PhD Ecology
Jones C, Barron M, Warburton B, Coleman M, Lyver POB, Nugent G 2012. Serving two masters: reconciling economic and biodiversity outcomes of brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) fur harvest in an indigenous New Zealand forest. Biological conservation 153: 143-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2012.04.016
Lyver P, Jones C 2012. Manaaki Whenua science supports the re-establlishment of a customary harvest of kuia (grey-faced petrels) by Ngati Awa, Bay of Plenty. Discovery 12(36): 5-6.
Lyver P, Jones C, Whitehead A 2012. The re-establishement of a customary harvest of kuia (grey-faced petrels) by Ngati Awa, Bay of Plenty. Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research 20: 18-19.
Jones C, Barron MC, Warburton B, Coleman M, Lyver P, Nugent G 2012. Can possum fur harvesters both make a living and help protect forest biodiversity? Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research 20: 5–6.
Towns DR, Bellingham PJ, Mulder CPH, Lyver PO 2012. A research strategy for biodiversity conservation on New Zealand’s offshore islands. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 36(1): 1-20.
- Latitudinal Gradient Project Science Steering Committee, Antarctica NZ
- Lyver, P.O'B. (2009). Committee member. CCAMLR Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management, Subgroup on Status and Trend Assessment of Predator Populations, CCAMLR Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management, Subgroup on Status and Trend Assessment of Predator Populations
- Lyver, P.O'B. (2010) NZ Antarctic Latitudinal Gradient Project - Science Steering Committee member, NZ Antarctic Latitudinal Gradient Project - Science Steering Committee
- Wildlife Advisor for the Ross Sea, New Zealand Wildlife Health Centre