Research interests
Role at Landcare Research
Senior Scientist: Plant Ecology | |
Research interests |
- Vegetation classification and its application
- Large-scale ecological synthesis
- Ecological informatics
- Ecology of naturally rare ecosystems and habitat islands
- Environmentally sustainable indigenous forestry
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PhD Biology
Cornell University
BA (Hons) Biology
McCarthy JK, Wiser SK, Bellingham PJ, Beresford RM, Campbell RE, Turner R, Richardson SJ 2021. Using spatial models to identify refugia and guide restoration in response to an invasive plant pathogen. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(1): 192-201. WOS:000575091400001 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13756
Lusk CH, Wiser SK, Laughlin DC 2021. Climate influences the value of a plant structural defence against browsing. Journal of Ecology 109(3): 1411-1423. WOS:000598669800001 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13566
Testolin R, Carmona CP, Attorre F, Borchardt P, Bruelheide H, Dolezal J, Finckh M, Haider S, Hemp A, Jandt U, Korolyuk AY, Lenoir J, Makunina N, Malanson GP, Mucina L, Noroozi J, Nowak A, Peet RK, Peyre G, Sabatini FM, Sibik J, Sklenar P, Vassilev K, Virtanen R, Wiser SK, Zibzeev EG, Jimenez-Alfaro B 2021. Global functional variation in alpine vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 32(2). WOS:000645256100027 https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13000
McCarthy JK, Leathwick JR, Roudier P, Barringer JRF, Etherington TR, Morgan FJ, Odgers NP, Price RH, Wiser SK, Richardson SJ 2021. New Zealand Environmental Data Stack (NZEnvDS): A standardised collection of spatial layers for environmental modelling and site characterisation. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45(2). WOS:000684942600002 https://doi.org/10.20422/nzjecol.45.31
Allen RB, MacKenzie DI, Bellingham PJ, Wiser SK, Arnst EA, Coomes DA, Hurst JM 2020. Tree survival and growth responses in the aftermath of a strong earthquake. Journal of Ecology 108(1): 107-121. WOS:000478480200001 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13238
Lusk CH, Wiser SK, Laughlin DC 2020. Macroclimate and Topography Interact to Influence the Abundance of Divaricate Plants in New Zealand. Frontiers in Plant Science 11. WOS:000538884900001 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00507
Valencia E, de Bello F, Galland T, Adler PB, Leps J, E-Vojtko A, van Klink R, Carmona CP, Danihelka J, Dengler J, Eldridge DJ, Estiarte M, Garcia-Gonzalez R, Garnier E, Gomez-Garcia D, Harrison SP, Herben T, Ibanez R, Jentsch A, Juergens N, Kertesz M, Klumpp K, Louault F, Marrs RH, Ogaya R, Onodi G, Pakeman RJ, Pardo I, Partel M, Peco B, Penuelas J, Pywell RF, Rueda M, Schmidt W, Schmiedel U, Schuetz M, Skalova H, Smilauer P, Smilauerova M, Smit C, Song MH, Stock M, Val J, Vandvik V, Ward D, Wesche K, Wiser SK, Woodcock B, Young TP, Yu FH, Zobel M, Gotzenberger L 2020. Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117(39): 24345-24351. WOS:000576672700016 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1920405117
Enquist BJ, Feng X, Boyle B, Maitner B, Newman EA, Jorgensen PM, Roehrdanz PR, Thiers BM, Burger JR, Corlett RT, Couvreur TLP, Dauby G, Donoghue JC, Foden W, Lovett JC, Marquet PA, Merow C, Midgley G, Morueta-Holme N, Neves DM, Oliveira-Filho AT, Kraft NJB, Park DS, Peet RK, Pillet M, Serra-Diaz JM, Sandel B, Schildhauer M, Simova I, Violle C, Wieringa JJ, Wiser SK, Hannah L, Svenning JC, McGill BJ 2019. The commonness of rarity: Global and future distribution of rarity across land plants. Science Advances 5(11). WOS:000499736100102 https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aaz0414
Simova I, Sandel B, Enquist BJ, Michaletz ST, Kattge J, Violle C, McGill BJ, Blonder B, Engemann K, Peet RK, Wiser SK, Morueta-Holme N, Boyle B, Kraft NJB, Svenning JC 2019. The relationship of woody plant size and leaf nutrient content to large-scale productivity for forests across the Americas. Journal of Ecology 107(5): 2278-2290. WOS:000484311000020 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13163
Dymond JR, Zorner J, Shepherd JD, Wiser SK, Pairman D, Sabetizade M 2019. Mapping physiognomic types of indigenous forest using space-borne SAR, optical imagery and air-borne LiDAR. Remote Sensing 11(16). WOS:000484387600074 https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11161911
Steidinger BS, Crowther TW, Liang J, Van Nuland ME, Werner GDA, Reich PB, Nabuurs G, De-Miguel S, Zhou M, Picard N, Herault B, Zhao X, Zhang C, Routh D, Peay KG, Abegg M, Yao CYA, Alberti G, Zambrano AA, Alvarez-Davila E, Alvarez-Loayza P, Alves LF, Ammer C, Anton-Fernandez C, Araujo-Murakami A, Arroyo L, Avitabile V, Aymard G, Baker T, Balazy R, Banki O, Barroso J, Bastian M, Bastin JF, Birigazzi L, Birnbaum P, Bitariho R, Boeckx P, Bongers F, Bouriaud O, Brancalion PHS, Brandl S, Brearley FQ, Brienen R, Broadbent E, Bruelheide H, Bussotti F, Gatti RC, Cesar R, Cesljar G, Chazdon R, Chen HYH, Chisholm C, Cienciala E, Clark CJ, Clark D, Colletta G, Condit R, Coomes D, Valverde FC, Corral-Rivas JJ, Crim P, Cumming J, Dayanandan S, de Gasper AL, Decuyper M, Derroire G, DeVries B, Djordjevic I, Ieda A, Dourdain A, Obiang NLE, Enquist B, Eyre T, Fandohan AB, Fayle TM, Feldpausch TR, Finer L, Fischer M, Fletcher C, Fridman J, Frizzera L, Gamarra JGP, Gianelle D, Glick HB, Harris D, Hector A, Hemp A, Hengeveld G, Herbohn J, Herold M, Hillers A, Coronado ENH, Huber M, Hui C, Cho H, Ibanez T, Jung I, Imai N, Jagodzinski AM, Jaroszewicz B, Johannsen V, Joly CA, Jucker T, Karminov V, Kartawinata K, Kearsley E, Kenfack D, Kennard D, Kepfer-Rojas S, Keppel G, Khan ML, Killeen T, Kim HS, Kitayama K, Kohl M, Korjus H, Kraxner F, Laarmann D, Lang M, Lewis S, Lu HC, Lukina N, Maitner B, Malhi Y, Marcon E, Marimon BS, Marimon BH, Marshall AR, Martin E, Martynenko O, Meave JA, Melo-Cruz O, Mendoza C, Merow C, Mendoza AM, Moreno V, Mukul SA, Mundhenk P, Nava-Miranda MG, Neill D, Neldner V, Nevenic R, Ngugi M, Niklaus P, Oleksyn J, Ontikov P, Ortiz-Malavasi E, Pan YD, Paquette A, Parada-Gutierrez A, Parfenova E, Park M, Parren M, Parthasarathy N, Peri PL, Pfautsch S, Phillips O, Piedade MT, Piotto D, Pitman NCA, Polo I, Poorter L, Poulsen AD, Poulsen JR, Pretzsch H, Arevalo FR, Restrepo-Correa Z, Rodeghiero M, Rolim S, Roopsind A, Rovero F, Rutishauser E, Saikia P, Saner P, Schall P, Schelhaas MJ, Schepaschenko D, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, Schongart J, Searle E, Seben V, Serra-Diaz JM, Salas-Eljatib C, Sheil D, Shvidenko A, Silva-Espejo J, Silveira M, Singh J, Sist P, Slik F, Sonke B, Souza AF, Sterenczak K, Svenning JC, Svoboda M, Targhetta N, Tchebakova N, ter Steege H, Thomas R, Tikhonova E, Umunay P, Usoltsev V, Valladares F, van der Plas F, Do TV, Martinez RV, Verbeeck H, Viana H, Vieira S, von Gadow K, Wang HF, Watson J, Westerlund B, Wiser S, Wittmann F, Wortel V, Zagt R, Zawila-Niedzwiecki T, Zhu ZX, Zo-Bi IC, Consortium G 2019. Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses. Nature 569(7756): 404-+. WOS:000468123700038 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1128-0
De Caceres M, Coll L, Legendre P, Allen RB, Wiser SK, Fortin MJ, Condit R, Hubbell S 2019. Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs 89(2). WOS:000477640700008 https://doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1350
Bruelheide H, Dengler J, Jimenez-Alfaro B, Purschke O, Hennekens SM, Chytry M, Pillar VD, Jansen F, Kattge J, Sandel B, Aubin I, Biurrun I, Field R, Haider S, Jandt U, Lenoir J, Peet RK, Peyre G, Sabatini FM, Schmidt M, Schrodt F, Winter M, Acic S, Agrillo E, Alvarez M, Ambarli D, Angelini P, Apostolova I, Khan M, Arnst E, Attorre F, Baraloto C, Beckmann M, Berg C, Bergeron Y, Bergmeier E, Bjorkman AD, Bondareva V, Borchardt P, Botta-Dukat Z, Boyle B, Breen A, Brisse H, Byun C, Cabido MR, Casella L, Cayuela L, Cerny T, Chepinoga V, Csiky J, Curran M, Custerevska R, Stevanovic ZD, Bie E, Ruffray P, Sanctis M, Dimopoulos P, Dressler S, Ejrnaes R, El-Sheikh MAM, Enquist B, Ewald J, Fagundez J, Finckh M, Font X, Forey E, Fotiadis G, Garcia-Mijangos I, de Gasper AL, Golub V, Gutierrez AG, Hatim MZ, He T, Higuchi P, Holubova D, Hoelzel N, Homeier J, Indreica A, Gursoy DI, Jansen S, Janssen J, Jedrzejek B, Jirousek M, Jurgens N, Kacki Z, Kavgaci A, Kearsley E, Kessler M, Knollova I, Kolomiychuk V, Korolyuk A, Kozhevnikova M, Kozub L, Krstonosic D, Kuehl H, Kuehn I, Kuzemko A, Kuzmic F, Landucci F, Lee MT, Levesley A, Li CF, Liu H, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lysenko T, Macanovic A, Mahdavi P, Manning P, Marceno C, Martynenko V, Mencuccini M, Minden V, Moeslund JE, Moretti M, Mueller JV, Munzinger J, Niinemets U, Nobis M, Noroozi J, Nowak A, Onyshchenko V, Overbeck GE, Ozinga WA, Pauchard A, Pedashenko H, Penuelas J, Perez-Haase A, Peterka T, Petrik P, Phillips OL, Prokhorov V, Rasomavicius V, Revermann R, Rodwell J, Ruprecht E, Rusina S, Samimi C, Schaminee JHJ, Schmiedel U, Sibik J, Silc U, Skvorc Z, Smyth A, Sop T, Sopotlieva D, Sparrow B, Stancic Z, Svenning JC, Swacha G, Tang ZY, Tsiripidis I, Turtureanu PD, Ugurlu E, Uogintas D, Valachovic M, Vanselow KA, Vashenyak Y, Vassilev K, Velez-Martin E, Venanzoni R, Vibrans AC, Violle C, Virtanen R, von Wehrden H, Wagner V, Walker DA, Wana D, Weiher E, Wesche K, Whitfeld T, Willner W, Wiser S, Wohlgemuth T, Yamalov S, Zizka G, Zverev A 2019. sPlot - A new tool for global vegetation analyses. Journal of Vegetation Science 30(2): 161-186. WOS:000466421500001 https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12710
Affeld K, Wiser SK, Payton IJ, DeCáceres M 2018. Using classification assignment rules to assess land-use change impacts on forest biodiversity at local-to-national scales. Forest Ecosystems 5: 13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40663-017-0121-z
Slik JWF, Franklin J, Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Field R, Aguilar S, Aguirre N, Ahumada J, Aiba S-I, Alves LF, K A, Avella A, Mora F, Aymard C. GA, Báez S, Balvanera P, Bastian ML, Bastin J-F, Bellingham PJ, van den Berg E, da Conceição Bispo P, Boeckx P, Boehning-Gaese K, Bongers F, Boyle B, Brambach F, Brearley FQ, Brown S, Chai S-L, Chazdon RL, Chen S, Chhang P, Chuyong G, Ewango C, Coronado IM, Cristóbal-Azkarate J, Culmsee H, Damas K, Dattaraja HS, Davidar P, DeWalt SJ, Din H, Drake DR, Duque A, Durigan G, Eichhorn K, Eler ES, Enoki T, Ensslin A, Fandohan AB, Farwig N, Feeley KJ, Fischer M, Forshed O, Garcia QS, Garkoti SC, Gillespie TW, Gillet J-F, Gonmadje C, Granzow-de la Cerda I, Griffith DM, Grogan J, Hakeem KR, Harris DJ, Harrison RD, Hector A, Hemp A, Homeier J, Hussain MS, Ibarra-Manríquez G, Hanum IF, Imai N, Jansen PA, Joly CA, Joseph S, Kartawinata K, Kearsley E, Kelly DL, Kessler M, Killeen TJ, Kooyman RM, Laumonier Y, Laurance SG, Laurance WF, Lawes MJ, Letcher SG, Lindsell J, Lovett J, Lozada J, Lu X, Lykke AM, Mahmud KB, Mahayani NPD, Mansor A, Marshall AR, Martin EH, Calderado Leal Matos D, Meave JA, Melo FPL, Mendoza ZHA, Metali F, Medjibe VP, Metzger JP, Metzker T, Mohandass D, Munguía-Rosas MA, Muñoz R, Nurtjahy E, de Oliveira EL, Onrizal, Parolin P, Parren M, Parthasarathy N, Paudel E, Perez R, Pérez-García EA, Pommer U, Poorter L, Qi L, Piedade MTF, Pinto JRR, Poulsen AD, Poulsen JR, Powers JS, Prasad RC, Puyravaud J-P, Rangel O, Reitsma J, Rocha DSB, Rolim S, Rovero F, Rozak A, Ruokolainen K, Rutishauser E, Rutten G, Mohd. Said MN, Saiter FZ, Saner P, Santos B, dos Santos JR, Sarker SK, Schmitt CB, Schoengart J, Schulze M, Sheil D, Sist P, Souza AF, Spironello WR, Sposito T, Steinmetz R, Stevart T, Suganuma MS, Sukri R, Sultana A, Sukumar R, Sunderland T, Supriyadi, Suresh HS, Suzuki E, Tabarelli M, Tang J, Tanner EVJ, Targhetta N, Theilade I, Thomas D, Timberlake J, de Morisson Valeriano M, van Valkenburg J, Van Do T, Van Sam H, Vandermeer JH, Verbeeck H, Vetaas OR, Adekunle V, Vieira SA, Webb CO, Webb EL, Whitfeld T, Wich S, Williams J, Wiser S, Wittmann F, Yang X, Adou Yao CY, Yap SL, Zahawi RA, Zakaria R, Zang R 2018. Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(8): 1837–1842. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1714977115
Simova I, Violle C, Svenning JC, Kattge J, Engemann K, Sandel B, Peet RK, Wiser SK, Blonder B, McGill BJ, Boyle B, Morueta-Holme N, Kraft NJB, van Bodegom PM, Gutierrez AG, Bahn M, Ozinga WA, Toszogyova A, Enquist BJ 2018. Spatial patterns and climate relationships of major plant traits in the New World differ between woody and herbaceous species. Journal of Biogeography 45(4): 895-916. WOS:000428849000016 https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13171
Maitner BS, Boyle B, Casler N, Condit R, Donoghue J, Duran SM, Guaderrama D, Hinchliff CE, Jorgensen PM, Kraft NJB, McGill B, Merow C, Morueta-Holme N, Peet RK, Sandel B, Schildhauer M, Smith SA, Svenning JC, Thiers B, Violle C, Wiser S, Enquist BJ 2018. The BIEN R package: A tool to access the Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN) database. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9(2): 373-379. WOS:000425027700016 https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210x.12861
Wiser SK, De Caceres M 2018. New Zealand's plot-based classification of vegetation. Phytocoenologia 48(2): 153-161. WOS:000431268500006 https://doi.org/10.1127/phyto/2017/0180
Smale MC, Wiser SK, Bergin MJ, Fitzgerald NB 2018. A classification of the geothermal vegetation of the Taup Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 48(1): 21-38. WOS:000419889000002 https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.2017.1322619
Zorner J, Dymond JR, Shepherd JD, Wiser SK, Jolly B 2018. LiDAR-Based Regional Inventory of Tall TreesWellington, New Zealand. Forests 9(11). WOS:000451310300042 https://doi.org/10.3390/f9110702
Smale MC, Wiser SK, Bergin MJ, Fitzgerald NB 2017. A classification of the geothermal vegetation of the Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 48(1): 21–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.2017.1322619
Wiser S 2017. Laudatio for Robert K. Peet: recipient IAVS Honorary Membership Award. IAVS Bulletin. Pp. 4–6. https://doi.org/10.21570/BUL-201705-1
Engemann K, Sandel B, Enquist BJ, Jørgensen PM, Kraft N, Marcuse-Kubitza A, McGill B, Morueta-Holme N, Peet RK, Violle C, Wiser S, Svenning J-C 2016. Patterns and drivers of plant functional group dominance across the Western Hemisphere: a macroecological re-assessment based on a massive botanical dataset. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 180(2): 141–160. https://doi.org/10.1111/boj.12362
Wiser SK, Thomson FJ, De Cáceres M 2016. Expanding an existing classification of New Zealand vegetation to include non-forested vegetation. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40(1): 160–178.
Goldsmith GR, Morueta-Holme N, Sandel B, Fitz ED, Fitz SD, Boyle B, Casler N, Engemann K, Jørgensen PM, Kraft NJB, McGill B, Peet RK, Piel WH, Spencer N, Svenning J-C, Thiers BM, Violle C, Wiser SK, Enquist BJ 2016. Plant-O-Matic: a dynamic and mobile guide to all plants of the Americas. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7(8): 960–965. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12548
Wiser SK 2016. Achievements and challenges in the integration, reuse and synthesis of vegetation plot data. Journal of Vegetation Science 27(5): 868–879. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12419
Engemann K, Sandel B, Boyle BL, Enquist BJ, Jørgensen PM, Kattge J, McGill BJ, Morueta-Holme N, Peet RK, Spencer NJ, Violle C, Wiser SK, Svenning J-C 2016. A plant growth form dataset for the New World. Ecology 97(11): 3243. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.1569
Liang J, Crowther TW, Picard N, Wiser S, Zhou M, Alberti G, Schulze E-D, McGuire AD, Bozzato F, Pretzsch H, de-Miguel S, Paquette A, Hérault B, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Barrett CB, Glick HB, Hengeveld GM, Nabuurs G-J, Pfautsch S, Viana H, Vibrans AC, Ammer C, Schall P, Verbyla D, Tchebakova N, Fischer M, Watson JV, Chen HYH, Lei X, Schelhaas M-J, Lu H, Gianelle D, Parfenova EI, Salas C, Lee E, Lee B, Kim HS, Bruelheide H, Coomes DA, Piotto D, Sunderland T, Schmid B, Gourlet-Fleury S, Sonké B, Tavani R, Zhu J, Brandl S, Vayreda J, Kitahara F, Searle EB, Neldner VJ, Ngugi MR, Baraloto C, Frizzera L, Bałazy R, Oleksyn J, Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T, Bouriaud O, Bussotti F, Finér L, Jaroszewicz B, Jucker T, Valladares F, Jagodzinski AM, Peri PL, Gonmadje C, Marthy W, O’Brien T, Martin EH, Marshall AR, Rovero F, Bitariho R, Niklaus PA, Alvarez-Loayza P, Chamuya N, Valencia R, Mortier F, Wortel V, Engone-Obiang NL, Ferreira LV, Odeke DE, Vasquez RM, Lewis SL, Reich PB 2016. Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests. Science 354(6309): aaf8957. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf8957
Šímová I, Violle C, Kraft NJB, Storch D, Svenning J-C, Boyle B, Donoghue JC, Jørgensen P, McGill BJ, Morueta-Holme N, Piel WH, Peet RK, Regetz J, Schildhauer M, Spencer N, Thiers B, Wiser S, Enquist BJ 2015. Shifts in trait means and variances in North American tree assemblages: species richness patterns are loosely related to the functional space. Ecography 38(7): 649–658. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.00867
Miller AL, Wiser SK, Sullivan JJ, Duncan RP 2015. Creek habitats as sources for the spread of an invasive herb in a New Zealand mountain landscape. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(1): 71–78.
De Cáceres M, Chytrý M, Agrillo E, Attorre F, Botta-Dukát Z, Capelo J, Czúcz B, Dengler J, Ewald J, Faber-Langendoen D, Feoli E, Franklin SB, Gavilán R, Gillet F, Jansen F, Jiménez-Alfaro B, Krestov P, Landucci F, Lengyel A, Loidi J, Mucina L, Peet RK, Roberts DW, Roleček J, Schaminée JHJ, Schmidtlein S, Theurillat J-P, Tichý L, Walker DA, Wildi O, Willner W, Wiser SK 2015. A comparative framework for broad-scale plot-based vegetation classification. Applied Vegetation Science 18(4): 543–560. https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12179
Crowther TW, Glick HB, Covey KR, Bettigole C, Maynard DS, Thomas SM, Smith JR, Hintler G, Duguid MC, Amatulli G, Tuanmu M-N, Jetz W, Salas C, Stam C, Piotto D, Tavani R, Green S, Bruce G, Williams SJ, Wiser SK, Huber MO, Hengeveld GM, Nabuurs G-J, Tikhonova E, Borchardt P, Li C-F, Powrie LW, Fischer M, Hemp A, Homeier J, Cho P, Vibrans AC, Umunay PM, Piao SL, Rowe CW, Ashton MS, Crane PR, Bradford MA 2015. Mapping tree density at a global scale. Nature 525: 201–205. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14967
Miller AL, Diez JM, Sullivan JJ, Wangen SR, Wiser SK, Meffin R, Duncan RP 2014. Quantifying invasion resistance: the use of recruitment functions to control for propagule pressure. Ecology 95(4): 920–929. https://doi.org/10.1890/13-0655.1
Stephenson NL, Das AJ, Condit R, Russo SE, Baker PJ, Beckman NG, Coomes DA, Lines ER, Morris WK, Rüger N, Álvarez E, Blundo C, Bunyavejchewin S, Chuyong G, Davies SJ, Duque Á, Ewango CN, Flores O, Franklin JF, Grau HR, Hao Z, Harmon ME, Hubbell SP, Kenfack D, Lin Y, Makana J-R, Malizia A, Malizia LR, Pabst RJ, Pongpattananurak N, Su S-H, Sun I-F, Tan S, Thomas D, van Mantgem PJ, Wang X, Wiser SK, Zavala MA 2014. Rate of tree carbon accumulation increases continuously with tree size. Nature 507: 90–93. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12914
Lamanna CA, Blonder B, Violle C, Kraft NJB, Sandel B, Šímová I, Donoghue JC, Svenning JC, McGill BJ, Boyle B, Buzzard V, Dolins S, Jørgensen PM, Marcuse-Kubitza A, Morueta-Holme N, Peet RK, Piel WH, Regetz J, Schildhauer M, Spencer N, Thiers B, Wiser SK, Enquist BJ 2014. Functional trait space and the latitudinal diversity gradient. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111(38): 13745–13750. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1317722111
Wiser SK, De Cáceres M 2013. Updating vegetation classifications: an example with New Zealand's woody vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 24(1): 80-93. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01450.x
Mason NWH, Wiser SK, Richardson SJ, Thorsen MJ, Holdaway RJ, Dray S, Thomson FJ, Carswell FE 2013. Functional traits reveal processes driving natural afforestation at large spatial scales. PLOS One 8(9): e75219. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0075219
Wiser SK, Buxton RP, Clarkson BR, Hoare RJB, Holdaway RJ, Richardson SJ, Smale MC, West C, Williams PA 2013. New Zealand's naturally uncommon ecosystems. In: Dymond JR ed. Ecosystem services in New Zealand: conditions and trends. Lincoln, New Zealand, Manaaki Whenua Press. Pp. 49–61
Forgie SA, St John MG, Wiser SK 2013. Invertebrate communities and drivers of their composition on gravel beaches in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37(1): 95-104.
Franklin J, Keppel G, Webb EL, Seamon JO, Rey SJ, Steadman DW, Wiser SK, Drake DR 2013. Dispersal limitation, speciation, environmental filtering and niche differentiation influence forest tree communities in West Polynesia. Journal of biogeography 40(5): 988-999. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.12038
Morueta-Holme N, Enquist BJ, McGill BJ, Boyle B, Jørgensen PM, Ott JE, Peet RK, Šímová I, Sloat LL, Thiers B, Violle C, Wiser SK, Dolins S, Donoghue JC, Kraft NJB, Regetz J, Schildhauer M, Spencer N, Svenning JC 2013. Habitat area and climate stability determine geographical variation in plant species range sizes. Ecology Letters 16(12): 1446–1454. ISI:000326114000013 https://doi.org/10.1111/Ele.12184
De Caceres M, Wiser SK 2012. Towards consistency in vegetation classification. Journal of vegetation science 23(2): 387-393. WOS:000301497000017 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2011.01354.x
Hurst JM, Stewart GH, Perry GLW, Wiser SK, Norton DA 2012. Determinants of tree mortality in mixed old-growth Nothofagus forest. Forest ecology and management 270(0): 189-199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2012.01.029
Richardson SJ, Williams PA, Mason NWH, Buxton RP, Courtney SP, Rance BD, Clarkson BR, Hoare RJB, St. John MG, Wiser SK 2012. Rare species drive local trait diversity in two geographically disjunct examples of a naturally rare alpine ecosystem in New Zealand. Journal of Vegetation Science 23(4): 626-639. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01396.x
Carswell FE, Doherty JE, Allen RB, Brignall-Theyer ME, Richardson SJ, Wiser SK 2012. Quantification of the effects of aboveground and belowground competition on growth of seedlings in a conifer–angiosperm forest. Forest ecology and management 269: 188–196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2011.12.027
De Cáceres M, Legendre P, Wiser SK, Brotons L 2012. Using species combinations in indicator value analyses. Methods in ecology and evolution 3(6): 973-982.
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Allen R, Hurst J, Wiser S, Easdale T 2012. Developing management systems for the production of beech timber. New Zealand journal of forestry 57(2): 38-44.
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Wiser S, Burrows L 2011. The National Vegetation Survey databank: a resource for managing vegetation plot data. Indigena (November): 14–16.
- Vegetation classification and description specialist, IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Committee for Scientific Standards
- President, International Association for Vegetation Science http://iavs.org/