Sam Carrick

Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Portfolio Leader, Characterising Land Resources Portfolio
Soil Scientist
PhD (Soil Physics)
PhD Soil Physics
Gray CW, McDowell RW, Graham SL, Hunt JE, Laubach J, Rogers GND, Carrick S, Whitehead D Early access Jul 2020. Phosphorus transport in subsurface flow from a stony soil under irrigated and non-irrigated lucerne. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. WOS:000555114000001
Curran-Cournane F, Carrick S, Barnes MG, Ausseil A-G, Drewry JJ, Bain IA, Golubiewski NE, Jones HS, Barringer J, Morell L 2023. Cumulative effects of fragmentation and development on highly productive land in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 66(1): 1-24.
Deuss KE, Almond PC, Carrick S, Kees LJ 2023. Identification, mapping, and characterisation of a mature artificial mole channel network using ground-penetrating radar. Agricultural Water Management 288. WOS:001064935700001
Drewry JJ, Carrick S, Penny V, Dando JL, Koele N 2022. Effect of irrigation on soil physical properties on temperate pastoral farms: a regional New Zealand study. Soil Research 60(8): 760-771.
Graham SL, Laubach J, Hunt JE, Mudge PL, Nunez J, Rogers GND, Buxton RP, Carrick S, Whitehead D 2022. Irrigation and grazing management affect leaching losses and soil nitrogen balance of lucerne. Agricultural Water Management 259. WOS:000711635400004
Hu W, Thomas S, Muller K, Carrick S, Beare M, Langer S, Cummins M, Dando J, Fraser S, Stevenson B, Mudge P, Baird D 2022. Maize cropping degrades soil hydraulic properties relative to grazed pasture in two contrasting soils (vol 421, 115912, 2022). Geoderma 428. WOS:000919522500007
Pollacco JAP, Fernandez-Galvez J, Rajanayaka C, Zammit SC, Ackerer P, Belfort B, Lassabatere L, Angulo-Jaramillo R, Lilburne L, Carrick S, Peltzer DA 2022. Multistep optimization of HyPix model for flexible vertical scaling of soil hydraulic parameters. Environmental Modelling & Software 156. WOS:000848653100002
Vogeler I, Lilburne L, Webb T, Cichota R, Sharp J, Carrick S, Brown H, Snow V 2022. S-map parameters for APSIM. Methodsx 9. WOS:000821352600010
Pollacco JAP, Fernandez-Galvez J, Ackerer P, Belfort B, Lassabatere L, Angulo-Jaramillo R, Rajanayaka C, Lilburne L, Carrick S, Peltzer DA 2022. HyPix: 1D physically based hydrological model with novel adaptive time-stepping management and smoothing dynamic criterion for controlling Newton-Raphson step. Environmental Modelling & Software 153. WOS:000806277500002
Roudier P, Odgers N, Carrick S, Eger A, Hainsworth S, Beaudette D 2022. <p>Soilscapes of New Zealand: Pedologic diversity as organised along environmental gradients</p>. Geoderma 409. WOS:000788128600001
Vogeler I, Carrick S, Lilburne L, Cichota R, Pollacco J, Fernandez-Galvez J 2021. How important is the description of soil unsaturated hydraulic conductivity values for simulating soil saturation level, drainage and pasture yield? Journal of Hydrology 598. WOS:000661813200088
Houlbrooke DJ, Drewry JJ, Hu W, Laurenson S, Carrick ST 2021. Soil structure: its importance to resilient pastures in New Zealand (review). In: Douglas GB ed. Proceedings: Resilient Pastures Symposium, Lake Karapiro, New Zealand, 11 and 12 May 2021. Pp. 201-211.
Fu ZH, Hu W, Beare M, Thomas S, Carrick S, Dando J, Langer S, Muller K, Baird D, Lilburne L 2021. Land use effects on soil hydraulic properties and the contribution of soil organic carbon. Journal of Hydrology 602. WOS:000704794400039
Drewry JJ, McNeill SJ, Carrick S, Lynn IH, Eger A, Payne J, Rogers G, Thomas SM 2021. Temporal trends in soil physical properties under cropping with intensive till and no-till management. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 64(2): 223-244. WOS:000620028100006
McDowell RW, Worth W, Carrick S 2021. Evidence for the leaching of dissolved organic phosphorus to depth. Science of the Total Environment 755. WOS:000600537400032
Drewry JJ, Carrick S, Penny V, Houlbrooke DJ, Laurenson S, Mesman NL 2021. Effects of irrigation on soil physical properties in predominantly pastoral farming systems: a review. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 64(4): 483-507. WOS:000524053600001
Pollacco JAP, Fernandez-Galvez J, Carrick S 2020. Improved prediction of water retention curves for fine texture soils using an intergranular mixing particle size distribution model. Journal of Hydrology 584. WOS:000527390200055
Graham SL, Laubach J, Hunt JE, Eger A, Carrick S, Whitehead D 2019. Predicting soil water balance for irrigated and non-irrigated lucerne on stony, alluvial soils. Agricultural Water Management 226. WOS:000525274200015
Vogeler I, Carrick S, Cichota R, Lilburne L 2019. Estimation of soil subsurface hydraulic conductivity based on inverse modelling and soil morphology. Journal of Hydrology 574: 373-382. WOS:000476962800030
McNeill SJ, Lilburne LR, Carrick S, Webb TH, Cuthill T 2018. Pedotransfer functions for the soil water characteristics of New Zealand soils using S-map information. Geoderma 326: 96-110. WOS:000433648800009
Carrick S, Rogers G, Cameron K, Malcolm B, Payne J 2017. Testing large area lysimeter designs to measure leaching under multiple urine patches. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 60(2): 205–215.
- Council member NZSSS, New Zealand Soil Science Society Council