Research interests
James Stevenson-Wallace is Chief Executive of Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. Prior to this he served as Chief Executive of the Electricity Authority, introducing a raft of improvements to electricity markets and the regulation of industry during a sustained period of volatility. He oversaw major investigations into competition and security and introduced various reforms to secure long-term benefits for consumers and to support decarbonisation through greater deployment of renewable energy.
James is an experienced regulator and policy advisor to Government with strong ties to the natural resources sector. He has held senior leadership roles regulating land-use, and the development of forestry, fisheries, petroleum, and minerals resources at MPI and MBIE. In these roles he led various research investment programmes supporting sustainable development and the protection of endangered species and marine areas. He also has experience consulting to the private sector as a former economist at the NZ Institute of Economic Research.
He holds a Master of Public Policy from Victoria University, a Bachelor of Arts in Economics also from Victoria, and a Bachelor of Business Studies in Management from Massey University.