Suzie Greenhalgh

Greenhalgh S, Muller K, Thomas S, Campbell ML, Harter T Early Access Nov 2021. Raising the voice of science in complex socio-political contexts: an assessment of contested water decisions. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. WOS:000723461500001
Pepin KM, Carlisle K, Anderson D, Baker MG, Chipman RB, Benschop J, French NP, Greenhalgh S, McDougall S, Muellner P, Murphy E, O'Neale DRJ, Plank MJ, Hayman DTS 2024. Steps towards operationalizing One Health approaches. One Health 18: 9. WOS:001235610000001
Greenhalgh S 2023
Time to build resilience into food production. Pūtaiao - Manaaki Whenua science summary. Lincoln, NZ, Manaaki Whenua landcare Research NZ. Pp. 2-4.
Dymond JR, Daigneault AJ, Burge OR, Tanner CC, Carswell FE, Greenhalgh S, Ausseil AGE, Mason NWH, Clarkson BR 2023. Searching for Balance between Hill Country Pastoral Farming and Nature. Land 12(8). WOS:001057343600001
Ausseil AGE, Booth P, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O, Collins A 2023. Designing fit-for-purpose indicators to connect nature and people's well-being in New Zealand. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11. WOS:001057224900001
Ausseil AGE, Greenhalgh S, Booth P, Lavorel S, Collins A 2022. A Novel Approach to Identify and Prioritize the Connections Between Nature and People's Well-Being in New Zealand. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10. WOS:000793216900001
Kaine G, Wright V, Greenhalgh S 2022. Predicting willingness to be vaccinated for Covid-19: Evidence from New Zealand. Plos One 17(4). WOS:000795077200080
Kaine G, Greenhalgh S, Wright V 2022. Compliance with Covid-19 measures: Evidence from New Zealand. Plos One 17(2). WOS:000821499100028
Gladstone-Gallagher RV, Tylianakis JM, Yletyinen J, Dakos V, Douglas EJ, Greenhalgh S, Hewitt JE, Hikuroa D, Lade SJ, Le Heron R, Norkko A, Perry GLW, Pilditch CA, Schiel D, Siwicka E, Warburton H, Thrush SF 2022. Social-ecological connections across land, water, and sea demand a reprioritization of environmental management. Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene 10(1). WOS:000813032300002
Kaine G, Greenhalgh S, Wright V 2022. Compliance with Covid-19 measures: Evidence from New Zealand. Plos One 17(2). WOS:000821499100028
Canning AD, Jarvis D, Costanza R, Hasan S, Smart JCR, Finisdore J, Lovelock CE, Greenhalgh S, Marr HM, Beck MW, Gillies CL, Waltham NJ 2021. Financial incentives for large-scale wetland restoration: Beyond markets to common asset trusts. One Earth 4(7): 937-950. WOS:000678340300011
Walker S, Bellingham PJ, Kaine G, Richardson S, Greenhalgh S, Simcock R, Brovvn MA, Stephens T, Lee WG 2021. What effects must be avoided, remediated or mitigated to maintain indigenous biodiversity? New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45(2). WOS:000684942600007
Walsh P, Cradock-Henry N, Greenhalgh S 2020. Mitigating cascading and compounding hazards in the time of pandemic. Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research Policy Brief 25: 9.
Tadaki M, Sinner J, Stahlmann-Brown P, Greenhalgh S 2020. Does Collaborative Governance Increase Public Confidence in Water Management? Survey Evidence from Aotearoa New Zealand. Water Alternatives-an Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development 13(2): 302-323. WOS:000539962700006
Robertson T, Greenhalgh S, Korovulavula I, Tikoibua T, Radikedike P, Stahlmann-Brown P 2020. Locally managed marine areas: Implications for socio-economic impacts in Kadavu, Fiji. Marine Policy 117. WOS:000541263200059
Tadaki M, Sinner J, Stahlmann-Brown P, Greenhalgh S 2020. Does collaborative governance increase public confidence in water management? Survey evidence from Aotearoa New Zealand. Water Alternatives-an Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development 13(2): 302-323. WOS:000539962700006
Robertson T, Greenhalgh S, Korovulavula I, Tikoibua T, Radikedike P, Stahlmann-Brown P 2020. Locally managed marine areas: Implications for socio-economic impacts in Kadavu, Fiji. Marine Policy 117. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000541263200059
Wagner CRH, Greenhalgh S, Niles MT, Zia A, Bowden WB 2020. Evaluating water quality regulation as a driver of farmer behavior: a social-ecological systems approach. Ecology and Society 25(4). WOS:000603995100038
Greenhalgh S 2019. Incorporating biosystems and diversity in decision-making lessons in land use planning and biodiversity restoration from applications in 2 catchments. Proceedings: BEST: Building biodiversity into an ecosystem service-based approach for resource management, Wellington, New Zealand, 1 May 2019.
Soliman T, Kamarinas I, Julian JP, Greenhalgh S 2019. Assessing the cost-effectiveness of targeted reparian estoration policies in New Zealand. Proceedings: Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, Coventry, United Kingdom, 15-17 April 2019.
Greenhalgh S, Simcock R, Wiercinski B 2019. Using participatory ecosystem service approaches to facilitate decision-making: New Zealand experiences from the field. Proceedings: Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum 2019: Creating healthy communities and ecosystems for a resilient future, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 September 2019.
Greenhalgh S 2019. Closing plenary insights. Proceedings: Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum 2019: Creating healthy communities and ecosystems for a resilient future, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 September 2019.
Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O 2019. The case of the finite soils – making their value visible. Soil Horizons.
Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O 2018. Economic Impacts of Multiple Agro-Environmental Policies on New Zealand Land Use. Environmental & Resource Economics 69(4): 763-785. WOS:000428430600006
Roudier P, Lilburne L, Ausseil A-G, Grealish G, Stevenson B, Carrick S, Manderson A, Greenhalgh S, Harmsworth G, Kalaugher E 2018. Towards a preliminary assessment of the soil security dimensions in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Proceedings: Soil Security and Planetary Health Conference - 3rd Global Security Conference, Sydney, Australia, 4-6 December 2018.
Timoti P, Lyver P, Gormley A, Jones CJ, Richardson SJ, Tahi BL, Greenhalgh S 2018. Key Māori values strengthen the mapping of forest ecosystem services. Proceedings: 5th Oceania Congress for Conservation Biology, Wellington, New Zealand, 3-5 July 2018.
Lyver POB, Timoti P, Jones CJ, Richardson SJ, Tahi BL, Greenhalgh S 2017. An indigenous community-based monitoring system for assessing forest health in New Zealand. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(13): 3183–3212.
Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O 2017. Equitably slicing the pie: water policy and allocation. Ecological Economics 131: 449–459.
Kaine G, Young J, Lourey R, Greenhalgh S 2017. Policy choice framework: guiding policy makers in changing farmer behavior. Ecology and Society 22(2): 2.
Cradock-Henry NA, Greenhalgh S, Brown P, Sinner J 2017. Factors influencing successful collaboration for freshwater management in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Ecology and Society 22(2): 14.
Wright WCC, Eppink FV, Greenhalgh S 2017. Are ecosystem service studies presenting the right information for decision making? Ecosystem Services 25: 128–139.
Kaine G, Greenhalgh S, Boyce W, Lourey R, Young J, Reed E, Keenan B, Mackay S 2017. A microeconomic perspective on the role of efficiency and equity criteria in designing natural resource policy. Ecology and Society 22(1): 50.
Sinner J, Kilvington M, Greenhalgh S, Vattala D, Bowen T, Matthews A, Watts J, Ide G, Sevicke-Jones G, Dawe A, Tait B, Bannister R, Baker M-A, Allen D, Lourey R, Harmsworth G, Fenemor A, Awatere S, Davies-Colley R, Tadaki M, Brown P, Berkett N 2017. Riding the wave of change: reflections on the evolution of freshwater management in New Zealand. Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua Policy Brief no. 20, Landcare Research.
Robson M, Bammer G, Barker P, Foote J, Greenhalgh S, Haremate G, Lauder G, Nicholas G, Small B, Smith R, Williams R, von Pein T 2017. The Collaboration Lab: the transformative role of collaboration in managing our land and water. In: Currie LD, Hedley MJ ed. Proceedings: Science and Policy: Nutrient Management Challenges for the Next Generation: 30th Annual FLRC Workshop, Palmerston North, N.Z., 7-9 February 2017.
Lyver POB, Timoti P, Gormley AM, Jones CJ, Richardson SJ, Tahi BL, Greenhalgh S 2017. Key Māori values strengthen the mapping of forest ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 27(Part A): 92–102.
Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O, Curran-Cournane F, Wright W, Brown P 2017. Using ecosystem services to underpin cost–benefit analysis: is it a way to protect finite soil resources? Ecosystem Services 27(Part A): 1–14.
Kalaugher E, Walsh P, Huser B, Cradock-Henry N, Tupuhi L, Vare M, Hill R, Botting K, Andrews K, Greenhalgh S 2017. Scaling down, scaling up: development of a framework to understand vulnerability and change potential in the Hauraki, New Zealand. In: Syme G, Hatton MacDonald D, Fulton B, Piantadosi J ed. Proceedings: MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 3 to 8 December 2017. Pp. 1454–1460.
Lyver POB, Timoti P, Jones CJ, Richardson SJ, Tahi BL, Greenhalgh S 2017. An indigenous community-based monitoring system for assessing forest health in New Zealand. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(13): 3183-3212. WOS:000415281200009
Stevenson B, Greenhalgh S, Giltrap D, Robson M, Collins A, Ausseil A-G, Hoogendoorn C, Fenemor A, Kirschbaum M, Whitehead D, Hedley C, Wiercinski B, Munir K, Cavanagh J 2017. Ecosystems Services - Identifying Priorities for Fonterra. Landcare Research Contract Report ; LC2799. 144 p.
Stephens T, Greenhalgh S, Brown MA, Daigneault A 2016. Enhancing the tax system to halt the decline of nature in New Zealand. Policy Quarterly 12(1): 26–34.
Curran-Cournane F, Cain T, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O 2016. Attitudes of a farming community towards urban growth and rural fragmentation: an Auckland case study. Land Use Policy 58: 241–250.
Eppink F, Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Lee W 2016. A national riparian restoration infrastructural network – is it value for money? Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua Policy Brief no. 15, Landcare Research.
Eppink FV, Winden M, Wright WCC, Greenhalgh S 2016. Non-market values in a cost-benefit world: evidence from a choice experiment. PLOS One 11(10): e0165365.
Kanwar P, Koliba C, Greenhalgh S, Bowden WB 2016. An institutional analysis of the Kaipara Harbour governance network in New Zealand. Society & Natural Resources 29(11): 1359–1374.
Shepherd M, Daigneault A, Clothier B, Devantier B, Elliott S, Greenhalgh S, Harrison D, Hock B, Kerr S, Lou E, Lucci G, Mackay A, Monaghan R, Müller K, Murphy L, Payn T, Timar L, Vibart R, Wadhwa S, Wakelin S 2016. New Zealand’s freshwater reforms: what are the potential impacts on greenhouse gas emissions? A synthesis of results from two independent studies. MPI Technical Paper No: 2017/21. Ministry for Primary Industries. 7 p.
Kanwar P, Bowden WB, Greenhalgh S 2015. A regional ecological risk assessment of the Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand, using a relative risk model. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 21(4): 1123–1146.
Greenhalgh S, Hart G 2015. Mainstreaming ecosystem services into policy and decision-making: lessons from New Zealand's journey. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 11(3): 205–215.
Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O 2015. Sharing the pie: the dilemma of allocating nutrient leaching between sources: technical documentation. Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua Policy Brief no. 12, Landcare Research.
Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O 2015. Sharing the pie: the dilemma of allocating nutrient leaching between sources. Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua Policy Brief no. 12, Landcare Research.
Greenhalgh S 2015. [Abstract] A framework for assessing the role of biodiversity in ecosystem services in NZ. Proceedings: New Zealand Ecological Society Conference 2015, Christchurch, N.Z., 16-19 November 2015. Pp. 41.
- Data and Quantification Technical Working Group for Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative on Product Accounting, World Resources Institute (WRI) Council for Sustainable Business
- Member of Ministerial Technical Advisory Group of Freshwater Allocation, Hosted by Ministery for the Environment
- Member of EnviroMark Solutions Technical Advisory Group, EnvironMark Solutions
- Member of NRS Natural Capital Reference Group
- Member, Freshwater Domains Technical Advisory Group
- Member of the working Group for framework for the natural capital contribution to the Living Standards, Ministry for the Environment
- Member of interim Natural Capital Assessment External Advisory Committee, DOC
- Member of Bay of Plenty Land Technical Advisory Group, Bay of Plenty Regional Council
- SEEA reference group, Statistics New Zealand