Mandy Barron

Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Scientist Wildlife Ecology and Epidemiology Team, Landcare Research, Lincoln.
Research interests
- Ecological modelling
Professional affiliations
2006 | NZ Plant Protection Society Inexperienced Speakers Award |
2005 | AgResearch AR&C Post-doctoral Scholarship |
2000 | FRST Top Achiever Doctoral Scholarship |
1998 | New Zealand Federation of University Women Sadie Balkind Award |
1997 | Lincoln University Fund for Excellence |
1997 | Commonwealth Science Council Fellowship |
1997 | Lincoln University Graduate Scholarship |
1996 | Department of Entomology Animal Ecology Summer Scholarship |
Member: | New Zealand Ecological Society |
New Zealand Plant Protection Society |
Recent publications
Barron, M.C. 2007: Retrospective modelling indicates minimal impact of non-target parasitism by Pteromalus puparum on red admiral butterfly (Bassaris gonerilla) abundance. Biological Control 41: 53–63.
Barron, M.C. 2006: Effects of aggregation on the probability of detecting infestations in fresh produce consignments. New Zealand Plant Protection 59: 103–108.
Barlow, N.D.; Barron, M.C. 2005: Modelling the dynamics and control of stoats in New Zealand forests. DOC, Science for Conservation 252.
Barlow, N.D.; Barratt, B.I.P.; Ferguson, C.M.; Barron, M.C. 2004: Using models to estimate parasitoid impacts on nontarget host abundance. Environmental Entomology 33: 941–948.
Barron, M.C.; Barlow, N.D.; Wratten, S.D. 2003: Non-target parasitism of the endemic New Zealand red admiral butterfly (Bassaris gonerilla) by the introduced biocontrol agent Pteromalus puparum. Biological Control 27: 329–335.
Barlow, N.D.; Barron, M.C.; Parkes, J.P. 2002: Rabbit haemorrhagic disease in New Zealand: field test of a disease/host model. Wildlife Research 29: 649–653.
Jones C, Barron M, Warburton B, Coleman M, Lyver POB, Nugent G 2012. Serving two masters: reconciling economic and biodiversity outcomes of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) fur harvest in an indigenous New Zealand forest. Biological conservation 153: 143-152.
Jones C, Barron MC, Warburton B, Coleman M, Lyver P, Nugent G 2012. Can possum fur harvesters both make a living and help protect forest biodiversity? Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research 20: 5–6.
Cowan P, Warburton B, Nugent G, Anderson D, Barron M 2011. Invasive species management and research in New Zealand - a partnership for success. Proceedings: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Sheffield, UK, 12-14 September 2011. Pp. 22.
Ruscoe WA, Ramsey DSL, Pech RP, Sweetapple PJ, Yockney I, Barron MC, Perry M, Nugent G, Carran R, Warne R, Brausch C, Duncan RP 2011. Unexpected consequences of control: competitive vs. predator release in a four-species assemblage of invasive mammals. Ecology letters 14(10): 1035-1042.
Barron M, Pech R, Whitford J, Yockney I, de Lisle G, Nugent G 2011. Longevity of Mycobacterium bovis in brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) carcasses, and contact rates between possums and carcasses. New Zealand veterinary journal 59(5): 209-17. MEDLINE:21851297
Jones C, Nugent G, Barron M, Warburton B 2011. Can harvest of introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus Vulpecula) for fur by Maori be both economically sustainable and provide biodiversity benefits? . In: Saunders G, Lane C ed. Proceedings: 15th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference, Sydney, June 20-23 2011. Pp. 23.