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Farmers, foresters, and growers were asked whether any of their current land uses were new in the last two years. They were also asked whether they added land to existing uses and whether any of their activities had become more or less intensive over the last two years.

New land uses

Forestry for carbon (exotic and native) was the most popular newly adopted land use, followed by growing flowers/nursery crops and growing native forestry for timber. More pig farmers were new to the industry than other types of livestock farmers.

New land uses

New land uses

Expanded existing land use

Farmers, foresters, and growers reported existing land uses to which they had allocated more land in the last two years.

Expanded existing land use

Expanded existing land use

Land-use intensity

Respondents were asked whether existing land uses had become either more intensive or less intensive over the last two years. Among people growing vegetables and/or cooking herbs indoors, 26% said that they were growing less intensively and 22% said that they were growing more intensively.

Land-use intensity

Land-use intensity

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About the survey

The Survey of Rural Decision Makers is designed to build a better picture of decision-making at the farm level, tackling topics that cannot be easily addressed in official statistics or directly by organisations. It is a valuable resource for policy makers, regional councils, industry groups and businesses.

Further information