. Pocket guide to determine soil risk for farm dairy effluent applicant - planning the right system for your farm. DairyNZ, Landcare Research, AgResearch.
Hedley CB, Payton IJ, Lynn IH, Carrick ST, Webb TH, McNeill S 2012. Random sampling of stony and non-stony soils for testing a national soil carbon monitoring system. Soil research 50(1): 18-29. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/SR11171
Hicks DM, Shankar U, McKerchar AI, Basher L, Lynn I, Page M, Jessen M 2011. Suspended sediment yields from New Zealand rivers. Journal of hydrology, New Zealand 50(1): 81-142. CABI:20113289095
Burrows L, Clayton R, Lynn I 2010. A high country C monitoring project. Soil horizons 19: 6.
Lynn IH 2009. The land use capability survey handbook - revised and updated. Soil horizons 18: 2-3.
Lynn IH, AK M, Page M, Harmsworth G, Eyles GO, Douglas GB, Mackay AD, Newsome PJF 2009. Land use capability survey handbook : a New Zealand handbook for the classification of land. Hamilton, Lincoln, Lower Hutt, AgResearch, Landcare Research New Zealand, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences. 163 p
Barringer JRF, Hewitt AE, Lynn IH, Schmidt J 2008. National mapping of landform elements in support of S-Map, a New Zealand soils database. In: Zhou Q, Lees B, Tang G ed. Advances in digital terrain analysis. Lecture notes in geoinformation and cartography. Berlin, Springer. Pp. 443-458
Schmidt J, Almond PC, Basher L, Carrick S, Hewitt AE, Lynn IH, Webb TH 2005. Modelling loess landscapes for the South Island, New Zealand, based on expert knowledge. New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics 48(1): 117-133.
McIntosh PD, Lynn IH, Johnstone PD 2000. Creating and testing a geometric soil-landscape model in dry steeplands using a very low sampling density. Australian Journal of Soil Research 38(1): 101-112.
Page MJ, Reid LM, Lynn IH 1999. Sediment production from Cyclone Bola landslides, Waipaoa catchment. Journal of hydrology, New Zealand 38(2): 289-308.
McIntosh P, Lynn I, Lilburne L, Johnstone P, Kingsbury M, Giddens K 1998. Assessing the soil resources of a mountain range in South Island, New Zealand. Australian Collaborative Land Evaluation Program newsletter 7(2): 24-27.
McIntosh P, Lynn I, Lilburne L, Kingsbury M, Giddens K 1998. Is the soil carbon resource of dry South Island mountain ranges being accurately assessed? New Zealand soil news 46(1): 13-15.
Rose AB, Basher LR, Wiser SK, Platt KH, Lynn IH 1998. Factors predisposing short-tussock grasslands to Hieracium invasion in Marlborough, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 22(2): 121-140.
Basher LR, Lynn IH 1996. Soil changes associated with cessation of sheep grazing in the Canterbury high country, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 20(2): 179-189.