Research interests
Research and professional interests
Research in soil physics and processes regulating water and nutrient flows through soils under different management and irrigation regimes and at multiple scales
Research of soil quality, indicators, and environmental reporting
Research of diffuse nutrient and contaminant losses, nutrient cycling, runoff and leaching from land management practices and farm systems
Research of farm mitigations and land management practices, soil quality indicators, soil physics, soil compaction, and pasture yield responses
Modelling catchment-scale water quality, diffuse sediment, and nutrients. Developing regional-scale strategic water quality improvement plans
Selected publications
McDowell RW, McNeill SJ, Drewry JJ, Law R, Stevenson BA 2024. Difficulties in using land use pressure and soil quality indicators to predict water quality. Science of the Total Environment 935: 173445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173445
Drewry JJ, McNeill SJ, McDowell RW, Law R, Stevenson BA. 2024. Linking land value to indicators of soil quality and land use pressure. Geoderma 450: 117054. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117054
Drewry JJ, Stahlmann‑Brown P. 2024. Influences affecting adoption of management to mitigate impacts of intensive winter grazing of forage crops. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research (on-line early). Pp 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2024.2409761
Drewry JJ, Hedley CB, McNeill SJ, El-Naggar AG, Karakkattu KK, Horne DJ. 2024. Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching losses under cropping and zone-specific variable-rate irrigation. Soil Research 62, SR23136 (Open access) https://doi.org/10.1071/SR23136
Hu W, Cichota R, Beare M, Müller K, Drewry J, Eger A. 2023. Soil structural vulnerability: methodological review and conceptual development. Geoderma 430: 116346. 13 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116346
Drewry JJ, Carrick S, Penny V, Dando JL, Koele N 2022. Effect of irrigation on soil physical properties on temperate pastoral farms: a regional New Zealand study. Soil Research 60(8): 760–771. (Open access). https://doi.org/10.1071/SR21254
North H, Amies A, Dymond J, Belliss S, Pairman D, Drewry J, Schindler J, Shepherd J 2022. Mapping bare ground in New Zealand hill-country agriculture and forestry for soil erosion risk assessment: An automated satellite remote-sensing method. Journal of Environmental Management 301: 113812. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113812
Houlbrooke DJ, Drewry JJ, Laurenson S, Hu W, Carrick ST. 2021. Soil structure: its importance to resilient pastures in New Zealand (review). Resilient pastures symposium of New Zealand Grasslands Association. Agricultural Practice Series 17: 271–281. https://doi.org/10.33584/rps.17.2021.3484
Curran-Cournane F, Carrick S, Barnes MG, Ausseil A-G, Drewry JJ, Bain IA, Golubiewski N, Jones H, Barringer J, Morell L 2023. Cumulative effects of fragmentation and development on highly productive land in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 66 (1): 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2021.1918185
Drewry JJ, Stevenson BA, McNeill SJ, Cavanagh JE, Taylor MD. 2021. Impact of volumetric versus gravimetric assessment on Olsen P concentrations. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 65 (6): 463–483. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2021.1912118
Hu W, Drewry J, Beare M, Eger A, Müller K. 2021. Compaction induced soil structural degradation affects productivity and environmental outcomes: a review and New Zealand case study. Geoderma 395: 115035. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115035
Drewry JJ, Carrick S, Mesman NL, Almond P, Müller K, Shanhun FL, Chau H 2021. The effect of irrigated land use intensification on the topsoil physical properties of a pastoral silt loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. On-line early. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2021.1905670
Drewry JJ, McNeill SJ, Carrick S, Lynn IH, Eger A, Payne J, Rogers G, Thomas SM. 2021. Temporal trends in soil physical properties under cropping with intensive tillage and no-till management. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 64 (2): 223–244. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2019.1684323
Drewry JJ, Carrick S, Penny V, Houlbrooke DJ, Laurenson S, Mesman NL. 2021. Effects of irrigation on soil physical properties in predominantly pastoral farming systems: a review. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 64: 483–507. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2020.1742745
Karakkattu KK, Hedley C, El-Naggar A, Ekanayake J, Drewry J, Horne D, Clothier B. 2020. Three years of drainage fluxmeter measurements under a variable rate centre pivot – how do they relate to soil, climate and irrigation? In: Nutrient management in farmed landscapes. http://flrc.massey.ac.nz/publications.html. Occasional Report No. 33. FLRC, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 9 p.
Srinivasan MS, Muirhead RW, Singh SK, Monaghan RM, Stenger R, Close ME, Manderson A, Drewry JJ, Smith LC, Selbie D, Hodson R. 2020 Development of a national-scale framework to characterise transfers of N, P and Escherichia coli from land to water. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 64: 286–313. https://doi.org/10.1080/00288233.2020.1713822
Drewry JJ, Manderson AK, Hedley CB 2019. Evaluation of irrigation strategies for arable farms to mitigate nitrogen loss using the OVERSEER model. In: Currie LD, Christensen CL ed. Nutrient loss mitigations for compliance in agriculture. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University. Palmerston North, Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University. Pp. 11.
Taylor MD, Drewry JJ, Stevenson B, Cavanagh JE, Foster N, Curran-Cournane F 2018. How closely do different Olsen P measures correlate? In: Farm environmental planning – Science, policy and practice. Occasional Report No. 31. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 10 p.
Drewry JJ, Parkes R, Taylor MD. 2017. Soil quality and trace element monitoring in the Wellington region and implications for farm management. In: Science and policy: nutrient management challenges for the next generation. Occasional Report No. 30. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University. 12 p.
Kim ND, Taylor MD, Drewry JJ 2016. Anthropogenic fluorine accumulation in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions of New Zealand: comparison of field data with projections. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 1-15 Article 147.
Drewry JJ, Newham LTH, Greene RSB 2011. Index models to evaluate the risk of phosphorus and nitrogen loss at catchment scales. Journal of Environmental Management 92: 639-649.
Drewry J, Dostine PL, Fortune J, Majid M, Schult J, Lamche G. 2010. Darwin Harbour region report cards. Report No 25/2010D. Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport. Darwin. 67 p.
Lynam T, Drewry J, Higham W, Mitchell C. 2010. Adaptive modelling for adaptive water quality management in the Great Barrier Reef region, Australia. Environmental Modelling and Software 25: 1291-1301.
Houlbrooke D, Drewry JJ, Monaghan RM, Paton RJ, Smith LC, Littlejohn RP 2009. Grazing strategies to protect soil physical properties and maximize pasture yield on a Southland dairy farm. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 52: 323–336.
Drewry JJ, Newham LTH, Croke BFW 2009. Suspended sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and exports during storm-events to the Tuross estuary, Australia. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 879-887.
Monaghan RM, Carey PL, Wilcock RJ, Drewry JJ, Houlbrooke DJ, Quinn JM, Thorrold BS 2009. Linkages between land management activities and stream water quality in a border dyke-irrigated pastoral catchment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129(1-3): 201-211.
Drewry JJ, Cameron KC, Buchan GD. 2008. Pasture yields and soil physical property responses to soil compaction from treading and grazing: a review. Australian Journal of Soil Research 46: 237–256.
Drewry J, Higham W, Mitchell C. 2008. Water quality improvement plan. Final report for Mackay Whitsunday region. Mackay Whitsunday Natural Resource Management Group. 192 p.
Drewry JJ, Newham LTH, Greene RSB, Jakeman AJ, Croke BFW. 2006. A review of nitrogen and phosphorus export to waterways: context for catchment modelling. Marine and Freshwater Research 57: 757–774.
Drewry JJ. 2006. Natural recovery of soil physical properties from treading damage of pastoral soils in New Zealand and Australia: a review. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 114: 159–169.
Drewry JJ, Paton RJ 2005. 2005. Soil physical quality under cattle grazing of a winter-fed brassica crop. Australian Journal of Soil Research 43: 525–531.
Monaghan RM, Paton RJ, Smith LC, Drewry JJ, Littlejohn RP 2005. The impacts of nitrogen fertilisation and increased stocking rate on pasture yield, soil physical condition and nutrient losses in drainage from a cattle-grazed pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 48(2): 227-240.
McDowell RW, Drewry JJ, Muirhead RW, Paton RJ. 2005. Restricting the grazing time of cattle to decrease phosphorus, sediment and E. coli losses in overland flow from cropland. Australian Journal of Soil Research 43: 61–66.
Drewry JJ, Paton RJ, Monaghan RM. 2004. Soil compaction and recovery cycle on a Southland dairy farm: implications for environmental monitoring. Australian Journal of Soil Research 42: 851–856.
Drewry JJ, Littlejohn RP, Paton RJ, Singleton PL, Monaghan RM, Smith LC. 2004. Dairy pasture responses to soil physical properties. Australian Journal of Soil Research 42: 99–105.
McDowell RW, Drewry JJ, Paton RJ. 2004. Effects of deer grazing and fence-line pacing on water and soil quality. Soil Use and Management 20: 302–307.
Carey PL, Drewry JJ, Muirhead RW, Monaghan RM. 2004. Potential for nutrient and faecal bacteria losses from a dairy pasture under border-dyke irrigation: a case study. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 66: 141–149.
McDowell RW, Drewry JJ, Muirhead RW, Paton RJ. 2003. Cattle treading and phosphorus and sediment loss in overland flow from grazed cropland. Australian Journal of Soil Research 41: 1521–1532.
McDowell RW, Drewry JJ, Carey PL, Paton RJ, Monaghan RM, Condron LM. 2003. Influence of soil treading on sediment and phosphorus losses in overland flow. Australian Journal of Soil Research 41: 949–961.
Monaghan RM, Paton RJ, Drewry JJ. 2002. Nitrogen and phosphorus losses in mole- and tile-drainage from a cattle-grazed pasture in eastern Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 45: 197–205.
Monaghan RM, Morton JD, McDowell RW, Drewry JJ, Thorrold BS. 2003. The development of environmental best practices for intensive dairying. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 63: 3–6.
Betteridge K, Drewry J, MacKay A, Singleton P. 2003. Managing treading damage on dairy and beef farms in New Zealand. Booklet for farmers and industry. AgResearch. 35 p.
Drewry JJ. 2003. Dairy grazing strategies to minimise soil pugging and compaction in Waikato. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 65: 99–103.
Drewry JJ, Cameron KC, Buchan GD. 2001. Effects of simulated dairy cow treading on soil physical properties and ryegrass pasture yield. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 44: 181–190.
Drewry JJ, Paton RJ. 2000. Effect of subsoiling on soil physical properties and pasture production on a Brown Soil in Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 43: 259–268.
Drewry JJ, Lowe JAH, Paton RJ. 2000. Effect of subsoiling on soil physical properties and pasture production on a Pallic Soil in Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 43: 269–277.
Drewry JJ, Lowe JAH, Paton RJ. 1999. Effect of sheep stocking intensity on soil physical properties and dry matter production on a Pallic Soil in Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 42: 493–499.
Monaghan RM, Carey P, Metherell AK, Singleton PL, Drewry J, Addison B. 1999. Depth distribution of simulated urine in a range of soils soon after deposition. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 42: 501–511.
Australian National University
PhD Environment
M. Appl. Sci (Hons) Soil Science
Dip. Bus. Admin
B. Agr. Sci