Maksym Polyakov

Maksym Polyakov
A recent paper co-authored by Dr Maksym Polyakov and colleagues from the University of Western Australia, ‘Do protected areas increase household income? Evidence from a meta-analysis’, won that university’s Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics People’s Choice Award for Best Publication. The paper appeared in the journal World Development.
Pike Stahlmann-Brown

Pike Stahlmann-Brown
The Survey of Rural Decision Makers (SRDM) scooped the 2022 Quality of Research Communication Award at the 2023 Australasia Agricultural and Resource Economics Society conference for the suite of outputs from the survey. Dr Pike Stahlmann-Brown, who runs the survey, accepted the award on behalf of the wider team who create the survey outputs: Nicolette Faville, Karen Scott, Pam Booth and Leah Kearns.
Phil Lyver

Phil Lyver
Kaihautū Māori Research Impact Leader Dr Phil Lyver (Ngāti Toa Rangatira ki Wairau) has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi. Phil’s extensive and world-leading research leverages science and mātauranga Māori to advance knowledge at the interface of kaitiakitanga, ecology, and conservation. Phil says it has been a privilege over the years to work with tohunga, pūkenga, kaumātua, and kaitiaki from different iwi, who have been so generous with their knowledge and allowing him to learn from their expertise. The new Fellows were formally inducted at an event in Wellington on 27 April 2023.