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John Innes

Research Associate
Ecosystems & Conservation
John Innes
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MSc Zoology

BSc Zoology


Carpenter JK, Monks A, Innes J, Griffiths J Early access Jun 2022. Pushing the limits: ship rat (Rattus rattus) population dynamics across an elevational gradient in response to mast seeding and supplementary feeding. Biological Invasions. WOS:000805903500001

Harris HAL, Kelly D, Innes J, Allen RB Early access Apr 2022. Invasive species and thermal squeeze: distribution of two invasive predators and drivers of ship rat (Rattus rattus) invasion in mid-elevation Fuscospora forest. Biological Invasions. WOS:000789066700001

Noe EE, Innes J, Barnes AD, Joshi C, Clarkson BD Early access Apr 2022. Habitat provision is a major driver of native bird communities in restored urban forests. Journal of Animal Ecology. WOS:000788028000001

Watts C, Innes J, Wilson DJ, Thornburrow D, Bartlam S, Fitzgerald N, Cave V, Smale M, Barker G, Padamsee M 2022. Do mice matter? Impacts of house mice alone on invertebrates, seedlings and fungi at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 46(1). WOS:000759426700022

Fitzgerald N, Innes J, Watts C, Thornburrow D, Bartlam S, Collins K, Byers D, Burns B 2021. Increasing urban abundance of tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) by pest mammal control in surrounding forests. Notornis 68(2): 93-107. WOS:000671674300001

Carpenter JK, Innes JG, Wood JR, Lyver PO 2021. Good predators: the roles of weka (Gallirallus australis) in New Zealand's past and present ecosystems. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45(1). WOS:000620350200008

Walker S, Monks A, Innes JG 2021. Life history traits explain vulnerability of endemic forest birds and predict recovery after predator suppression. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45(2). WOS:000684942600009

Carpenter JK, Walker S, Monks A, Innes J, Binny RN, Schlesselmann AKV 2021. Factors limiting kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) populations across New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45(2). WOS:000684942600003

Binny RN, Innes J, Fitzgerald N, Pech R, James A, Price R, Gillies C, Byrom AE 2021. Long-term biodiversity trajectories for pest-managed ecological restorations: eradication vs. suppression. Ecological Monographs 91(2): 43. 10.1002/ecm.1439

Farnworth B, Innes J, Davy M, Little L, Cave V, Waas JR 2020. Antipredator responses of ship rats to visual stimuli: combining unimodal predation cues generates risk avoidance. Animal Behaviour 168: 149-157. WOS:000581858400018

Watts C, Innes J, Cave V, Thornburrow D, Thorpe S 2020. Beetle and weta community responses to mammal eradication on Maungatautari, Waikato, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 47(4): 272-290. WOS:000545245300001

Walker S, Monks A, Innes J 2020. National changes in occupancy of New Zealand-breeding Charadriiformes, 1969-1979 to 1999-2004. Notornis 67(4): 677-691. WOS:000605722400010

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  • Kākāpō Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee
  • Honorary Lecturer, University of Waikato
  • Honorary Research Fellow, University of Otago
  • Chair, Maungatautari Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust
  • Predator-free Hamilton Trustee, Predator-Free Hamilton
  • Member, Takahē Recovery Group