PhD Natl Resources Engineering
BSc Engineering
Ekanayake J, Carrick S, Penny V 2019. Cloud-connected, smartphone-driven infiltrometer network. Soil Horizons. https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/publications/soil-horizons/soil-horizons-articles/infiltrometer-network/
Ekanayake J, Fenemor A, Payne J 2016. A tool to estimate ground water recharge from hillslopes to shallow foothill aquifers. Landcare Research Contract Report ; LC2478. Landcare Research. 36 p. http://envirolink.govt.nz/assets/Envirolink/1546-TSDC107-A-tool-to-estimate-ground-water-recharge-from-hillslopes-to-shallow-foothill-aquifers.pdf
Warburton B, Jones C, Ekanayake J 2015. Remote monitoring of traps using wireless-based systems. Landcare Research Contract Report ; LC2341. Landcare Research. 16 p. http://capetocity.co.nz/assets/Reports/UR-Warburton-Jones-and-Ekanayake-Remote-monitoring-of-traps...-2015.pdf
Hedley C, Ekanayake J, Roudier P 2012. Real-time tracking of the soil water balance for precision irrigation scheduling. In: Burkitt LL, Sparrow L ed. Proceedings: 5th Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science Conference: soil solutions for diverse landscapes, Hobart, Australia, 2-7 December 2012. Pp. 622–625. http://www.soilscienceaustralia.com.au/images/stories/2012%20Hobart%20Soil%20Conference/Soil_Science_Proceedings_Final.pdf
Hedley CB, Roudier P, Yule IJ, Ekanayake J, Bradbury S 2011. Soil water status and water table modelling using EM surveys for precision irrigation scheduling. Proceedings: Second Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing, Montreal, Canada, May 15-18, 2011. Pp. 8–11. http://adamchukpa.mcgill.ca/gwpss/Papers/GWPSS_2011_Hedley.pdf
Phillips C, Ekanayake J, Marden M 2011. Root site occupancy modelling of young New Zealand native plants: implications for soil reinforcement. Plant and soil: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-011-0810-2
Ekanayake J, Yockney I, Whitford J 2010. Implanting data loggers in wild pigs. Kararehe kino 16: 6.
Ekanayake JC, Phillips CJ 2002/8. Slope stability thresholds for vegetated hillslopes: a composite model. Canadian geotechnical journal 39(4): 849-862.
Ekanayake JC, Phillips CJ 1999. A method for stability analysis of vegetated hillslopes: an energy approach. Canadian geotechnical journal 36(6): 1172-1184.
Ekanayake JC, Phillips CJ, Marden M 1999. A comparison of methods for stability analysis of vegetated slopes. Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Conference on Ground and Water Bioengineering for Erosion Control and Slope Stabilization, April 19-21, 1999, Manila, The Philippines. Steamboat Springs, International Erosion Control Association. Pp. 411-418
Ekanayake JC, Phillips CJ 1997. Lighthouse Road landslide, Akaora : monitoring during remedial work. IPENZ transactions : civil engineering section 24(1/CE): 27-35.
Ekanayake JC, Painter DJ 1995. Gravitational equilibrium moisture profiles in swelling soils. Water resources research 31: 2497-2502.
- Member of institution of civil engineers new zealand (elected member since 1994), NZ institution of civil engineers
- Elected member American Society of Civil Engineers (Since 2011), American Society of Civil Engineers