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Morgan Coleman

Senior Technician - Field
Wildlife Ecology & Management
Morgan Coleman
Contact Morgan

Research interests

Research interests

  • Wildlife home-range and movement patterns
  • Native bird ecology
  • Diet studies of introduced mammals
  • Vegetation surveys documenting the impacts of introduced herbivores
  • Research on tuberculous wildlife populations
  • Possum population analysis

Professional affiliations / recognition.

1996 QEII scholarship to assess the viability of GPS as a tool for tracking wild animals (Ontario, Canada).
2002 QEII scholarship to study the use of GIS for mapping wildlife dispersal patterns (University of Alberta, Canada).

Recent publications

Ramsey, D.S.L; Coleman, J.D.; Coleman, M.C.; Horton, P. 2006: The effect of fertility control on the transmission of bovine tuberculosis in wild brushtail possums. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 54(5), 218-223.

Coleman, J.D.; Coleman, M.C.; Warburton, B. 2006: Trends in the incidence of tuberculosis in possums and livestock, associated with differing control intensities applied to possum populations. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 54(2), 52-60.

Efford, M.; Warburton, B.; Coleman, M.; Barker, R. 2005: A field test of two methods for density estimation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(2): 731-73.

Warburton, B.; Barker,R.; Coleman, M. 2004: Evaluation of two relative-abundance indices to monitor brushtail possums in New Zealand. Wildlife Research 31: 397-401.

Coleman, M.; Parkes, J.; Walker, K. 2004:  Impact of feral pigs and other predators on carnivorous land snails and soil invertebrates on D’Urville Island. Kararehe Kino Vertebrate Pest Research Issue 4.

Coleman, M.C.; Parkes, J.P.; Walker, K.J. 2001: Impact of feral pigs and other predators on macro-invertebrates, D’Urville Island.  Conservation Advisory Science Notes No. 345,Department of Conservation, Wellington

Warburton, B.; Forsyth, D.; Coleman, M. 2000: Monitoring Possum Populations. He Korero Paihama Possum Research News Issue 14


BSc Botany


Glen AS, Byrom AE, Pech RP, Cruz J, Schwab A, Sweetapple PJ, Yockney I, Nugent G, Coleman M, Whitford J 2012. Ecology of brushtail possums in a New Zealand dryland ecosystem. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36(1): 29-37.

Jones C, Barron M, Warburton B, Coleman M, Lyver POB, Nugent G 2012. Serving two masters: reconciling economic and biodiversity outcomes of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) fur harvest in an indigenous New Zealand forest. Biological conservation 153: 143-152.

Jones C, Barron MC, Warburton B, Coleman M, Lyver P, Nugent G 2012. Can possum fur harvesters both make a living and help protect forest biodiversity? Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research 20: 5–6.

MacLeod CJ, Drew KW, Coleman M 2011. Radio-tracking small farmland passerines: trade-offs in study design. Notornis 58(3&4): 113-123.

Coleman M, Drew K, MacLeod C 2010. Improving the detection of radiotransmitter signals. FAR Newsletter. Pp. 3.

Anderson D, Byrom A, Pech R, Thomson C, Coleman M 2010. [Abstract] Understanding possum dispersal to protect Tb containment areas. Proceedings: NPCA 2010 Technology Transfer Conference, 24-25 November, 2010. Pp. 8.

Pech R, Byrom AE, Anderson D, Thomson C, Coleman M 2010. The effect of poisoned and notional vaccinated buffers on possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) movements : minimising the risk of bovine tuberculosis spread from forest to farmland. Wildlife research 37: 283-292.