In this section
Policy Briefs
Sinner J, Kilvington M, Greenhalgh S, Vattala D, Bowen T, Matthews A, Watts J, Ide G, Sevicke-Jones G, Dawe A, Tait B, Bannister R, Baker MA, Allen D, Lourey R, Harmsworth G, Fenemor A, Awatere S, Davies-Colley R, Tadaki M, Brown P, Berkett N. 2017. Riding the wave of change: Reflections on the evolution of freshwater management in New Zealand. Landcare Research Policy Brief 20. May 2017 (ISSN: 2357-1713).
Harmsworth G, Awatere S, Robb M. 2016. Māori Values and Perspectives to Inform Collaborative Processes and Planning for Freshwater Management. Policy Brief 14 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Greenhalgh S, Daigneault A, Samarasinghe O. 2015. Sharing the pie: The dilemma of allocating nutrient leaching between sources. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 12 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Kaine G, Boyce W. 2015. Designing policy to change the use of natural resources. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 11 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Sinner J, Harmsworth G March 2015. Māori involvement in collaborative freshwater planning – insights from Hawke’s Bay. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 10 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Sinner J, Greenhalgh S, Berkett N, Sharp T April 2014. Structured decision making for collaborative planning. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 9 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Berkett N, Sinner J Dec 2013. Collaborative processes & the roles of council. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 8 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Harmsworth GR, Awatere S, Pauling C 2013. Using mātauranga Māori to inform freshwater management. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 7 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Greenhalgh S, Daigneault A, Samarasinghe O October 2013. Using economic modelling to inform limit setting processes for freshwater resources. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 6 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Sinner J, Tadaki M April 2013. Understanding conflict over freshwater values in a regional plan. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 5 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Cradock-Henry N, Berkett N, Kilvington M October 2013. Setting up a collaborative processes Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 4 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Samarasinghe O, Greenhalgh S, Baker M, Young J, Parrish A, Sharp T, Zaman N, Gilliland B, Sinner J, Fenemor A 2013. Principles to underpin freshwater decision-making. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 3 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Cradock-Henry N October 2013. Evaluating a collaborative process. Landcare Research Policy Brief No. 2 (ISSN: 2357-1713)
Guidance documents, fact sheets and blogs
Kaine G 2015. A primer on the Policy Choice Framework. Version 9. Mooroopna, Victoria Australia, Geoff Kaine Research.
Wright-Stow AE, Storey RG, Davies-Colley R. 2014. Citizen science benefits environmental monitoring. Freshwater Update. NIWA.
Greenhalgh S, Sinner J, Berkett N 2014. The value and values of water. Waiology Sciblogs 19 May 2014.
Harmsworth GR, Awatere S 2013. Review and evaluation of cultural monitoring approaches in New Zealand. Fact sheet, Integrated Valuation and Monitoring Framework for Improved Freshwater Outcomes (C09X1003). 6 p.
Greenhalgh S ed. 2013. Summary overview - Freshwater Symposium: Tools for implementing freshwater reforms. Freshwater Symposium 15 October 2013. Wellington, Royal Society.
Mortimer C 2013. Telling the performance story: policy performance monitoring & reporting guide for freshwater management. Landcare Research review LC1479 for Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. 49 p.
Journal Articles
Berkett N, Fenemor A, Newton M, Sinner J. 2018. Collaborative freshwater planning: changing roles for science and scientists Australasian Journal of Water Resources
Hughey KFD, Jacobson C, Smith EF. 2017. A framework for comparing collaborative management of Australian and New Zealand water resources. Ecology and Society 22(4):28.
Craddock-Henry N, Greenhalgh S, Brown P, Sinner J. 2017. Factors influencing successful collaboration for freshwater management Aotearoa, New Zealand. Ecology and Society 22(2): 14.
Kaine G, Young J, Lourey R, Greenhalgh S. 2017. Policy choice framework: guiding policy makers in changing farmer behavior. Ecology and Society 22(2): 2.
Kaine G, Greenhalgh S, Boyce W, Lourey R, Young J, Reed E, Keenan B, Mackay S 2017. A microeconomic perspective on the role of efficiency and equity criteria in designing natural resource policy. Ecology and Society 22(1): 50.
Daigneault A, Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O. 2017. Equitably slicing the pie: Water policy and allocation. Ecological Economics 131: 449-459. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.09.020.
Tadaki, M., J. Sinner, and K. M. A. Chan. 2017. Making sense of environmental values: a typology of concepts. Ecology and Society 22(1):7. DOI: 10.5751/ES-08999-220107
Sinner J, Brown P, Newton M 2016. Community perceptions of collaborative processes for managing freshwater resources. Ecology and Society 21(4):5. DOI: 10.5751/ES-08851-210405
Harmsworth G, Awatere S, Robb M 2016. Indigenous Māori values and perspectives to inform freshwater management in Aoteoroa-New Zealand. Ecology and Society 21(4):9.DOI: 10.5751/ES-08804-210409
Storey RG, Wright-Stow A, Kin E, Davies-Colley R, Stott R 2016. Volunteer stream monitoring: Do the data quality and monitoring experience support increased community involvement in freshwater decision making? Ecology and Society 21(4):32. DOI: 10.5751/ES-08934-210432
Azevedo Lopes FW, Davies-Colley RJ, Von Sperling E, Magalhães AP 2016. A water quality index for recreation in Brazilian freshwaters. Journal of Water and Health 14 (2) 243-254. DOI: 10.2166/wh.2015.117
Tadaki M, Sinner J 2014. Measure, model, optimise: Understanding reductionist concepts of value in freshwater governance. Geoforum 51: 140–151.
Sinner J, Berkett N 2014. Collaborative freshwater planning: The challenge of a new paradigm. Policy Quarterly. 10(2): 67-72
Ballantine DJ, Davies–Colley RJ 2013. Nitrogen, phosphorus and E. coli loads in the Sherry River, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2013.815640
Ballantine D, Davies–Colley RJ 2013. Water quality trends in New Zealand Rivers: 1989-2009. Environmental monitoring and assessment. DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3508-5.
Hughey KFD 2013. Development and application of the River Values Assessment System for ranking New Zealand river values. Water Resources Management. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-013-0269-4.
McBride G, Cole R G, Westbrooke I, Jowett I 2013. Assessing environmentally significant effects: a better strength-of-evidence than a single P value? Environment Monitoring Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3574-8
Hughey KFD, Booth KL 2012. Monitoring the state of New Zealand rivers: how the River Values Assessment System can help. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 46(4): 545–556. DOI:10.1080/00288330.2012.707132
Davies-Colley RJ, Smith DG, Ward R, Bryers GG, McBride GB, Quinn JM, Scarsbrook MR. 2011. Twenty years of New Zealand’s National Rivers Water Quality Network: benefits of careful design and consistent operation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47:750-771. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00554.
Fenemor AD, Neilan D, Allen W, Russell S 2011. Improving water governance in New Zealand - stakeholder views of catchment management processes and plans. Policy Quarterly 7(4): 10–19.
Books and book chapters
Davies-Colley RJ 2013. River water quality in New Zealand: an introduction and overview. Chapter 2-12. In Dymond J ed. Ecosystem services in New Zealand: conditions and trends. Palmerston North, Manaaki Whenua Press, Landcare Research. Pp. 432–447. (ISBN 9780478347364)
Harmsworth GR, Awatere S. 2013. Indigenous Māori knowledge and perspectives of ecosystems. In: Dymond J ed. 2013. Ecosystem services in New Zealand: conditions and trends. Palmerston North, Manaaki Whenua Press, Landcare Research. (ISBN 9780478347364)
Greenhalgh S 2011. Regional council insights for freshwater management. In: Russell S, Frame B, Lennox J eds Old problems, new solutions: integrative research supporting natural resource governance. Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press.
Research reports
Booth P, Brown P, Sinner J. 2017. Evolving public perceptions of freshwater management in three New Zealand regions. Landcare Research Report. 32p.
Sinner J, Newton M, Brown P. 2016. Community perceptions of collaborative freshwater planning: A survey of three New Zealand regions. Cawthron Institute Report 2844. 38 p.
Kin E, Storey R, Wright-Stow A, Davies-Colley R. 2016. Engaging communities in freshwater monitoring: benefits and challenges. Prepared for Landcare Research. NIWA client report HAM2016-046. 41p
Sinner J, Newton M, Duncan R 2015. Representation and legitimacy in collaborative freshwater planning. Prepared for the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Contract CO9X1003. Cawthron Report No. 2787. 45 p. plus appendix
Storey R 2015. Predicting the effects of water abstraction and land use intensification on gravel bed rivers. A Bayesian network approach. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment, NIWA client report HAM2015-103 No. 83. 55p.
Robb M, Harmsworth G, Awatere S. Māori values and perspectives to inform collaborative processes and planning for freshwater management. LCR Report LC2119. May 2015. 66 p.
Gregory B, Wakefield B, Harmsworth G, Hape M, Heperi J 2015. Mauri Monitoring Framework. Pilot Study on the Papanui Stream. Report Prepared for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. February 2015. 52p.
Sinner J, Harmsworth G 2015. Maori and collaborative freshwater planning; emerging insights. Cawthron Institute Report 2647. 16 p.
Sinner J, Samarasinghe O, Newton M. 2014. Tools for working with freshwater values. Cawthron Institute Report 2569. September 2014. 77p.
Berkett N, Challenger I, Sinner J, Tadaki M 2013 Values, collaborative processes and indicators for freshwater planning. Cawthron Client report (2353) for Auckland Council: National Policy Statement Freshwater Management Implementation Programme. July 2013. 67 p.
Tadaki MY, Sinner J 2013. Structuring freshwater values: meaning and conflict in a regional plan. Cawthron Report 2282.
McBride GB, Davies-Colley R, Bargh M 2013. Towards a nationally consistent and dependable surface freshwater monitoring programme for New Zealand: description and costs including quality assurance. National Environmental Monitoring and Reporting (NEMaR) Phase 3. NIWA Client Report (HAM13-502) for the Ministry for the Environment. May 2013. 39 p.
Bull S, Bassett A, Hughey KFD 2012. Native birdlife in Gisborne District: Application of the river values assessment system (RiVAS and RiVAS+). LEaP Research Paper No. 5, Lincoln University.
Clapcott J, West D, Goodman J, Goodwin E, Lander R, Lucas J, Crone D, Murphy P, Palmer M, Hughey KFD 2012. Native fish: development and application of the River Values Assessment System (RiVAS and RiVAS+) Method to the Gisborne District Council Region. Land Environment and People Research Paper No. 10, Lincoln University, Canterbury.
Davies-Colley R, Verburg V, Hughes A, Storey R 2012a. Variables for regional monitoring underpinning national reporting: summary of recommendations. National Environmental Monitoring and Reporting (NEMaR) Variables, Step 2. NIWA Client Report (HAM2012-006) for the Ministry for the Environment. May 2012, Version 2, August 2012. 67 p.
Davies-Colley R, Verburg V, Hughes A, Storey R 2012b. Freshwater monitoring protocols and quality assurance (QA). National Environmental Monitoring and Reporting (NEMaR) Variables, Step 2. NIWA Client Report (HAM2012-092) for the Ministry for the Environment. August 2012. 96 p.
Harmsworth G, Awatere S 2012. Māori values – Iwi/hapū perspectives of freshwater management in the Auckland Region. LCR Report LC939 for the Auckland Council (Unitary Plan Team). 31 p.
Higgs P, Koll M, Crone D, Robertson J, Wilcox-Taylor K, Duncan B, Hughey KFD 2012. Water used for domestic purposes’ in Gisborne District: Application of the river values assessment system (RiVAS and RiVAS+). LeaP Research Paper No. 11, Lincoln University.
Hughey KFD, Cameron F, Cheyne J, Dickson R, Forbes A, Hashiba K, Rook H, Sharp T, Stephenson B, Welch B 2012. Native birdlife in Hawke’s Bay: application of the River Values Assessment System (RiVAS and RiVAS+). LEaP Research Paper No. 141, Lincoln University.
Sinner J, Fenemor A, Kilvington M, Allen W, Tadaki M, Baker M-A 2012. Valuing our waters – a case study in Tasman district, Nelson, Cawthron Institute. 126 p.
Storey RG 2012. Biological monitoring of rivers in Gisborne District: benefits, costs and recommendations. NIWA client report HAM2013-007 prepared for Gisborne District Council. December 2012. 23 p.
Te Uri o Hau 2011. Assessing the mauri of the Kaipara. Report prepared for Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Contract No. C09X1003 by Environs Holding Ltd. Whangarei, Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust, September 2011. 68 p.
Te Uri o Hau Environs Holdings Trust 2011. Te Uri o Hau Kaitiakitanga o te Taiao Te Uri o Hau Environmental management plan. Environs Holdings Trust Whangarei. October 2011 141 p.
Davies-Colley RJ, Ballantine DJ 2010. Suitability of NZ rivers for contact recreation: a pilot application of a water quality index to the NRWQN. NIWA Technical Report 133, July 2010, 19 p.
Selected conference presentations
Wright-Stow AE, Storey RG, Davies-Colley R. 2014. Stream monitoring by volunteers and professionals: do they tell the same story? 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop, University of Waikato, Hamilton, 1-6 November 2014.
Berkett N, Cradock-Henry N 2013. Structured decision making for freshwater futures. 2013 New Zealand Planning Institute Annual Conference: "Stop, Collaborate and Listen", Hamilton, New Zealand, 30 April – 3 May 2013.
Greenhalgh S 2013. Collaborative Processes for Freshwater Decision-Making Presentation. Landcare Research link seminar November 2013.. Whangarei, New Zealand, Northland collaborative process groups.
Greenhalgh S, Sinner J 2013. Collaborative processes for freshwater decision-making. Presentation. Landcare Research link seminar June 2013. MfE, Kate Sheppard Place, Wellington.
Harmsworth G, Awatere S 2013. Maori values approaches for setting freshwater limits. Presentation. Landcare Research link seminar 30 July 2013. MfE, Kate Sheppard Place, Wellington.
Storey R, Sinner J, Sharp T, Greenhalgh S, Quinn J 2013. [Abstract] Using Bayesian Networks to balance competing freshwater demands in New Zealand east coast watersheds. Society for Freshwater Science 2013 Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 19–23 May 2013.
Awatere S, Harmsworth G 2012. Integrating mātauranga Māori for freshwater management. Landcare Research Link Seminar. 30 October 2012, Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Environment House, Kate Sheppard Place, Wellington.
Fenemor AD 2012. Defining and balancing values in freshwater policy. Wellington, 27 March 2012. Landcare Research Link Seminar Lunchtime Series.
Russell S, Frame R 2011. Old problems, new solutions: Reflections on water governance. Wellington October 25, 2011. Landcare Research Link Seminar Lunchtime Series.
Bell B, Sinner J, Phillips Y, Yap M, Scarpa R, Batstone C, Marsh D 2012. Mixed signals: stated preferences for future states of three New Zealand rivers. 56th Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference, Fremantle, Australia, 7–10 February 2012.
Davies-Colley R, Ballantine D, Storey R, Hughes A. McBride G 2012. Research perspectives on water monitoring and reporting. NZ Freshwater Sciences Society Annual Conference, 3–7 December 2012. University of Otago, Dunedin.
Stringer A, Greenhalgh S 2012. Relational procurement: better contracting practices for operational research? Inaugural Asia Pacific Science Policy Studies Research Conference: "Constructing National Wellbeing through Science & Innovation", Wellington, 8–10 February 2012. 24 p.
Howard-Williams C, Davies-Colley RJ, Rutherford JC, Wilcock RJ 2011. Diffuse pollution and freshwater degradation: New Zealand perspectives. Invited paper presented at 14th International Conference of the IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group, (IWA DIPCON2010), Chateau Mont Sainte-Anne, Quebec City, Canada, 12–17 September 2010. Pp. 126–140.
Workshops/ Seminars
Storey R, Wright-Stow AE, Davies-Colley R. 2015. Can citizen science fill an emerging role for stream monitoring in New Zealand? Whau River Catchment Trust Symposium: Citizen Science for the Whau River Catchment, Avondale, Auckland, 13 May 2015.
Storey R. 2014. Bayesian Networks: A tool for balancing diverse freshwater values. Freshwater Values and Economics workshop, Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, 8-9 December 2014.
NIWA 2015. NIWA research on NZ lakes and rivers: water quality, landuse pressures, monitoring, ecological responses and restoration tools. Waicare Conference and workshop. Hamilton, May 4, 2015.
Davies-Colley RJ, Storey R, McBride GB, Wright-Stow A, Ballantine DJ 2013. Water monitoring and reporting: overview of the Freshwater Values Monitoring Outcomes Research Programme – Research Aim 2. VMO symposium “Tools for implementing the freshwater reforms” RSNZ Wellington, 15 October 2013.
Greenhalgh S ed. 2013. Summary overview – Freshwater Symposium: tools for implementing freshwater reforms. Freshwater Symposium, 15 October 2013. Royal Society, Wellington.
Harmsworth G, Awatere S 2013. Māori values for freshwater planning. Presentation: Freshwater Symposium 15 October 2013, Royal Society, Wellington.
Harmsworth G, Awatere S 2013. Maori values approaches for setting freshwater limits. Presentation. Landcare Research link seminar, 30 July 2013, MfE, Kate Sheppard Place, Wellington.
Awatere S, Harmsworth G 2012. Integrating mātauranga Māori for freshwater management. Landcare Research Link Seminar, 30 October 2012, Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Environment House, Kate Sheppard Place, Wellington.