BSc (Tech) Env Science, Biology
Watts C, Innes J, Wilson DJ, Thornburrow D, Bartlam S, Fitzgerald N, Cave V, Smale M, Barker G, Padamsee M 2022. Do mice matter? Impacts of house mice alone on invertebrates, seedlings and fungi at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 46(1). WOS:000759426700022 https://doi.org/10.20417/nzjecol.46.22
Fitzgerald N, Innes J, Watts C, Thornburrow D, Bartlam S, Collins K, Byers D, Burns B 2021. Increasing urban abundance of tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) by pest mammal control in surrounding forests. Notornis 68(2): 93-107. WOS:000671674300001
Burge OR, Innes JG, Fitzgerald N, Guo J, Etherington TR, Richardson SJ 2021. Assessing the habitat and functional connectivity around fenced ecosanctuaries in New Zealand. Biological Conservation 253: 108896. WOS:000611989800005 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108896
Binny RN, Innes J, Fitzgerald N, Pech R, James A, Price R, Gillies C, Byrom AE 2021. Long-term biodiversity trajectories for pest-managed ecological restorations: eradication vs. suppression. Ecological Monographs 91(2): 43. https://doi.org/doi: 10.1002/ecm.1439
Rayner MJ, Gaskin CP, Taylor GA, Tennyson AJD, Fitzgerald NB, Baird KA, Friesen MR, Ross J, Ismar-Rebitz SMH 2020. Population estimation of the New Zealand storm petrel (Fregetta maoriana) from mark-recapture techniques at Hauturu/Little Barrier Island and from at-sea resightings of banded birds. Notornis 67(3): 503-510.
Innes J, Fitzgerald N, Binny R, Byrom A, Pech R, Watts C, Gillies C, Maitland M, Campbell-Hunt C, Burns B 2019. New Zealand ecosanctuaries: types, attributes and outcomes. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 49(3): 370-393. WOS:000470651500001 https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.2019.1620297
Wilson DJ, Innes JG, Fitzgerald NB, Bartla S, Watts C, Smale MC 2018. Population dynamics of house mice without mammalian predators and competitors. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 42(2): 1-12. https://doi.org/10.201417/nzjecol.42.25
Smale MC, Wiser SK, Bergin MJ, Fitzgerald NB 2018. A classification of the geothermal vegetation of the Taup Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 48(1): 21-38. WOS:000419889000002 https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.2017.1322619
Smale MC, Wiser SK, Bergin MJ, Fitzgerald NB 2017. A classification of the geothermal vegetation of the Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 48(1): 21–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.2017.1322619
Smale MC, Coomes DA, Parfitt RL, Peltzer DA, Mason NWH, Fitzgerald NB 2016. Post-volcanic forest succession on New Zealand's North Island: an appraisal from long-term plot data. New Zealand Journal of Botany 54(1): 11–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/0028825X.2015.1102747
Ismar SMH, Gaskin CP, Fitzgerald NB, Taylor GA, Tennyson AJD, Rayner MJ 2015. Evaluating on-land capture methods for monitoring a recently re-discovered procellariform seabird, the New Zealand storm petrel Fregetta maoriana. Marine Ornithology 43: 255–258.
Rayner MJ, Gaskin CP, Fitzgerald NB, Baird KA, Berg MM, Boyle D, Joyce L, Landers TJ, Loh GG, Maturin S, Perrimen L, Scofield RP, Simm J, Southey I, Taylor GA, Tennyson AJD, Robertson BC, Young M, Walle R, Ismar SMH 2015. Using miniaturised radiotelemetry to discover the breeding grounds of the endangered New Zealand storm petrel Fregetta maoriana. Ibis 157(4): 754–766. https://doi.org/10.1111/ibi.12287
Clarkson BR, Moore TR, Fitzgerald NB, Thornburrow D, Watts CH, Miller S 2014. Water table regime regulates litter decomposition in restiad peatlands, New Zealand. Ecosystems 17(2): 317–326. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-013-9726-4
Ismar SMH, Baird KA, Gaskin CP, Taylor GA, Tennyson AJD, Rayner MJ, Bettesworth D, Fitzgerald N, Landers TJ, Imber MJ 2014. A case of natural recovery after the removal of invasive predators - community assemblage changes in the avifauna of Burgess Island. Notornis 61(4): 188–195.
Rayner MJ, Gaskin CP, Stephenson BM, Fitzgerald NB, Landers TJ, Robertson BC, Scofield RP, Ismar SMH, Imber MJ 2013. Brood patch and sex-ratio observations indicate breeding provenance and timing in New Zealand storm petrel (Fregetta maoriana). Marine Ornithology 41: 107–111.
Bridgman LJ, Innes J, Gillies C, Fitzgerald NB, King CM 2013. Do ship rats display predatory behaviour towards house mice? Animal Behaviour 86(2): 257–268. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2013.05.013
Innes J, Watts C, Fitzgerald N, Thornburrow D, Burns B, MacKay J, Speedy C 2011. Behaviour of invader ship rats experimentally released behind a pest-proof fence, Maungatautari, New Zealand. Occasional papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission 42: 437–440. ZOOREC:ZOOR14804029012
King CM, Innes JG, Gleeson D, Fitzgerald N, Winstanley T, O'Brien B, Bridgman L, Cox N 2011. Reinvasion by ship rats ( Rattus rattus) of forest fragments after eradication. Biological invasions 13(10): 2391-2408. CABI:20113319543 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-011-0051-6
Morgan DKJ, Waas JR, Innes J, Fitzgerald N 2011. Identification of nest predators using continuous time-lapse recording in a New Zealand city. New Zealand journal of zoology 38(4): 343-347. https://doi.org/10.1080/03014223.2011.607835
Smale MC, Fitzgerald NB, Richardson SJ 2011. Resilience to fire of Dracophyllum subulatum (Ericaceae) frost flat heathland, a rare ecosystem in central North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 49(2): 231-241. CABI:20113237680 https://doi.org/10.1080/0028825x.2010.526950
Innes J, King CM, Bridgman L, Fitzgerald N, Arnold G, Cox N 2010. Effect of grazing on ship rat density in forest fragments of lowland Waikato, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 34(2): 227-232.
Richardson SJ, Smale MC, Hurst JM, Fitzgerald NB, Peltzer DA, Allen RB, Bellingham PJ, McKelvey PJ 2009. Large-tree growth and mortality rates in forests of the central North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 33(2): 208-215. CCC:000270861200012