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And Vanuatu makes six

The Pacific Soils Portal has had an upgrade: Vanuatu has become the sixth island nation to be covered by this popular service, with Vanuatu’s national soil dataset now saved from potential loss, and readily available for use.
Vanuatu is now live on the Pacific Soils Portal

Vanuatu is now live on the Pacific Soils Portal

The Pacific Soil Portal is a collaboration between Pacific Island nations, Manaaki Whenua, Australia’s Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIRO). The Pacific Soil Portal is a major initiative of the Pacific Soil Partnership, and through partnering with the Pacific Community’s Land Resources Division, was endorsed by the Heads of Government Departments from 23 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) at the regional meeting of the Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services.