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Murray Dawson

Biocontrol & Molecular Ecology
Murray Dawson
+64 3 321 9645
Contact Murray

Research interests

  • Horticultural and systematic botany – including specialist knowledge of cultivated plants, native and exotic species, and invasives (weeds)
  • Weed biocontrol
  • Creation of interactive plant identification keys
  • Database and website development
  • Science editorial expertise
  • Citizen science, community engagement and outreach
  • Cytotaxonomy (plant chromosome studies) and flow cytometry
  • Molecular systematics

Keynote projects

  • Taking Stock project, documenting the cultivated flora of Aotearoa – New Zealand
  • Creating plant identification apps (including weeds and native orchids)
  • Breeding new selections of agapanthus that are sterile/low fertility (“eco-friendly”)
  • Teaching weed identification and biocontrol in schools

Professional distinctions (also see Memberships tab)

  • Member of the NZ Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to horticulture (2020)
  • CHS John Taylor Award for Leadership in Horticulture (2018)
  • Peter Ingram Award for achievement in pest plant advocacy, education or management (NZ Biosecurity Institute) (2015)
  • Associate of Honour (AHRIH, 2016) and Fellow (FRIH, 2002), Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture (RNZIH)
  • New Zealand Registrar for the International Cultivar Registration Authority (ICRA)

Recent websites

Select publications

Murray has authored and co-authored more than 40 refereed papers, >80 popular articles, and many reviews and reports. See the Publications Tab for a more extensive list.

  • Etherington TR, Dawson MI, Sutherland A, McCarthy JK 2025. Open data for biogeography research of the genus Metrosideros across the south-central Pacific region. Pacific Conservation Biology 31, PC24075.
  • Heenan PB, Cheeseman DF, Mitchell CM, Dawson MI, Smith LA, Houliston GJ 2022. Genetic diversity of Tradescantia fluminensis complex (Commelinaceae) naturalised in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. New Zealand Journal of Botany 61(1): 23–37.
  • Verbrugge LNH, Dawson MI, Gettys L et al. 2021. Novel tools and best practices for education about invasive alien species. Management of Biological Invasions 12(1): 8–24. DOI: 10.3391/mbi.2021.12.1.02
  • Dawson MI 2020. Stocktake of resources and databases for managing the invasive plants of New Zealand. Prepared for The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, 30 July 2020.
  • Dawson MI 2018. Metrosideros excelsa. Book chapter. In: Thomson L, Doran J, Clarke B ed. Trees for Life in Oceania: Conservation and Utilisation of Genetic Diversity. ACIAR Monograph No. 201. Bruce, ACT, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Pp. 162–165.
  • Dawson M 2016. Chilean mayten (Maytenus boaria) – a ticking time-bomb? New Zealand Garden Journal 19(2): 28–32.
  • Williams S, King J, Revell M, Manley-Harris M, Balks M, Janusch F, Kiefer M, Clearwater M, Brooks P, Dawson M 2014. Regional, annual, and individual variations in the dihydroxyacetone content of the nectar of manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) in New Zealand. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62(42): 10332–10340.
  • Dawson M 2014. On distant shores: New Zealand's natives as weeds abroad. New Zealand Garden Journal 17(1): 10–24.
  • Houliston GJ, Dawson MI, de Lange PJ, Heenan PB 2012. Using AFLP markers to inform population management of the endemic Chatham Island toetoe, Austroderia turbaria (Poaceae). Pacific Conservation Biology 18: 33–40.
  • Paynter Q, Overton JM, Hill RL, Bellgard SE, Dawson MI 2012. Plant traits predict the success of weed biocontrol. Journal of Applied Ecology 49(5): 1140–1148.
  • Dawson MI 2012. Australian Leptospermum in cultivation: species and cultivars: the first of a two-part series. New Zealand Garden Journal 15(2): 14–22.
  • Dawson MI, Ford K 2012. Agapanthus in New Zealand. New Zealand Garden Journal 15(1): 2–18.
  • Peruzzi L, Dawson MI, Bedini G 2011. Chromosome number variation in two antipodean floras. AoB plants: 1–10.
  • Dawson MI 2010. A history of Leptospermum scoparium in cultivation: garden selections. The second of a two-part series. New Zealand Garden Journal 13(1): 2–9.
  • Dawson MI, Hobbs J, Platt G, Rumbal J 2010. Metrosideros in cultivation: pōhutukawa. The first of a two-part series. New Zealand Garden Journal 13(1): 10–22.
  • Wagstaff SJ, Dawson MI, Venter S, Munzinger J, Crayn DM, Steane DA, Lemson KL 2010. Origin, diversification, and classification of the Australasian genus Dracophyllum (Richeeae, Ericaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 97: 235–258.


MSc Plant & Fungal Taxonomy

NZCS Biology


Heenan PB, Cheeseman DF, Mitchell CM, Dawson MI, Smith LA, Houliston GJ Early access Mar 2022. Genetic diversity of Tradescantia fluminensis complex (Commelinaceae) naturalised in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. New Zealand Journal of Botany. WOS:000772322600001

Verbrugge LNH, Dawson MI, Gettys LA, Leuven R, Marchante H, Marchante E, Nummi P, Rutenfrans AHM, Schneider K, Vanderhoeven S 2021. Novel tools and best practices for education about invasive alien species. Management of Biological Invasions 12(1): 8-24. WOS:000627124700002

Dawson M 2019. Butterflies go west. Weed Biocontrol: What's New? Lincoln, NZ, Manaaki Whenua. Pp. 8.

Dawson M, Smissen R 2019. Development of a new interactive key to identify NZ Myrtaceae. Proceedings: New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, 1-5 December 2019.

Sullivan J, Meurk C, Dawson M, Hitchison M 2019. Crowdsourcing the discovery of new plant naturalisations in Canterbury using iNaturalist NZ. Proceedings: Joint Conference of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society and New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, Wellington, New Zealand, 24-28 November 2019.

Dawson M 2019. Winning the war against weeds: engaging with schools and communities. Proceedings: NETS 2019 " He waka eke noa - All hands on deck", Tauranga, New Zealand, 24-26 July 2019.

Dawson MI 2018. Metrosideros excelsa. In: Thomson L, Doran J, Clarke B ed. Trees for Life in Oceania: Conservation and Utilisation of Genetic Diversity. ACIAR Monograph No. 201. Bruce, ACT, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Pp. 162-165

Dawson M 2017. Enabling curious minds to join the war against weeds. Weed Biocontrol: What's New? Pp. 6–7.

Dawson M 2017. Obituary - Lawrence James Metcalf QSO, AHRIH. Hebe News. Pp. 19–24.

Dawson M 2016. Online weed ID now bigger and better. Weed Biocontrol: What's New? Pp. 8.

Meurk C, Sullivan J, Orchard S, Meurk CS, Dawson M, Matthews B, Pawson S 2016. [Abstract] Can citizen science learn something from Pokemon-Go? Proceedings: Joint Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia (SERA) and the New Zealand Ecological Society (NZES), Hamilton, New Zealand, 19-23 November 2016.

Dawson M, Gourlay H 2016. Students join the 'War against Weeds'. New Zealand Garden Journal. Pp. 10–27.

Dawson M 2016. Chilean mayten (Maytenus boaria) - a ticking time-bomb? New Zealand Garden Journal. Pp. 28–32.

Dawson M 2016. NZ Orchid Key: a new smartphone app. New Zealand Native Orchid Journal. Pp. 3–5.

Dawson M 2015. Creation of the New Zealand Plant Collections Register. New Zealand Garden Journal. Pp. 9–14.

Dawson M 2015. New smartphone app for identifying native orchids. Trilepidea: Newsletter of the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. Pp. 1-3.

Dawson M, Rolfe J, Pratt M, St George I 2015. NZ Orchid Key: a new smartphone app for identifying native orchids. New Zealand Garden Journal. Pp. 9–19.

Dawson M 2014. New Zealand Plant Collection Register: June 2014 update. Newsletter / Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture 2014(2): 11–12.

Dawson M 2014. New Zealand Plant Collection Register: March 2014 update. Newsletter / Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture 2014(1): 14–15.

Dawson M 2014. On distant shores: New Zealand's natives as weeds abroad. New Zealand Garden Journal 17(1): 10–24.

Dawson M 2014. New Zealand's natives as weeds abroad. Newsletter / New Zealand Botanical Society 117: 11-22.

Dawson M 2014. Two interactive keys updated. Trilepidea: Newsletter of the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network 128: 7.

Williams S, King J, Revell M, Manley-Harris M, Balks M, Janusch F, Kiefer M, Clearwater M, Brooks P, Dawson M 2014. Regional, annual, and individual variations in the dihydroxyacetone content of the nectar of ma̅nuka (Leptospermum scoparium) in New Zealand. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62(42): 10332–10340.

Dawson M 2014. NZ's natives as weeds abroad - additional notes and observations. Newsletter / New Zealand Botanical Society 118: 18–20.

Paynter Q, Overton J, Fowler S, Hill R, Bellgard S, Dawson M 2013. [Abstract] Predicting the feasibility and cost of weed biological control. Proceedings: XIII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds Waikoloa, Hawai'i, USA, 11-16 September 2011. Pp. 197.

Dawson M 2013. New version of native orchid key. Trilepidea: newsletter of the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network 113: 9.

Dawson M 2013. Native orchid key now online. New Zealand native orchid journal 127: 33–34.

Dawson M 2013. Australian Leptospermum in cultivation: interspecific hybrids: the second of a two-part series. New Zealand Garden Journal 16(1): 2–15.

Dawson M 2013. [Book review] Auckland's remarkable urban forest. Tree Matters 15(2): 9.

Dawson M 2013. [Book review] Above the treeline: a nature guide to alpine New Zealand. New Zealand Garden Journal 16(1): 33–34.

Dawson M 2013. [Book review] Auckland's remarkable urban forest. New Zealand Garden Journal 16(1): 34–35.

Sallabanks L, Dawson M 2013. Profile of a horticulturist: an interview with Beverley McConnell, creator of Ayrlies Garden. New Zealand Garden Journal 16(2): 8–14.

Dawson M 2013. [Book review] Plant life on Banks Peninsula. New Zealand Garden Journal 16(2): 34–36.

Dawson M 2013. New Zealand Plant Collection Register: December 2013 update. Newsletter / Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture 2013(3): 11.

Dawson M 2013. [Book review] Plant life on Banks Peninsula. Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter. Pp. 64–66.

Dawson M 2013. [Book review] Plant life on Banks Peninsula. Newsletter / New Zealand Botanical Society 114: 22–24.

Dawson M 2013. NatureWatch NZ: a free online tool for field observations of orchids. New Zealand Native Orchid Journal 127: 37–38.

Dawson M 2013. [Book review] Latin for gardeners: over 3,000 plant names explained and explored. New Zealand Garden Journal 16(1): 36.

Dawson M, Hughes D, Stuart R, Stuart M, Stuart J 2013. [Obituary] William Ross Stewart, 7 October 1928 - 29 July 2013. New Zealand Garden Journal 16(2): 30–32.

Dawson M 2012. New Zealand native orchid key. Trilepidea: newsletter of the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network 100: 8.

Dawson M 2012. New Zealand Plant Collection Register: March 2012 update. Newsletter / Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture 2012(1): 12.

Dawson M 2012. [Book review] Plants of Pukeiti Forest New Zealand Botanical Society newsletter 107: 23-24.

Dawson M, Ford K 2012. Agapanthus in New Zealand. New Zealand garden journal 15(1): 2-18.

Houliston GJ, Dawson MI, de Lange PJ, Heenan PB 2012. Using AFLP markers to inform population management of the endemic Chatham Island toetoe, 'Austroderia turbaria' (poaceae). Pacific conservation biology 18(1): 33-40.

Paynter Q, Overton JM, Hill RL, Bellgard SE, Dawson MI 2012. Plant traits predict the success of weed biocontrol. Journal of Applied Ecology 49(5): 1140–1148.

Dawson M 2012. Ecofriendly Agapanthus – myth or reality? What's new in biological control of weeds? 61: 11.

Dawson M 2012. [Book review] “I was paid ... Three pence an hour ... when I started work aged 13.”. New Zealand garden journal 15(2): 33.

Dawson M 2012. [Book review] The cultivation of New Zealand trees and shrubs. New Zealand garden journal 15(2): 33-34.

Dawson M 2012. [Book review] Field guide to New Zealand’s native trees. New Zealand Garden Journal 15(2): 35–36.

Dawson M 2012. Australian Leptospermum in cultivation: species and cultivars: the first of a two-part series. New Zealand garden journal 15(2): 14-22.

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  • National Executive, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture (RNZIH)
  • Webmaster, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture
  • Editor, NZ Garden Journal
  • Webmaster, New Zealand Botanical Society
  • New Zealand Registrar for the International Cultivar Registration Authority (ICRA), Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture and the International Cultivar Registration Authority
  • Editor, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Newsletter, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture
  • Member, New Zealand Native Orchid Group
  • Co-opted onto the NZBRN (NatureWatch NZ) Trust, New Zealand Bio-diversity Recording Network
  • Appointed as the key contact for Biological Heritage Challenge Project 2.1 ‘Biosecurity Network Interventions’.
  • Member, New Zealand Biosecurity Institute, New Zealand Biosecurity Institute
  • Vice President, Hebe Society (UK), Hebe Society (UK)
  • MNZM For services to horticulture, Queen's Birthday Honours 2020
  • Member, Identic Advisory Group, Identic - Lucid id and diagnostic developers, Australia